Chapter 48

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Maura had sobbed when Niall and I entered the house, fingers linked and bright smiles on our faces.

She took one look at Niall, who had nodded before crushing us both into a tight hug sobbing.

"I'm so happy for you both! Oh my goodness i have another daughter-in-law!"

And she had stayed in that state for the remainder of the night.

Greg and his wife came over for dinner with Theo where Greg nearly squeezed the life out of me.

I spent pretty much the rest of the night holding little Theo and practically melting every time he looked into my eyes. He was stunning!

Later that night Niall and I curled up on the couch watching some kids Christmas movie that was playing on TV with a bucket of caramel popcorn.

"Have you told the lads?" I asked look up at him. He looked down and me with a fondness burning in his eyes.

"I told them i was going to, i haven't said i have yet. Do you want to Skype them?" I nodded, excited to see their faces.

Thankfully Harry, Louis and Liam were together in London still not having left for their families yet.

"Nialler you sexy Irish Leprechaun!" Louis hollered as he landed on the bed in front of their laptop. Liam and Harry soon bounded in joining them.

"Hey lads! How's the snow in London?" Harry groaned,

"Its bad, we'll be lucky to get the train in the morning if it keeps falling at this rate." I watched as Niall sighed.

He had told me several times that he would miss out spending holidays with his family because of the weather. Planes to Ireland often would fly because of wind, snow and rain. So this was nothing out of the blue for him.

"That sucks guys," They nodded sadly, but Liam suddenly perked up as he looked at me.

"Ez, you're awfully smily for a freezing day in Ireland!" I blushed and leant against Niall's shoulder, nudging him slightly.

"Guys guess what?" He said, sounding somehwat like he was changing the topic. They all leant closer to the camera squinting.

"What?" Louis blurted, instantly covering his mouth and blushed. Niall rolled his eyes and picked up my left hand showing it to the camera.

All three jaws dropped,

"Oh my God!" Harry yelled jumping to his feet on the bed.

"Our little Nialler is getting married!"

Louis continued to stare at the ring, tears in his eyes.

"Oh my God!" He whispered, a smile spreading across his face. Liam was jumping on the bed hugging Harry.

"You gotta tell Zayn right now!" Louis said suddenly, wiping the tears from his face. Niall nodded wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Congratulations guys!" They all yelled before Louis disconnected the call. Niall leant over and pecked my cheek,

"Time to tell Zayn, and then maybe the girls tomorrow, its late." I nodded and clicked on Zayn's Skype ID.


The next morning I woke up to butterfly kisses sprinkled across my neck.

"Morning beautiful," His morning voice made his accent thicker and rougher, efficiently giving me goosebumps.

"Morning Fiance." I felt him smile against my skin,

"I like the sound of that." He lifted my hand admiring the ring in the soft, morning sunlight drifting through the parted curtains.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now