Chapter 10

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Early the next morning I awoke with Austin's arm still around me. Sometime during the night, we became entwined with one another against the couch. Or as some would say, we were cuddling on the couch together. It took me a second to realize where I was, and who I was with.

I pulled my head back away from Austin's chest to find him still sound asleep. The events of last night played through my head. I'd be lying if I said things hadn't...escalated last night. And as unreal as it all seemed in the light of the morning sun; I didn't regret a moment of it. The only angst I had was Austin would wake up, claim to not remember a thing and run out of here. I groaned internally not in a rush to deal with the morning after awkwardness. Knowing coffee would help any situation, I slowly began to slip myself out of Austin's grip, sliding off the couch as gracefully as I could. Luckily, I got up without waking him and made my way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

I checked my phone while waiting at the kitchen island and was shocked to learn it was almost noon. Holy shit. I haven't slept in this late since I was a teenager. Then I noticed I had a message from Gina letting me know she and Jace would be getting the wedding party together tomorrow at one, then linked the address to where we'd be meeting.

Her message reminded me that I still needed to get her a bridal shower gift.


To my luck, I was well rested to spend the day shopping to find one. I set my phone down to pour myself a cup of coffee and began sipping it, looking at Austin's still form. God, what was he doing to me? Staying the night. Messing around. This wasn't what I usually did. However, everything between him and I had always been so unexpected that I couldn't prepare for it or go about my usual ways.

I shook the feeling the sight of him gave me now and tried to think of what to get Gina instead. It was a less complicated topic to think of. Taking a seat back at the island, I went to take another sip of my coffee when I heard a rustling coming from the couch behind me. I turned around to find Austin awake and sitting up on the couch. He dropped his head between his hands and rubbed at his temples.

Yeah, he had to be feeling that hangover.

"Coffee?" I asked.

He grumbled. "Yes, and a bullet to the head."

A snicker came from me before replying. "I don't have any bullets, but I do have some ibuprofen."

"Beggars can't be choosers, I guess."

I got up to get him some from the bathroom, and when I came back out, he was sitting at the island staring off to nowhere in particular, probably hating life.

"Here," I said. When I reached him, I gave him the medicine and poured him coffee, remembering he liked it black. I slid him the mug and he used it to wash down the pills.

There was a moment of silence and I reached for my mug wondering if Austin really did even remember last night. For all I knew, he could've taken other drugs that messed with his mind more than I considered.

The silence was bordering awkward. No longer able to take it, I walked around the island, stopping about a foot away from him. "I should probably go take a shower," I said, ready to run away.

Austin looked up at me and raised his eyebrows suggestively. Okay, maybe he did remember last night, but I still wasn't going to be the first one to bring it up.

"That's probably a good idea," he said, with his eyes trailing down below my belly button.

I squirmed in place, nervously, then set down my mug. "Yeah, I've got a day of shopping to do before tomorrow so I should get ready."

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