Torture that CHARActer!

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A/n: And the award of Guessing The Right Gaster goes to 29cdog! I know a lot of you said X gaster but I just recently really liked the fan made show! A little side note as well, there's a certain chapter people have been commenting on about doing a genocide run or attack on Fury. So Anytime anyone wants to join that thing, their names will be posted on this chapter.

Jaybird dragon walks into a random with nothing but a light hanging above her head. She hummed in thought as she grabbed her chin and looked around the empty plain void "It's nice." JD said uncertainty, she then looked up and saw the light was turned off and raised her hand to grab the chain and heard the familiar click. The light was then yanked out of view and the empty space around her became like something you'd see on a 80's game show and exciting music began to play.

"Now this is better!" JD said as she put her hands on her hips. Her wings then began giant angel wings and she flew over to a chair and a desk then appeared in front of her as she sat down. JD smirked as a stack of cards appeared in front of her face and then landed in her gloved hands. "Hello everyone and welcome to another night of-" "Torture that CHARActer!" JD said as well as a group then joined in with her. She laughed as she set her feet on the desk.

"It's so great to hang around tonight with Y'all! It's also better to hear or see your comments on a chapter about how y'all were excited to see Fury have a battle in his mind, I think I said that correctly." She whispered the last part to herself and then shook her head. "But enough about that, let's get to the juicy stuff already!" JD said and stood up with her smirk. "Tonight were being joined by the one and only. You know, you hate him and love him, Nicholas Joseph Fury!" She said, all was heard was people booing as purple smoke appeared on a large sofa that was next to the desk. When the smoke cleared, Fury stood there, both confused and angry.

"How the h*%$ did I get here?!" He yelled, balls of paper and plastic cups were suddenly being thrown at him from the crowd. "Stop that!" He yelled and grabbed his gun with his finger on the trigger. He was about to shoot but all that came out of the gun was a flag with the word BANG! on it. JD started laughing as the crowd joined her too. "Oh, that's a classic!" JD said as she banged her hand on the table, Fury looked at her and growled. She started taking deep breaths to calm herself down as Fury marched up to her. JD sighed in relief as she wiped a tear out of her eye. "Okay, I'm done." She said as she sat down in the chair, right before Fury slammed his hand down on the desk.

"Who are you and how'd I get here!" He yelled at her, the crowd became quiet as JD raised a brow at him as if he was an idiot. "Seeing as how you're one of my favorite characters in the Avengers Fandom, I'll try to make this as less painful as I can and explain." She said and raised a finger, it suddenly glowed purple and so did Fury. JD pointed her finger at the sofa and Fury then landed on it. "Okay Nick, can I call you Nick?" She asked. "You may not." He said as he sat on the couch with a glare.

"Great! So here's the deal Nick, my name is Jaybird Dragon, or JD for short, on both Wattpad and YouTube and at the moment, you are in what I like to call my imagination." She said and grabbed the cards to look at them. "And after your little stunt with hurting the 'precious cinnamon roll' as some would call him, you sure got some bad haters." JD said and looked at the cards in her hands, shuffling them around until she found the one she was looking for. She heard him scoff and looked up at him.

"Why should I care if people hate me for doing my job?" He asked as he folded his arms, she blinked before erupting in laughter. Fury looked slightly worried but kept the same posture as she again tried to calm herself down. "Because these 'people" She said and air quoted her words. " can have as much power as I allow them to." She said and looked down at the cards. "But first, we have one request from one of my oldest fans of writing this book, @daughter_of_apollo12 !" She said, the spot light then went into a door as the door knob jangled. JD laughed sheepishly as she hovered over to it. "I just now remember I had them look like their avatar icon." She said and grabbed the door knob to reveal @daugther_of_apollo12  standing on their hind legs trying to open the door with their paws.

"Hello." They said as they landed on all fours and the crowd cheered. "Just a warning, seeing as how I know none of you people, I'm simply basing you all of what I've seen in the comments." JD said as she raised a finger, @daughter_of_apollo12  smirked at her. The two began to walk over to the desk as Fury raised a brow. "Seriously? i'm supposed to be afraid of whatever this is?" He asked, JD gasped. "Fury! Everyone, but you, is to be treated kindly on my made up show!" JD said and a microphone appeared in her hands as @daughter_of_apollo12 simply glared at Nick. "And now, for @daughter_of_apollo12 to reveal how Nick lost his eye." Nick laughed at this as JD lowered the mic to @daughter_of_apollo12 .

"Go ahead and try, no one, not even captain Marvel knows how I-" "He lost his eye because a cat name Goose scratched out his eye." @daughter_of_apollo12 said bluntly, Nick froze as everyone in the crowd began to laugh. "Why should I care if these random people know how I lost my- what are you doing?" Nick said as he suddenly saw JD showing @daughter_of_apollo12  her phone screen. "We're looking at the Avengers reactions of them actually finding out how you lost your eye." @daughter_of_apollo12 said and looked up at him. "You are aware you're on a live stream right?" They said, Nick's eye twitched.

"Can I go back home now? I have work to do." He said, JD looked up at him and sighed, standing up straight and putting her hand on her hip. "Fine." She groaned and tossed her phone into the air, purple flames engulfed it and it disappeared. "Right after some of my other fans have some fun." She said and snapped her fingers, @unikittyinaction suddenly appeared next to Fury.

"One of your fans is a cat?" He asked as if this was a joke, @unikittyinaction eyes suddenly glowed bright pink as a gaster blaster appeared next to her with bright pink glowing eyes. The blaster then shot a beam at Fury, causing smoke to rise off him and his clothes. More people appeared around him, each with either a knife, a glowing bone or a gaster blaster in hand or nearby.

"Nick, meet @unikittyinaction , @ThexXShadowXxGaming , @Someone56743 , @Just_Read -bruh , @Voidlessworlds , @KittycatgamerDanny , @YvainneKateAnies , @executivegay , @IxzyAndFriends , @I_aM_InJuRy_XD , @simp_for_bucky , and @simp_for_bucky ! Seeing as how I'm tired and hungry, I'll leave you all to him. But don't damage him to much." JD said as she turned around to walk away, the users all either glaring or smiling evilly at Nick. "Still need him for the story!" She said and flew off, leaving Nick all alone. He then laughed nervously.

"So, uh, you kids like tech?" He asked.

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