Chapter 18

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Erica’s POV

The cold night air tore through the now open balcony doors. My body was shivering against the cold, hard wall. Niall was in the shower, the other lads were sleeping aside from Harry who was off with Chrissy. I don’t even want to know what they were doing.

Louis had his head resting against my left shoulder. I heard the water turn off signalling that Niall was almost done. He hadn’t been himself since I told him what happened while I was gone. He was angry at Kendall, but worried for me. We didn’t know how long they planned to keep us here. Anything could happen while we’re here.

I heard the bathroom door creak open, the bathroom light flooded into the room until I heard Niall turn the light switch off. He wandered out with still wet hair, his arms wrapped around his body and shivered as the cold air came in contact with his body. He walked towards me and sat down beside me, hissing as his body hit the cold surface of the wall. “Can’t they close that damn door?” He muttered wrapping and arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body. I shrugged and leant into his shoulder.

A fresh batch of tear started sliding down my cheeks. The pain was indescribable, physical pain but also the emotional knowing that some guy had taken advantage of the fact I was unconscious to take his vicious anger out my body. Even though I didn’t remember anything that happened, the thought of what happened to me terrified me. I felt so blessed to not have been awake when it happened. Niall’s breathing slowed and began even as he fell asleep. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep. I was too scared; Kendall could come back and take us again because he wanted to have some fun. Even with Niall’s arm protectively around my waist, I still didn’t feel safe.

I felt Louis stand up and walk over to the door and sat outside on the balcony. I untangled myself from Niall and tip toed outside. “You ok Lou?” He jumped as I spoke, “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” I sat beside him and rested my head against the wall. He sighed, “I guess I just have a lot on my mind. I feel bad for you because you are clearly in a lot of pain and it makes me sick to think about it. I really miss Eleanor too; she is probably worrying about me because I didn’t Skype with her.” A few tears slid down his cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, “Feel free to cry Louis, I don’t mind.” That’s exactly what he did; he buried his face into the crook of my neck and just broke into tears constantly sobbing. Soon my shirt was soaked with tears and Louis’ eyes were red and puffy. It broke my heart to see him like this. After about an hour he fell asleep resting against my body, but he still had tears streaming down his face. I eventually fell asleep with my head resting against his.

“Louis? What the heck?” A loud Irish voice woke me from my restless sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see a very angry Niall glaring at me. I went to stretch but realised that Louis was still asleep on my shoulder. I nudged Lou, “Wake up Louis.” I whispered into his ear, Niall’s jaw clenched and his eyes filled with anger. What died in his pants? Louis groaned, “Let me sleep Ezzy, it’s too early.” I shoved him, “wake up.” He groaned again and sat up to meet Niall’s glare.

“Mornin’ Nialler, you alright?” Louis asked rubbing his eyes as he slowly woke up. “Am I alright? Yea I’m just fine seeing I wake up to find my girlfriend sitting out here away from everyone else with one of my best friends asleep together. I...” He didn’t finish. The sound of the front door opening caused all heads to turn. Louis helped me up and walked to the door to see Kendall standing there with his arms folded. My heart started racing. I could feel Niall’s glare burning through the side of my skull. Did he really think I was cheating on him? I mean Louis is like a brother, he is so much like my mother it isn’t funny. But I wouldn’t date him, especially seeing how in love with Eleanor his is. I couldn’t ruin that relationship, but it seems like I’ve ruined mine. I forced the tears away, not wanting Kendall to see.

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