Chapter 6

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While Austin drove us back to my car, I had to lean my seat back a bit because I was so full from breakfast, but I had no regrets. He had music playing and a smile crept on my face. It hit me that I was in a peculiarly good mood, and I blamed the waffles.

Just when I was gazing out the window, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and the name on the text message sent me sitting straight up.


Austin noticed my sudden reaction and looked over to find me staring at my phone probably like I'd seen a ghost. I would've explained, but I doubted he cared to hear about any drama in my love life.

I opened the text from him.


Hey, sorry I've been quiet. Can we meet up tonight to talk?

It was odd. For the first time today, I had...kind of forgotten about my fight with Cole.

"Everything okay?" Austin asked.

Barely looking over at him, I said, "Yeah, it's just Cole."

I was thinking of what to say to him with my thumbs hovering over the keypad.

"Cole," Austin mulled over the name. "Was that the guy you brought to the engagement dinner?"


Although I wasn't looking at him, I could see Austin looking back from the road to me, probably wondering why I was just staring at my screen. "What? Your boyfriend mad you went out to breakfast with me?" There was a new playful edge to his voice, but I ignored it.

This time I looked at him, but more like he was being ridiculous. "He isn't my boyfriend," I said for the millionth time in my life.

"By your reaction, it seems like he's more than a friend," he pressed.

Why was this so hard for people to understand! "Because he is technically more than a friend, but not so much that he is a boyfriend," I groaned. "Out of everyone in this world, I'd expect you not to care so much about dating labels."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked. I don't know why he took such offense to it, or maybe I did because of our earlier conversation about his cheating scandal.

I tried to quickly clarify. "You mean to tell me you and 'Bunnie' are boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked. I honestly had no idea. Maybe they were and I was about to look like an idiot, but I had to say something.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you know me. That's all I'm saying."

What was his deal all of a sudden?

"Not that it matters," I told him. "But we got into a fight a while ago and I hadn't heard from him until now. He wants to see me tonight."

Austin's thumb began tapping on the wheel. "Whatever he did, I doubt it's worth your forgiveness."

I leaned my head in my hand. "That's the thing, this fight is my fault."

He quietly laughed, newly entertained by this. "Please, elaborate."

Why was I even telling him any of this? "He made it clear he may want to progress our relationship to being more than what we are, but I don't know." I threw my hands up. "I'm just not there. There's just something wrong with me, I guess. I honestly thought he was never going to talk to me again."

It was quiet and I thought I had said too much to Austin. Why would he care about my girl problems? Then he said, "He'd be an idiot if he didn't talk to you. I mean, most men are idiots but still."

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