Chapter 22

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Elena's Pov

We arrived at school a little later than usual. Went took Zach's truck because it was raining.
We walked into the school entrance hand in hand and everyone was staring at us. Suddenly I felt really nervous and shy. Stefan noticed everyone looking at us and he bent down and whispered in my ear.
"Probably jealous of how sexy you look" and I smiled.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked through the hall. I heard girls whispering and I just smiled.
My first class was Biology with Mr Parkinson and Stefan had Biology with Mrs Dawson. He walked me to my class and turned me around and kissed me passionately in front of a group of girls.
He pulled back and said "I love you".
"I love you too" I replied and kissed him quickly and went into class.
Bonnie and Care were in our usual spots waiting for me with huge cheesy grins in their faces, oh crap, I laughed to myself.

Stefan's Pov

I walked to Mrs Dawson's class and saw Elena's little brother Jeremy on the floor. I ran up to him.
"Jeremy? Jeremy!" I said shaking him.
He had been beaten up, he had a split lip and cuts and bruises all over his face and neck. His hand was bleeding. My face started to change and I thought of Elena, and it went away, the urge went away I smiled to myself.
I picked him up and took him outside to one of the smoking pits where students go, it was empty which was good.
He was very weak, probably the drugs so I bit into my wrist and fed him my blood to heal him. He strengthened up and stared at me frightened. I pulled my wrist away and had to hold him down.
"Dude what the hell!!" He screamed.
"Shh! Look at me" I said.
He stared into my eyes and I stared back.
"You will not remember me feeding you my blood, all you remember is that you got beaten up and I found you and I took you to the nurses office" I compelled him.
He broke eye contact and thanked me for helping him.
I ran back inside to class and took my seat, I couldn't stop thinking about how Elena helped me through my urges, I can do this.

Damon's Pov

I arrived back home around 1:00pm, what the hell did I do last night I thought to myself.
I walked into the kitchen and saw an unfinished plate of waffles on the table, so I walked over to them and ate them, I was starving.
I finished them and walked upstairs to see if Stefan was in but then I remembered its a school day. I went into his room and his bed sheets were all ruffled up, there was a bra on the floor and panties on the nightstand, and Stefan's clothes from yesterday scattered everywhere.
"Wow I'm guessing they finally did it" I laughed to myself.
I walked out and went to my room to change into some fresh clothes.

Elena's Pov

We'd had 3 classes now and it was time for lunch break. I tried to get to Stefan before Care and Bon got to me but I failed.
"So we've been watching you all day and OMG ELENA YOU FINALLY DID IT DIDN'T YOU!!" Caroline screamed.
"Caroline shut the hell up!" I said.
"Sorry OMG haha" she whispered.
"Yes we did finally have sex" I said calmly.
"So how was he?" She asked.
I just motioned my eyebrows and let off a huge smile and walked off to find Stefan.
"Hey no fair!" Caroline yelled from behind me"

Stefan's Pov

It was lunch break and I just waited for Elena near Zach's truck.
She came running over to me and jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I kissed her passionately.
"Hey sexy" she whispered in my ear.
"Hey" I whispered back.
She jumped down and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I turned us round so she was pinned up against the truck. I licked her bottom lip for access and she let me enter, I found her tongue and twisted it around mine whilst kissing her roughly. I started kissing her down her neck and remembered that we're still in the school parking lot.
I pulled back and we just laughed at how aroused we got eachother.
"Maybe we should hold off until later" she said placing her hand on my heart.
"Definitely" I said back and kissed her quickly on the lips.
We sat in Zach's truck and ate our lunch.
"I need to tell you something Elena, when I was walking to class I found Jeremy beaten up and laying on the floor nearly unconscious, so I picked him up and took him outside and fed him my blood. I compelled him to forget about the blood, all he remembers is that I found him and took him to the nurses office" I explained.
"Oh my god. Thank you for doing that, who beat him up?" She asked me.
"I'm not sure but I think it was Tyler Lockwood" I said.
"If it is I'm gonna gonna kill him!" She yelled. I just stared at her shocked of what came out of her mouth.
"What?" She asked giggling.
"Nothing, I've just never seen you so furious before" I replied.
"Oh right" she said.
"No no, it's kinda hot" I told her and kissed her.
"Look I'm gonna leave soon cause Damon will be home now" I said.
"Ok sure, I'll ask one of my girls to drop me off back home" she replied.
"Ok, I love you" I said.
"I love you more" she smiled.
She kissed me quickly and got out and waved. She walked towards the school and I drove home to see my brother.

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