Chapter 7

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Niall’s POV

I woke to the sound of screaming and yelling from next door, Louis. I looked to see Erica asleep with her head on my chest, our legs tangled together under the sheet. I started fiddling with her hair; it was so soft and smooth.

I could now call her my girlfriend, I smiled at the thought. The door burst open and Louis stood there with a cheeky grin.

He looked at Erica’s sleeping body and didn’t say anything, just grinned like the Cheshire cat. He was followed by a sleepy Harry and a ticked off Zayn.

His hair was straightened, so was Harry’s. I don’t think he had realised seeing he was still half asleep.

“Nialler you dog!” Louis shouted, causing Erica to jump in fright. I glared at him,

“Smooth one Jackson!”

“Lou shut up.” Erica mumbled sitting up rubbing her eyes.

“Come on GET UP!” He shouted running over to the bed diving on top of my legs.

“Gosh Lou, you need to lay off the carrots.” I growled. He pouted,

“I’m hungry.”

“So am I.” Erica piped up, running her hands through her hair.

“Dibs shower!” Liam yelled running in.

I groaned.

“Nice hair Hazza.” Erica said ruffling his straight locks and walked out into the hallway. He frowned,

“What did you do?” He ran over to the mirror and screamed,

“MY CURLS! DAMMIT LOUIS!”  He glared at Lou who looked very pleased with himself.

“Well I’m going outside to... heck to get away for you lot.”I said walking out onto the balcony.

I pulled out my phone and got onto twitter. None of our fans new where we were yet, management left it to us to release it on twitter.

I decided to tweet, ‘Loving the pacific sunshine! Louis is about to get killed by Haz. Idiot straightened his hair in his sleep. Photos later, promise.’

The sound of Louis screaming reached the balcony, I decided I was safe here.


We all met in the galley for breakfast. Chrissy took many photos of Harry’s hair, he looked ridiculous. Lou had styled it into a Mohawk of sorts. Louis had several bruises and scratches on his arms, no thanks to Harry.

At breakfast we stuffed ourselves with pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, eggs, toast, beans and loaded in the caffeine from the complimentary tea and coffee tray.

Louis sculled 5 cups of coffee and a cup of tea. It was going to be an interesting day, until he crashed, which he always did at around 7:30pm.

“So what are the plans for tonight lads, ladies and Harry?” Liam asked.

“Why do I get my own category?” Liam grinned,

“Because it’s hard to tell from your hair.” Harry pouted and sunk in his seat, shooting daggers at Louis who was grinning.

“I vote the movies.” Chrissy said with a smile, she was rubbing Harry’s arm to comfort him.

“There’s a cinema here??” Louis shouted, earning himself a punch from Liam.

“Yea they’re showing Ice Age 4, Snow White and the Huntsman and Brave I think.” Erica said looking at us all.

“ICE AGE 4!”  Louis and Liam yelled.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now