Back on the helicarrier

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Hey guys! This is a slight warning about this chapter, Sans does swear but I censored it. I did add the first letter of the curse word so you guys could understand it. They do curse in marvel movies so I just thought that was missing. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, maybe even guess who the new CHARActer is in this chapter. Again, ENJOY!

Undyne was lying on her bed, attempting to relax. Nothing but the steps of guards simply patrolling the halls were heard. Undyne sighed in relief. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" She screamed and began to punch the walls on her cell and scratch especially at the wall next to the cell door. Undyne whined and banged her head against the walls. The guards looked at her cell in confusion. "You think we should report her to Fury?" A guard asked another as Undyne had her face on the floor and pushed around in a bored manner. "Nah. My kids do the same thing when they're bored." The other guard said and then hummed in thought. "Oh, they called it a bored dance." He said, the other guard looked at Undyne who was now hanging upside down on her bed and her arms lay by her head.

"Maybe she's hangry?" The other guard asked, Undyne looked at them. She then got up and walked to the cell door, they aimed their guns. "PLEASE!" She cried and held her hands together in a begging manner. "I'm begging you! I don't care if it's just a ball! GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!" Undyne begged, the guards blinked. "Should we?" One asked, while Undyne cried. "Fury technically said to make sure Black widow didn't give them anything. He didn't say we couldn't." The other said as they looked at a tablet.

"But then again, we'd be helping her. Which is what we are not supposed to do." The other said as he gestured to Undyne who now had puppy eyes. "Fury also said to keep them quiet. What bad could she do with a ball? Roll it to the other cell?" They asked as they looked at the other guard sarcastically. The guards looked at Undyne who now had a moving lip. "Plus, who can say no to that face?" They said. "Fury. But we would be technically doing our job." They said and walked away from Undyne to go find her something to do. Once they were gone, Undyne groaned.

"Finally. Thought they'd never leave." She said and looked around before facing her cell. The door that was in front of her was made entirely out of energy. It was supposed to block her magic, which was what Undyne was made of as well. Undyne looked through the halls again before heading to her bed and picking up the pillow to reveal a note. She grabbed it and walked over to her door again and aimed at a cell. "Please let throwing my arrows be like throwing a paper." She said and threw it into a cell. It was Papyrus' cell, he was sitting against his wall in hopelessness. He grabbed the paper once he noticed it and opened it.

Hey ya punk! It's your captain, I really hope you're not saluting the paper.

He chuckled lightly at the words.

So far the people on my side are doing good. I really hope your doing okay, I can tell you haven't gotten any sleep after what Sans told you. I feel like he's gone crazy! I'm not trying to be rude but I'm just worried about the guy.

Papyrus gripped his hand as he finished reading the letter. It was mainly just Undyne asking if he was doing alright after what Sans did when he found out Fury started tests on Papyrus. He began to write back as he thought about what happened a few days ago.

Literally what the last sentence said...

Sans was sitting in his cell, glaring at the empty cage in front of him. Fury had taken Papyrus out of that cell a few hours ago and Sans was worried. He then heard people walking and looked over to see a weak and injured Papyrus with Fury behind them. "Paps?" Sans asked, concern filling his voice as he watched them, he then looked at Fury to see he had no emotion. "What did you do to him." Sans growled as he glared at Fury. Fury looked at Sans and blinked. "Why should it matter to you?" He asked, Sans balled his hands.

"Because he's my f@#^%*&, you a#$%^$&!" Sans yelled, Papyrus looked at his brother in shock. Sans never cursed unless he was mad. Fury raised a brow at him. "We didn't do anything to you or your humans! We just want to live a happy life, but you and your team of heroes, came and f**&^% that up!" He yelled, Fury narrowed his eyes at Sans "It's the tiny skeleton's turn." Fury said as the guards walked over to the cell door. Unaware of any of them, someone in the shadows smiled with pink eyes and snapped their fingers quietly. Sans pupils suddenly became pink and instead of seeing what was really happening to him, Sans saw a younger Papyrus shaking while another skeleton stood above him Sans eyes widened and then narrowed as he teleported and punched the skeleton to the ground.

"SANS!" The young Papyrus screamed as Sans kept on beating the skeleton to a pulp. It wasn't until Sans was electrocuted that Sans fell to the ground and began to see things clearly, he groaned as he looked and saw it was Fury he had beaten. The guards then grabbed Sans. "Take him somewhere I don't have to see him. I don't care if you starve him, make sure he learns his lesson." Fury said as he slowly stood up. Sans began to kick until a collar was put on him and he began to be dragged away. "LEAVE PAP ALONE! HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN!" Sans yelled as he was dragged, Papyrus was shocked as Fury closed Papyrus's cell door closed. Papyrus looked at Fury with fear. Fury looked at Papyrus and saw he was shaking.

"I'm only asking because you're the only monster who hasn't tried to escape." Fury stated, Papyrus looked at Fury in fear. "What did your brother mean when he said 'go through this again?" Fury asked, Papyrus looked down at the ground. "My father." Papyrus said, Fury was confused. "He said he wanted to help our kind, he did tests on me and Sans when we were only children. It's the reason Sans is so protective." Papyrus said and looked at Fury. "I believed our father had good in him." He said and looked up at Fury with a kind but tired smile. "I'm sure you do too. The tests and capturing us were for a good reason." He said, Fury frowned slightly. "I'm sure it's for someone you care about."

"What about when Hawkguy shot your brother?" He asked, Papyrus began to shake and smiled while crying. "Everyone c-can be a g-good person if t-they try hard e-enough." Papyrus said, Fury put his hands behind his back and walked away. Once he was in his office, he looked through the window of his office and put a hand on his eye patch. "I'm doing this for a good reason." He said, and turned away from the window and looked at his empty office. Then what Papyrus said suddenly floated in his head.

He did tests on me and Sans when we were only children, it's the reason Sans is so protective...

Fury sighed and went back to his work.

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