Chapter 42

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Erica's POV

The brighteness was overwhelming my eyes! The yellow nearly burned my eyes it was so bright.

"Christina this looks awful!" I whined as i turned around trying to get a glimpse of my back. The lace at the back was scratching my legs irritating me as i couldn't reach.

"Come on then, i have another one you can try on." I opened the door and glared at a smirking Christina. Her and I were buying dresses to wear to the X factor finale in two days and i wanted to look perfect, for Niall. Eleanor, Dani and Perrie were all working today but thankfully i had already started my christmas break and Chrissy was still on break.

I continued to glare at Chrissy as i grabbed the next dress from her hand. So far all the dresses she had picked were a disgusting color, too tight, too short or just didn't look good on me.

I pulled off the revoltin mustard yellow dress that was sitting below my knee and grimaced at the reflection. My stomach had grown creating a slight muffin top and my complexion could do with a decent dose of the sun. My face was covered with break outs and my eyes were dull, there was nothing there.

I had been feeling a bit low lately. All the grief was taking a toll on me, i struggled to see the good in anything but Niall. Niall was the only thing keeping me doing now. I had lost my mum, my dad and my 2 best friends. It was slowly killing me.

There was a knock on the door,

"Ez you ready yet?" I quickly pulled on the violet colored dress and frowned, the color made me look desperately ill.

"This makes me anemic!" I complained and pulled the flimsy material back over my head. I heard her sigh,

"Well i have one more for you to try on, i think you'll like this one." I felt something land on my head as Chrissy tossed the dress over the door. I lifted it and fell in love instantly.

(picture in the sidebar)

I slipped it on over my head i smiled, it was amazing.

"Chrissy this is perfect!" I heard her sigh with relief,

"Thank God i thought we were NEVER going to find the right dress." i opened the door and glared,

"Well sorry for not having the perfect figure." That was a sensitive topic for me. Fans were sending me hate on twitter critising my figure and pretty much every fine detail i was already insecure about. It made me feel disgusting and not good enough, for Niall.

"Come on Ez, we are meant to meant up with Niall and Harry in 10 minutes!" 

After an uneventful lunch date, Niall and I walked home hand in hand. We managed to avoid most of the paparazzi so our walk was quick and quiet. Neither of us spoke but it wasn't awkward, it was comforting. 

We walked through the door and i dropped the heavy bags onto the couch.

"I'm goin to make myself a cup of tea, want one?" I nodded and walked into the bedroom. I heard the kettle start and a flurry of movement in the kitchen. A sigh escaped my lips and i allowed myself to fall back onto the bed.  

My stomach gave a whine in protest, it was churning like a washing machine and i hadn't trusted myself eating earlier. I stood up peeling my shirt off leaving me in only my denim shorts. Standing in front of the mirror all my insecurities flooded into my mind. 

My stomach wasn't flat enough, my thich gap was no existent, my skin was blotchy and peppered with blemishes, my eyebrows were naturally uneven, my nose sat slightly crooked, my hair was an awful shade of brown, my finger nails were a murky white and chipped...

a pair of arms wrapped around my waist,

"What are you looking at?" The thick accent melted my eardrum and flowed straight to my heart. I cocked my head looking at my hips, they were getting a bit thicker. A light pinch on my waist brought me from my trance

"Stop looking at yourself like a mouldy specimen. Erica you're beautiful, perfect even I love every little bit about you. Why can't see that?" I shrugged pushing back the tears. 

He sighed and pointed at my hips in the reflection,

"You see those hips, they belong to my girlfriend Erica Jane Mitchell. You wouldn't believe this but she is acutally insecure about those hips. I think they are beautiful, just the right size for my arms to fit around with a bit more to give." he paused and looked into my eyes as they wandered to my thighs,

"You see those thighs? I think they're sexy. They don't look like something that could possibly snap if i so much as poked them. Those eyes, they are the most beautiful green. They are so bright and cheerful that i could just stare into them all day..."

And he continued, pointing out every feature of mine he loved. 

I have never felt so loved as i did in that moment. 

That night Niall and I sat and watched Red Dawn with a bucket of butter popcorn and two bottles of coke, trying to ease the voices in my head listing off every reason why i shouldn't eat it. 

We lay in each others arms whispering 'i love you's and echanging sweet kisses. Every few minutes Niall would list of features of mine he loves. Ranging from my eyes to my hair to my thighs to my toes. 

I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend than him. 

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