Chapter 17

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We made it to his recording studio, and I realized it'd been a while since I'd been to Santa Monica. I made a mental note to try and come back out here again. I missed how close to the ocean it was and how amazing the salty air smelt. The building we had parked in front of was just off a busy street. I chastised myself for partly being worried that we'd be seen. Paparazzi had to have had this place staked out just waiting for any celebrities to go in and out.

Austin had put the car in park when I looked over at him. A feeling ran through me that told me I needed to keep my word to Austin and not care what tabloids would possibly say about us.

Just as I was ready to bite the bullet, he said, "You can wait here if you want. I'll be quick."

"Are you sure? I don't mind," I said, letting him know I was all in on the possibility of us being seen.

He glanced down at his phone quickly before nodding. "Yeah, it'll just a few minutes."

"Okay." I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a small amount of relief that flooded through me just then.

He got out of the car, giving me a quick smile. Just as he disappeared through the doors, I decided to pull out my phone and entertain myself. Right away, I saw a text back from Tyler.


Speaking of good food. Would you be free tonight to go grab some dinner?

I was momentarily taken aback. He was asking me out? In my mind, I was ready to say no. I was here with Austin after all, not to mention what we'd just done on our way here. I couldn't say yes. That would be wrong, wouldn't it? No matter how cute he was. Flirting at the club last night was innocent, but a date would definitely cross the line of me not messing around with two guys at the same time. I just couldn't...

Plus, Austin and I were having such a good day today. He'd been so sweet, I felt like I'd be going behind his back, even though we didn't have any agreement to be exclusive.

Just as I was getting ready to text Tyler back and let him down gently, my phone started ringing.

It was Gina.

"Hey, I was going to call you in a bit," I said, assuming she was wondering how the food tasting went.

"You better have!" she joked. "And as much as I want to hear about it, it's not why I'm calling."

"Oh, what's up?"

"Jace is trying to get ahold of Austin and he isn't answering his phone. He needs him to ask his manager if they got the paperwork they sent over about some agreement. Apparently, it's time-sensitive. I was hoping you were still with him so Jace could at least confirm it with him."

I glanced at the building, not seeing Austin heading back out. "Yeah, I am, but he's not near me at the moment," I began to explain. "He was dropping me off at home when he got a text to stop by his recording studio. I think his manager is here too actually. But he ran inside while I stayed in the car."

"Do you mind running inside? Jace is pressed for time and really needs an answer."

I let out a, ehh, sound. "I don't know. I've never been in there, and I don't even know if I'm allowed."

She went quiet a moment then said, "Jace said he texted Cassey, she works the front counter. She'll let you in."

I groaned once more. I hated the idea of me waltzing in there. I don't know why, but it felt like I was invading his space or something. Even though he brought me here. Dammit. Not like I had much of a choice now. "Fine, I'll go in there, but he better explain that I was forced into this!"

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