Chapter 33

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Erica's POV

I stood waiting desperately at the airport luggage terminal. My head kept turning in every direction hoping to catch a glimpse of their dearly missed face. There was a tap on my shoulder that cause me to spin around and come face to face with the one person I was looking for.

"Erica!" She screamed in my ear making me chuckle,

"Hey Stella" I said wrapping my arms around her tiny waist.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" She mumbled against my neck causing me to sigh,

"I missed you Stel." She pulled away and shot me a small smile,

"Its only been like 8 months or something rediculous like that." I chuckled and turned to see my luggage moving past us on the conveyer belt.

Stella grabbed my suitcase and linked arms with me,

"Come on, Zach and Beth are waiting for us back at my place. You have to meet Zach's new boyfriend, he is AMAZING." She continued to ramble on about how Zach was totally in love with this guy and that Beth had scored a boyfriend.

Live While We're Young was playing through the speakers of the airport making me smile. It had been 3 days since I'd spoken to Niall because I had been so busy packing for Australia. They were travelling to LA today so they were out of range for Skype so we had settle with texts.

Eleanor and Dani had bought me an iPhone a few days after the boys left seeing I didn't have one. At first I refused but Niall insisted that it would be an easy way for contacting each other.

A gentle slap on my cheek brought me from my slight trance. I turned to see a grinning Stella,

"stop dreaming about your gorgeous boyfriend and get in the car." I chuckled and climbed into her red Toyota Yaris, small but comfortable.

She climbed into the driver's seat and started the ignition.

"Let's put some music on babe!" I cheered and reach for the stereo. Ed Sheeran's Drunk began pounding through the speakers. We cheered and started dancing awkwardly as she pulled out of the car park and headed towards her house in Indooroopilly.

Zach and Beth's cars were both parked in the driveway alone with Stella's mum's. Two bodies bolted out of the front door and tackled me against the side of the car knocking the breath from my lungs.

"Oh my goodness I missed you so much Ezzy." Zach practically screamed into my ear while Beth continued to squeeze the life from me.

"Let her get inside before you kill her, we don't need any witnesses." Stella joked as she pried Zach and Beth from my body. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my carryon bag from the footwell,

"Nice to know that my best friends want to kill me." Beth pouted,

"Only cause you're moving to the UK."

I sighed and grabbed my suitcase from Stella's hand,

"I can't live here without a legal guardian." They all pouted as we walked towards the front door.

"You could always come live with me." Beth suggested which made me sigh,

"I've already moved in with a friend of mine in London." The girl sighed with defeat while Zach swung his arm around my shoulder,

"At least we can still talk on skype eh babe?" I chuckled,


I collapsed onto Stella's bed and sighed, I was suffering terribly from jet lag with the 11 hour time difference.

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