Nat meets Sans, again

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"How tall even is this place?" Nat asked, breathlessly. Frisk giggled a bit as Nat sighed and stood up."Were almost there." Frisk said and walked ahead.

"Frisk." Chara said, Frisk hummed in response. "Even if Nat is telling the truth, how are we sure none of the monsters will attack? You are aware they have been trying to kill certain humans for millions of years, right?"

"I didn't think of that." Frisk said, then they heard a twig snap. "Nat, be quiet." Frisk whispered as they froze. They listened but only heard birds chirping, crows cawing and something moving towards them. "Get behind me!" Nat said and stood in front of Frisk with a baton in her hand. The bushes in front of them moved more and more until a white blur jumped out of the bushes.

"Hoi! It's Temmie!" The familiar dog monster said with a smile. "Temmie!" Frisk said with joy and ran past Nat who was confused. "What are you doing all the way out here?" Frisk asked as they picked up Temmie.

"Skeleton with a blue jacket wanted to make sure Frisk was okay! Yeah, yeah!" Temmie said with delight as Nat walked over. "You know this, dog?" Nat asked Frisk.

"Yeah, I know most of the monsters because I either helped or even played games with some of them. Temmie here wanted me to buy Temmie flakes. There like cereal." Frisk said with a smile. "You can tell Sans i'm fine. But can you tell everyone I'm bringing a friend? I just want to be sure, in case Mom or Undyne haven't said anything." Frisk said.

"Yeah, yeah! Temmie can do that!" Temmie said as Frisk set them down. Once they had let the tiny dog monster go, Temmie was only a blur. "Are all the monsters like that?" Nat asked, who made her batons go into her bag.

"A few, Papyrus and MK are like that. I don't remember all the monsters, just my best friends." Frisk said and they continued up the trail until they came up on a large wooden gate. "Well, this is new." Frisk said.

"Halt! Who goes there!" Someone yelled, they jumped down and did a ground pound. Dust filled the space as Nat and Frisk coughed. "Wait is that you Punk?" Undyne asked. "Yup." They said, Undyne smiled and grabbed Frisk in a head lock and started giving them a noogie.

"About time you got here, squirt!" Undyne said, the two laughed as Nat just stood there. Undyne saw Nat and froze. "Uh, who's this?" Undyne asked as she put Frisk down. "Oh, this is the friend I told you about! Her name is Nat!" Frisk said. "Nat, meet Undyne, the undying. Undyne, meet at! Fellow monster lover." Frisk said.

"Nice to meet you." Nat said and held out her hand to Undyne. "We don't shake hands here." Undyne said, Nat looked nervous until Undyne smiled. "We hug!" She said. "Oh, i'm not much of a hug-OK!" Nat said as she tried to back away but got hugged by Undyne. "can you let me go now?" Nat asked breathlessly.

"Sure thing! Good to know there is at last another human who likes us monsters!" Undyne said as she let go of Nat. " We made this wall, since Sans made that fight, Asgore and Toriel ordered it. "Wait, mom and dad are agreeing on things?" Chara asked, Frisk shrugged their shoulders.

"Anyways, welcome to...." Undyne paused for a moment. "Yeah, still coming up with a name." Undyne said as she knocked on the door that opened. Nat's eyes went wide as she saw the small town of monsters. "Woah." Nat said as they walked in. She saw groups of monster children learning things, a bird monster flew up into the sky and made a rainbow.

"Human Frisk!" Someone yelled, Frisk smiled while Nat turned to see Papyrus running to Frisk with something in his arm. "It's great to see you and your friend!" Papyrus said and let go of the blue object in his hands and started shaking Nat's hands quickly. "Hello human! I'm the great Papyrus! You are?"

"I'm Rachel, but call me Nat." Nat said simply once Papyrus let go of her hand. "A pleasure to meet you! Isn't it Sans?" Papyrus asked, all they heard was snoring. "SANS!" Papyrus yelled as he looked at Sans who was sleeping and looking as if he face planted into the ground. "Huh? What?" Sans asked as he pushed himself up.

"I'm sorry Nat. He's always like this." Papyrus complained as he folded his arms across his chest. This is the guy we fought? He's either really good at acting or is just lazy. Nat thought in her mind as Sans stretched and yawned once he was standing on his own two feet.

"Sorry. Nice to meet ya, I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." Sans said and held out his hand to Nat. She mentally took a deep breath as she reached for his hand. "Rachel, but you can call me Nat." Nat said, Sans smiled lazily until he actually caught sight of her face. "Do I know you?" Sans asked, Nat kept her cool.

"I'm pretty sure you're the one who comes down to the town a lot so, maybe?" Nat said, Sans hummed in thought. "Sorry about him, he had a fight and ever since he got the crack on the back of his skull, he hasn't remembered correctly." Papyrus said. "What do you expect? Just a normal day for me." Sans said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Frisk froze as Chara smacked their forehead and sweat went down Sans face.

"What do you mean? Have you gotten into other fights?" Papyrus asked with worry now in his voice. Sans looked at the ground. "Sans, your HP isn't back to it's normal 1 yet!" Papyrus said and kneeled down to his level. "You weren't built for fighting. You know that even during training if there was one accident, it's game over!" Papyrus said as Nat found this interesting.

"Sorry to worry you, bro. I promise to be more careful." Sans said with a fake smile. "Like how you promised not to attack humans?" Papyrus asked. "Aw, come on Pap." Someone said, Nat looked down and saw Flowey. But instead of that once extremely creepy smile, he looked innocent. "Cut the old skeleton some slack. He was just protecting himself."

"Thanks, but I don't need help from a pile of weeds." Sans growled, Flowey glared. "Right back at ya, smiling trash bag." Flowey said, Nat backed away a bit, just in case. As Sans and Flowey fought, Frisk looked nervous while Chara's eye twitched. "THAT'S IT!" Chara yelled and ran into Frisk, causing them to fall. This caught Pap and Nat's attention. Frisk got up and turned to the two fighting. "Frisk?" Nat asked, then Frisk opened their ruby red eyes and walked over to Sans and Flowey.

"ENOUGH!" Chara's voice was replaced with Frisks, this time, it caught Sans and Flowey's attention. "WE HAVE A GUEST AND IF YOU DON'T QUIT IT-" They stopped as they grabbed their forehead, Flowey hid behind Sans who glared at Chara. They shut their eyes and staggered back.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." Frisk voice now coming out of their own body. "You guys just wouldn't quit." "It's cool. We should get going." Sans said with a glare and walked past Nat and Frisk. "Well." Nat said after a few moments of silence. "That was interesting." She said as she put her hands on her hips.

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