Chapter 45

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Some things in life happen for a reason, we just sometimes never find out why. Like we'll never know why the earth revolves around the sun, and the moon around the earth.

We'll never know why God created cancer, why he kills the people dearest to us, why families break, why hearts are torn, skin being shredded. These are the things in life we will never understand, but sometimes it is best to not understand.

Some people are more determined than others to understand these phenomenon's. Their curiosity may lead to a medical break through, or it may kill the lives of innocent people.  Our lives are spent making mistakes, but sometimes it is better than sitting at home doing nothing.

Sometimes I think choosing to move with my Dad was a mistake. It cost him is life, the job he always dreamed of. Innocent people were killed on that ship, there was nothing we could have done about that.

But the thing that gets me the most, is that they were after me. Kendall wanted me, he wanted revenge, he wanted to take what held his heart within an inch of its life. He wanted my Dad, and he got him, killed him. Shot him in cold blood out of pure hatred and the need for revenge.

We were trapped and scared, weeks we were spent in that cold room with nothing but left overs from the remaining first class passengers and warm bottles of water. His hatred drove him to ruin the lives of people and to completely destroy a part of people's lives. They will forever remember the day they were kidnapped by a mad man on a 5 star ship, a ship that was meant to be a holiday but turned out to be a nightmare.

The fear stained onto those innocent people's faces with most likely haunt me for the rest of my life. It isn't the kind of expression on forgets easily. People died on that ship, people that were someone's loved one. And I couldn't do a thing to stop it.


I sat up gasping for air, another nightmare shook my mind. Tears leaked from my eyes dropping onto the warm blue duvet covering my lower half. The bed seemed so empty, much like my heart. I was so empty knowing what had happened. It had been 3 months but it still burned inside of me.

Sandy had been so innocent, so desperate to see her mother again. But she couldn't. I had made contact with her mother and told her all about my experience with Sandy, I had cried for days after that meet up. I was coming undone.

Niall couldn't understand why I cried so much, but he hadn't seen the things I had seen. He had been on the ship, where there was food and clean water. I had watched as the hope in everyone's eyes faded, we were hungry and surviving from the waterfall in which we all bathed in. He wouldn't understand.

A sob shook my body as I folded myself into the duvet to muffle the sounds. I continued to cry, grieving the loss of the hope of those people, for Sandy, for my Mum, for my Dad, for Veronica, for Beth, for me.

I heard the door creak open,

"Erica?" I held my breath hoping that Dani would leave, I couldn't burden her with my problems.

"Ez what's wrong?" Deciding that oxygen would be more important than hiding I let out a shaky breath that also happen to release a sob.

"Oh Ezzy! Babe what's wrong?" She was suddenly by my side climbing into the bed pulling me against her chest. I cried into her shirt wrapping my arms around her pulling her closer. She rubbed my back softly pressing kisses to the top of my head.

"I'm going to call Niall." I felt her reach over and grab my phone. Continuing to cry I muffled the conversation out of my head until I felt a second pair of arms wrap around me.

"Dani what happened?" El patted my face with a tissue trying to dry my face. Dani sighed,

"I heard her crying and when I came in she was like this, she won't speak." I heard the front door open and hurried footsteps. Niall appeared at the door wearing nothing but a pair of red an white plaid pyjama pants.

"Oh my God Ezzy!" Dani and Eleanor climbed off the bed allowing me to curl up against my body pillow. Niall lay opposite me brushing the stray hairs from my face,

"Babe just let it out, i'll be here when you're done."

And that's just what I did.


When I woke up my face felt tight and my pillows were damp. Slowly I peeled my eyes open to meet Niall's sleepy blue ones.

"Are you ok now love?" I nodded stiffly removing the body pillow so I could cuddle up against him. He kissed my forehead,

"You scared me last night, I didn't know what happened." I released a shaky breath,

"I..." He cut me off with a kiss,

"You talk in your sleep love, I have a fair idea. I just don't understand why you didn't tell me." I sighed,

"I just didn't want to worry you, you've been busy with the new album and the X factor performances I didn't think it was necessary. But I feel better now, now that I cried it out." He smiled,

"And i'll be here to help you through it all babe. If you want to see someone about it i'll be happy to take you, if you want." I smiled kissing his nose,

"I think i'm ok." He nodded,

"How about I take you out for breakfast, my treat." I grinned happily,

"McDonald's run?" He laughed,

"If that's what you want than ok." I clapped happily pecking him repeatedly before jumping out of bed to go and fix my face, I looked awful.

Pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans and one of Harry's blue plaid shirts paired with black converse, I felt presentable. Niall walked in wearing white skinny jeans and a dark blue polo that clung to his torso in all the right places. I whistled,

"You clean up nicely Horan." He fluttered his eyes giving my a spin,

"Are you sure these jeans don't make my butt look big?"

"You look like a Kardashian, it doesn't suit you." He offered me his hand,

"To McDonald's my fair lady." I ruffled his hair,

"Onwards my noble steed."

And what a hectic breakfast run that was.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now