Chapter 16

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Austin texted me he was outside. Our scheduled food tasting was in thirty minutes. I had insisted earlier this morning that picking me up wasn't necessary. The place where we were going wasn't far from where I lived, but for whatever reason, he insisted.

I grabbed my purse and headed out the front door. Once I got inside his car the smell of leather intoxicated me just like every other time. Except that's not the only thing that had immediately affected me. The sight of him did too. It'd only been a few days and I felt like I hadn't seen him in weeks. This odd urge to just touch him crept up inside of me but I pushed it back down.

"Hey," I said.

He smiled at me and pulled away from my house. "How was your night?" he asked.

Instantly I tensed, thinking of Tyler. Calm down, nothing happened. I'm sure he was wondering why I had texted him so late to come over. "It was fun. Went out to Lure with Gergana and some of her coworkers."

His eyebrows raised. "Yeah?"

"Yup." I decided not to go into detail letting him wonder. "You have a good night?"

He played vague as well when he said, "It was alright." A second later he added, "I'm sorry I couldn't come over."

I shrugged it off as if I didn't care – because I didn't. "It's fine. I ended up passing out anyway."

He nodded, leaving us back in silence. The awkward tension was becoming more evident with each passing second. I knew it was mostly my fault for being grumpy about last night, which wasn't fair to him.

Putting my pettiness aside, I tried to change my attitude. "I'm pretty excited for today."

"Hell yeah," he cheered, and it was nice seeing his mood switch too. "I once judged a cookie contest in my third-grade class. If that's not a sign that I was born to be a taste tester of food then I don't know what is."

I laughed at the thought. Mostly Austin being little with no tattoos covering him. "If there are pictures of that, I have to see them. I don't think I could imagine a young version of you without all the tattoos without photo evidence."

"I'm sure my mom has photos of it stashed somewhere back in Texas."

"Any chance she'd just fax some over?"

He let out a mock laugh. "Probably. But those photos won't see the light of day if I have anything to say about it."

"Hmm." I dramatically tapped my chin. "Maybe I'll just have to ask her for those myself."

"Good luck."

Just as we neared the restaurant, a goofy smile was plaster across my face, thinking of the idea of meeting his mom and looking at old photos of him. Or even just corresponding with her. I was giggling to myself when suddenly I remembered there was something I had been meaning to tell him that I wanted to do in person.

"I nearly forgot!" I said in a rush. I hope he wasn't going to freak out. I can't believe I forgot to tell him the moment I saw him. "I was waiting until I saw you to tell you, but something happened the other day."

The strangest look of panic took over his face, and I didn't understand what he'd be panicked about. "Okay," he drew out.

"The day you left my house when Gergana came over...well...she kind of found your clothes in my bathroom, and then used her freakish detective work to figure out that something more than likely was going on between us."

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