Chapter 5

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Erica’s POV

I woke up to the sound of a guitar being played and voices humming. I squinted and saw all of the boys seated on my bed singing softly while Niall was playing his guitar.

They all sung with their eyes locked on each other, except for Niall who was watching me. The song wasn't one i was familiar with and i could hardly make out the words as they were singing so softly.

 I sat up and they all smiled at me,

“Morning sunshine.” Zayn said with a smile.

“Morning. What time is it?”

“10 IN DA MORNIN!” Louis screeched jumping up on my bed, bouncing around like a little kid. I giggled, he is so immature.

“Go get ready Ezzy! You’re coming bowling with us!” Harry said tackled Louis. I smiled, Ezzy, nobody had called me that in ages.

“Ok. Give me half an hour.” They nodded and disappeared.

I walked over to my wardrobe, contemplating what to wear. I grabbed my ripped skinny jeans and a rolling stones shirt. I practically skipped into the bathroom. I stripped down and let the cool water run down my back. I started singing who says by Selena Gomez.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off. Looking into the mirror, my skin was looking clearer than it had in months. I decided against make up today, sticking my faithful tube of clear lip gloss. I pulled a brush through my hair, my curls deciding to behave today.

The sound of a piano filled the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush I walked out into my room, Louis was seated at my piano playing Pachelbel’s canon. His hands flew across the ivory keys creating an enchanting sound.

I continued brushing my teeth as I walked back into the bathroom. When I finished I walked back to see Louis still playing, by this time playing Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I went and sat beside him on the stool, he smiled at me.

“This is a lovely piano Ez, you play?” I nodded,

“My mum taught me when I was little.” He stopped and moved aside to let me play. I started playing How to save a life by The Fray. Louis sung along with me. I closed my eyes and let the memories flood into my mind.

This was the song I played at my best friend’s funeral a few months ago, it had been our song. Louis tapped the drum part against his thighs, I smiled. Louis is just like my friend; she was loud, wacky and didn’t care people though of her.

She was also obsessed with Hollister like he was. He hummed along through the same parts that she always had.

We were interrupted by the sound of the rest of the boys walking in.

“Wow I thought that was Lou playing.” Zayn said walking over resting is hands on Louis’ shoulders.

“Any other hidden talents you haven’t told us about?” Harry said smirking, I smiled.

“I can play violin as well. Not very well I must admit. I’ve also written a few songs for guitar and piano.” Their faces lit up.

“That’s so cool.” Niall said smiling, I couldn’t help but blush.

“Come on guys, I booked the lanes for 11 and its 5 past.” Liam called from the door. Louis took my hand helping me from the seat. I smiled and hugged him, he felt like my best friend. I noticed Niall’s face; he looked like he had been punched in the stomach.

The bowling alley trip was interesting, to say the least.

I was paired with Louis and Harry. Zayn, Niall and Liam were in the lane beside us. I was loosing by a long shot half way through the first game. Louis then decided he was going to throw two balls down the alley. Harry being the idiot he is did the same.

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