Chapter 9

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Niall’s POV

I woke to the sound of Louis singing, and someone trying to play my guitar. Slowly I opened my eyes in front of me was Louis sitting on the couch with my guitar trying to play a song.

Liam being Liam sat on the floor in front of him with his laptop mumbling away about how Louis can’t play guitar to save his life, most likely doing a twitcam.

“Hey sleepy head is awake.” Louis yelled placing my guitar beside him. I groaned, sitting up,

“What time is it?” Liam peered at the laptop screen,

“11:30am.” I flopped back onto the bed.

“Need, sleep.” Louis tutted,

“No can do leprechaun, we’re going out with the girls today. I wanna give Erica a run for her money at the arcade.” He grinned evilly, I snickered.

“Whatever Lou.”

I sauntered into the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My hair resembled a bird nest, blonde hairs sticking up in every direction.

The brown was starting to show on the bottom layers closer to my skull, probably need to dye it again when we get home.

I heard someone charge through the front door, either Zayn had a bad hangover or Harry was awake. Harry is NOT a morning person.

“NIALL!” I heard Harry yell,

“In here mate.” I called, running the tap to wash my face. I needed to survive breakfast without falling asleep.

“Houston we have a problem.” He said barging into the room; sheer terror was piled across his face.

“What’s up?” I said drying my face.

“This.” He shoved a note into my hands, forcing me to read.

‘To whom ever this concerns,

Your little friends Erica and Christina will be gone for a while. Until I get my revenge on the ungodly man who ruined my LIFE! You won’t be seeing your precious girls until I get what I came for… revenge.

I suggest you show this to Captain Mitchell, if you know what’s good for you, you will. This concerns him greatly. I have many other hostages, a number of young girls and several women.

And don’t try to save these girls; I will kill them in a second if any of you try anything.’

I stared at the paper,

“You don’t really believe this do you?” I said giving Harry back the note. He just stared at me,

“You don’t?” I shrugged,

“It’s probably just the girls pulling a prank on us.” The expression on his face didn’t change

“Her guitar is smashed. It’s as if someone stood on it in the dark last night.” My jaw dropped,

“Smashed? You’re fooling me right?”

“I wish I could say I am but I’m serious. I think they’re in trouble.” My heart sunk, I now think there is a high chance that they have been taken.

What if Erica was hurt, bleeding and crying out for help but no one could hear her? She could be dying and I couldn’t be there to protect her.

My heart was breaking, I had no idea where she was and was too scared for her safety to go after her. I wouldn’t know where to start anyway. I barely know how to find the galley from here.

“We gotta show Mr. Mitchell.” Harry said breaking my thoughts, I nodded. I felt Liam grab my arm,

“Come on mate, we’ll find them. I’m sure it’s just a friend of there’s being an ass.” I shook my head,

“I think this is serious Li. I have a gut feeling that Erica is in trouble.” His eyes widened, normally when I got a gut feeling, it was true or became true.

“Let’s go.” He said, voice suddenly filled with fear.

We didn’t even bother to knock on Mr. Mitchell’s door, Liam swung the door open and Harry, Louis and I followed. Zayn was still in bed with a hangover, idiot.

Mr. Mitchell stood up and smiled,

“Morning boys.” His smiled fell when he saw our expressions.

“Something the matter lads? What have I missed?” Liam handed him the note.

His expression hardened as he read the words sprawled across the paper.

“Where did you find this?” Liam, Louis and I looked at Harry,

“I found it on Erica’s bed. I went to find Chrissy because they had a sleepover last night. I got there and the room was empty, Erica’s guitar was smashed and that note sitting on a pillow.”

“Samuel!” Mr. Mitchell yelled. A young man around the age of 24 walked in,

“Yes sir?”

“Do a head count! I want to see how many other people have been taken.”

“Right away sir.” And with that he was gone. Mr. Mitchell (I’ll refer to him as Damien from now on) sunk into his chair and placed his head in his hands.

An hour and a half later Samuel reported back the numbers. 27 people in total were reported missing. My heart was racing, who knew what this guy wanted.

The freak had taken my girlfriend, not cool. I didn’t know what to do; I couldn’t just sit here a wait for news about her. But I couldn’t risk her getting hurt or even killed. I would die for her; I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to her.

Erica’s POV

“Ez? Ezzy wake up! Please wake up!” a voice broke though the mist within my mind. Someone was shaking me, I heard the person crying. I groaned and managed to open my eyes.

The room was fairly dark, the only light was the dim sunlight coming through the black curtains the hung across the windows.

I saw Christina kneeling beside me, still shaking me.

“Chrissy stop.” Her face lit up,

“You’re ok!” she cried engulfing me in a massive hug,

“Mhm. Where are we?” Her face fell,

“I’m not sure. The door is locked.”

I heard another voice beside me,

“Who, who are you?” I sat up, I then realised we weren’t alone. There were about 7 other girls around my age sprawled across the room, most unconscious.

“Erica Mitchell and you are?”

“Sandy Gregory, where are we?” I shrugged,

“I honestly have no idea.” Her face fell.

The memories from last night flashed through my mind. Waking up from the sound of the door opening and closing. The silent figure moving around my room, closing the curtains. The figure lunging for me, the chocker tied around my mouth and the sharp pain in my head.

My eyes widened, “Ez? What is it?” Christina asked sounding worried.

“Um, ugh, I had a flashback of last night.” She cocked her head; I explained everything I remember from last night to her and Sandy.

“So we’ve been kidnapped?” Sandy said, she was on the brink of tears. I nodded slowly; the pain from being hit on the head soared.

“I’m going back to sleep.” I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it was 5 in the afternoon.

“Me too.” Sand agreed, we cuddled close together to save body heat.

“I’ll join you two.” Christina said, resting her head on my stomach. I soon fell into a deep sleep, which didn’t last long enough for my liking.

I heard a key in the door and the loud creak as it swung open, I refused to open my eyes. I heard a loud thud and the door slammed shut. I then heard two loud groans as whoever it was tried to sit up. Tiredness got the better of me; I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now