Chapter 32

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Elena's Pov

After the dress hunt we went to get some shoes, I got black glittery heels. Then I got a Gold clutch bag and this beautiful piece to fit in my hair.
"I think it's time for food" I said to Jenna.
"Yes I think so too haha" Jenna said and we walked to Mcdonalds.
I ordered a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese Meal and Jenna got the McChicken Meal. We sat down near the window and watched people go by.
"So how are you and Stefan?" Jenna asked.
"It's perfect Jenna. He's perfect, i couldn't be happier" I said.
"I am so happy for both of you, and I hope you stay together" Jenna explained.
"Thank You" I replied and we ate our food.

Stefan's Pov

Me and Damon were sat on the good of the truck looking at the sky, we were tired now.
"About what you said earlier, does Elena know what she has to do?" Damon asked concerened.
"Yes she does, I explained it to her last night and she didn't seem scared" I said.
"She will be when the time comes, speaking of that when is it going to happen?" Damon said.
"Whenever she's ready" I answered and we both went back to look at the sky.
We drove home and was starving so we decided to do more brother bonding and go to the Mystic Grill.
I texted Elena,
'Hey gorgeous, brother bonding part 2 at The Grill with Damon. Hope you found a dress. Love you, Stefan xxxxxxxx' I sent.
'Hey Mr.Salvatore;). Have a good time, I suggest the Steak Pie. Yes I got a dress, we're just about to start driving home, love you more. Elena xxxxxxxxx' She replied land i smiled.
"Yo Stefan come on already!" Damon yelled and I walked outside to meet him and we walked to The Grill (well Vamp Ran).

Elena's Pov

Me and Jenna got home around 2:00 and cried silly ilyl cause our feet were aching.
"Jer!" I shouted.
"What?" He shouted back.
"I'm sleeping at Care's tonight, so don't be an arse towards Jenna!" I told him.
"K!" He said back and I went back to Jenna.
"So tonight me and Caroline are watching The Notebook again haha, and eating Indian Food, what's the best place to order from?" I asked Jenna.
"Uhm 'Indie-Yum is perfect, order from there" Jenna suggested and I thanked her and went to pack my things for tonight.

Damon's Pov

We arrived at The Grill and went straight to the bar first.
"Two glasses of your finest Whiskey please kind Sir" I said sarcastically.
We got our drinks and went to sit down at a table.
The waitress came over and took our ordered and me and Stefan began talking again when Bonnie walked in.
"Be right back" I said to Stefan and he nodded.
I walked over to Bonnie and she gave me a big hug. We pulled back and I kissed her passionately.
"Hey Beautiful" I said.
"Hi hehe" She replied.
"I needed to ask you a favour, come with me" She said and I followed her outside to an ally.
"So what's up?" I said holding her hand.
"I'm trying a new spell and I need supernatural blood aka Vampire Blood, can I take some of yours?" She said pulling out a small plastic tube.
"Uh yeah sure" I said and bit into my hand, I lifted my hand over the tube and let the blood trickle into it.
"Thank You" She said and kissed my cheek.
"I'll call you later" She said and walked away.
I went back inside and explained to Stefan what just happened.

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