Chapter 18

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On my drive home I couldn't help it, tears were burning the backs of my eyes. There was no fighting them as they streamed down my cheeks.

Before I left, I made sure Tyler was okay again and apologized, swearing I had no idea what that was all about. He was willing to let it go since he could now say he got into a fight with Post Malone. I wanted to ask him to keep it quiet, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. He was hesitant to hug me goodbye. Not that blamed him.

I neared the off-ramp to my house. God, what the hell was wrong with Austin! How would he ever justify hitting Tyler like that? I was overwhelmed by it all. This night – this day – had all turned to shit! This just solidified my decision to stop our little charade. I can't do this made-up version of friends with benefits thing anymore. It was too hard. Especially if he was going to parade other women in my face then punch a guy who only kissed me.

I knew I liked how spontaneous things were with us. How exciting it all was. It was fun...until it wasn't. My heart ached at the thought of losing Austin in the small way I had him, but I had to.

Plus, it's not like we were anything more than what we've been claiming to be. I knew deep down part of me needed more. Not commitment obviously, but just more than what we were doing. Hooking up with random people then each other didn't work for me. It should've, but it didn't.

As crazy as the idea sounded, whatever Austin and I had started was never supposed to become anything more than what it was. And I didn't want it to. But I'd be lying if I said just getting to know him...I didn't come to like him. The idea was so wild to me. I always knew when I liked someone, it was obvious, but it was like I was in denial when it came to Austin because it was nothing I ever thought would happen. I'm guessing that's why I can't keep this up. I was getting jealous because of it and it was complicating things. Which made this choice all the more reason to end things now.

When I parked my car at home, I felt like I had cried all the tears I had in me. My eyes were puffy, and I was exhausted. I rushed inside, ready to throw myself in bed and sleep.

Maybe even add some wine to the mix. Lord, knew I needed it.

I got out of my clothes, dragging my feet to my kitchen to pour a glass of wine. I gulped down half of it before refilling it then headed back towards my room. Getting deep under my blankets, I turned on the tv to try and distract my thoughts as I continued to sip my wine. My phone was in my purse out in the kitchen and I thought it best to leave it out there. I doubt Austin was going to try to call or text me, but on the chance he did, I didn't want to talk to him right now. Not in the state I was in.

The wine began kicking in, relaxing me, and I was thankful. I flipped through the channels again finding a movie and downed the last of the wine before getting up to turn the lights off.

Just as I was forcing my legs to stand, a loud pounding came from my front door echoing throughout the house.

What the hell?

At first, I jumped, thinking it was a murderer. My heart was instantly thundering against my rib cage. Then I thought logically and knew a killer wouldn't come knocking. The pounding rapped at my door again. Who the hell was at my house pounding at my door, most likely waking my neighbors?

The answer seemed obvious but there was no way Austin was here. Not when he had Candy with him, and she had explicit plans for them after dinner.

Still wary, I opened the door. On the other side, I found a seething Austin. Before I could get a word in, he busted through and stormed into my house.

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