Chapter 22

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Erica’s POV

When we were on the island we had no curtains to block the rising sun, so we were all woken up at 5:30 in the morning. Not a good thing when you are stuck with Harry, Chrissy and Zayn who don’t like being woken up, especially before 10am.

“Louis William Tomlinson I swear I’m going to kill you! I will stab you with carrots, then throw carrots at you, then stab you with a knife and then throw you off the London eye with a rope around your neck!” Zayn screamed as he chased a laughing Louis.

Louis decided that he was going to slide beside Zayn and cover him with sand. Zayn of course was not happy with happy his precious hair being sand coated. Liam groaned and stood up,

“time to sort out the monkeys.” Normally Liam was a silly, laid back freak of nature but since we were put on the island he had changed. He rarely laughed at what the boys said and was always serious. It was scary.

We still hadn’t found Niall, all we knew was that everyone was off the ship. A lot of men had gone into the jungle with Kendall’s men to find food and a source of water. Maybe Niall had gone with them? Who knew? I hadn’t even managed to find my dad; he had to be with Kendall, who had disappeared from the group.

There were around 400 people on the beach making it harder to find anyone. I had left the safety of the dune twice but I had been accompanied by Zayn, who had a keen sense of direction so we didn’t get lost.

A sulking Zayn sat beside me with a huff,

“Aw Zayny!” I cooed and slung an arm over his shoulder.

“Louis is an ass” He grumbled and rested his head on my shoulder. I sighed and rested my head on his.

“Harry stop throwing sand, and Louis! Lou don’t eat it!” Liam cried from somewhere behind us. Zayn and I chuckled as we listened to the boys get lectured by Liam.

“I hope Nialler is alright.” Zayn murmured as he stared out at the now setting sun.

I sighed,

“He’ll be here somewhere. As Chrissy said, we’ll find him when we get back on the ship. The first place he’ll look is our rooms so we’ll find him there.” I whispered.

Liam walked over to us,

“Zayn you feel like helping me find wood so we can make a fire?” We both sat up as Zayn nodded,

“Ezzy can you keep and eye on this lot?” Liam asked gesturing to Louis, Harry and Chrissy. I smiled and nodded,

“I got it Li, you and Zayn go do some male bonding over stick hunting.”

Zayn grunted as he hid a laugh, Liam chuckled and helped Zayn up.

“We’ll be back soon. Don’t let them out of your sight and...” I cut him off,

“Calm down Liam. You’re only gonna be gone half an hour not 10 days. Now shoo.” He sighed and walked off with Zayn. Now, time to face the beasts.

“Ezzypoo!” Louis screamed as I crawled up the sand dune. I huffed and collapsed in the sand beside him, he chuckled and poked me.

“You have squishy skin Ez.” I rolled my eyes and rolled onto my back.

He smiled down at me cheekily,

“I like your hair, it has flecks of red. LIKE A CARROT!” My eyebrows rose,

“Were you dropped as a baby Lou?” He grinned,

“Yea into a pool of sexy.” I rolled my eyes,

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