Chapter 25

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This chapter is dedicated to my amazing friend Terri!!! She’s moving two states away tomorrow :( 

Erica’s POV

I sighed and rested my head on the plastic table.

“I win!” Louis yelled collecting his poker chips, 27th time today Louis has beat me at poker. Liam grunted and slammed his cards to the table,

“How are you always winning?” Louis shrugged and grinned,

“Another round?” I shrugged and tossed my cards across the table.

“I know! Let’s play strip poker!” He exclaimed fist pumping. I groaned and stood up,

“I refuse to play strip poker.” Liam and Louis pouted,

“Come on Ez, 1 round?” Liam protested. I shook my head,

“No way am I playing strip poker.” Liam sighed in defeat,

“At least another few rounds of straight poker then?” I nodded and sat back down.

Louis was muttering to himself about how Eleanor would always play strip poker with him.

“Louis hurry up and deal.” I groaned leaning back in my chair. We had been stuck in this room for 4 days already, only allowed to shower once. And let me tell you that shower was AMAZING!

They had made us change into white pants and a white polo with no shoes. They were not comfortable at all.

I picked up my hand of cards studying them, an ace and a 9, not bad.

“Liam?” Liam sighed,

“Hit me.” Louis punched his shoulder and handed him a card. Liam pouted and rubbed his shoulder while looking at his card,


Louis nodded,

“Erica?” I smiled,

“Fold.” Before Louis could reply a loud knock at the door made us jump.

“Erica Mitchell, Mr Bensen would like to speak with you. He says you should bring a friend.” A tall man in a Navy uniform spoke with a sad smile. I looked towards the boys, Louis tilting his head towards Liam.

“Liam can you come with me?” He smiled and nodded. Together we followed the man down the same corridors I had been down days before, the day I spoke to Kendall on the satellite phone. Liam wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders; I leant into his embrace instantly feeling calmer.

The man stopped and gestured for us to walk into the room. Mr. Bensen stood and shook Liam’s hand,

“Good evening Miss Mitchell and Mr...?”

“Payne Sir.” Bensen nodded,

“I’m afraid I have some bad news for you Miss Mitchell.” My heart sunk, they hadn’t found the ship yet.

“We found the ship.” My eyes bulged and I gasped along with Liam who was grinning.

“But I’m sorry to say Miss Mitchell that your father is dead.” My heart shattered,

“Wha, wha, what?” I gripped onto Liam to steady myself.

“Kendall shot him after he tried to make contact giving us their co ordinates. He suffered several blows to the head before being shot twice in the chest and close range.”

My legs gave way as my body racked with sobs. I only just got him back, now he’s gone. Liam grabbed me and gripped me tightly in a hug.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mr. Bensen walked out closing the door behind him.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now