Chapter 7

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Elena's Pov

I had my bath and my dinner, just made tuna casserole that's all.
I walked upstairs to my room grabbed my bag and started doing my homework. I couldn't concentrate though, Stefan was on my mind.
*Knock Knock Knock*
Who could that be I thought, I quickly ran downstairs to the front door and opened it and there he stood, Stefan.

Stefan's Pov

I did some more hunting and decided I had to see her again, I had too know if she was ok.
I walked to the centre of town and came across and girl from school and asked her "Do you know where Elena Gilbert lives?" She looked at me confused.
So I had to compel her to tell me.
"She lives at 935 Woodland Road, two blocks that way" she said pointing to her left.
"Thankyou, forget this conversation ever happened and enjoy the rest of your night" I said and walk the way she told me to go.
I arrived at Elena's house it was a pretty house, it had a cozy porch, with a big black door, and a seat swing. I walked up to the door and knocked three times.
She answered and i caught my breath.
"Oh uh hi" she said.
"Sorry if I startled you I just wanted to apologise for my disappearance earlier today" I explained.
"Oh no it's fine, I get it, blood makes you uncomfortable" she suggested.
"Uh yeah something like that" I answered.
We stood there for about 30 seconds without saying anything.
"Would you like to come in?" She asked.
Did she really just ask me?
"Yes" I nodded. She moved out the way and stepped into her house. I couldn't wait to get to know her more.

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