Chapter 30

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Erica's POV

Instead of heading back to boy's house I decided to crash at Dani's with Eleanor. I texted Niall letting him know resulting in a depressed Niall according to Liam's texts to Dani.

"How does Chinese and a move sound?" Eleanor yelled from her position on the sofa. Dani and I chuckled at her from the kitchen where we were preparing drinks.

"Sounds good El, you wanna ring?" Dani yelled in reply as she poured our concoctions into cups. Within a minute we could heard Eleanor rattling off our order.

Dani sniggered as she made Eleanor's drink; we had filled it with random items of food and filled it with peppermint essence so she couldn't smell it. Something that apparently Louis has done to Dani many times. We walked out with the drinks and handed El her 'special' drink.

"What movie are we watching?" Dani asked as she sat on the sofa between Eleanor and I.

"CAPTAIN AMERICA!" She hollered and placed her drink on the table and reached for the remote. I took a sip of my drink, we had made choc-mint thickshakes with a bit of help from Nigella's cook book. The starting credits started rolling and Eleanor picked up her drink.

I suppressed a giggle while watching her through the corner of my eye. She took a big sip, her eyes bulged and she spat it out all over the table. Dani and burst out laughing as she scraped her tongue with her fingers.

"That was NASTY! You are gonna pay for that." She screamed with a playful glint in her eye.

I looked and Dani,

"Run!" Dani screamed, we jumped from the longue just as Eleanor pounced.

We spent the next half and hour running around the house from Eleanor. Eventually she caught us both and we definitely regretted it, she hogged her share of Chinese when it arrived. We sat there pouting as she helped herself to the greasy goodness.

She saw us staring and roller her eyes,

"Fine you can have some." I grinned and dove for the Sweet and Sour pork, my absolute favourite.

We spent the rest of the night drooling over Chris Evans and cried when he crashed the ship. I know, we are such girls. I missed having girlfriends to do this with. I hadn't had anything like this for months, not since Veronica died.

I glanced over at the girls who were fast asleep curled together on the couch. I sighed as the movie finished. My phone rang and I answered in quickly so I didn't wake the girls without bothering to check the ID.

"Vas?"I heard a chuckle,

"Hey babe." I grinned,

"Hey Nialler." I could practically hear him smile,

"What time you coming home tomorrow?"

I sighed and looked at the wallclock above the TV, 11:56.

"Probably around lunch, why? You miss me?" I teased with a grin.

"Wipe than grin off your face missy! And yes I do miss you." I giggled and walked into the kitchen hoping to not wake the girls.

"You wanna meet at Nandos for lunch?" I asked, he sighed in response causing my brow to furrow.

"What's wrong Niall?"

"We'll get spotted by fans and paps." I smiled slightly at his concern,

"Do you not want to go public yet?" I asked anxious for his reply. I was happy to go public, I don't use twitter or facebook anyway so I couldn't really get affected by hate mail.

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