Chapter 2

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Erica's POV

I opened the door again, this time fully clothed. But I could hear the sounds of girls squealing and crying. One of het he boys shot me a nervous smile,

"Mind if we come in for a tick?" I didn't get a chance to think before they pushed past me into the room slamming the door behind them.

Three of the boys were lying in a heap inside my door. I recognized them but I couldn't picture where just yet. The one with long, curly hair stood up and pulled his friends up.

"Thanks for that." I simply smiled shrugging,

"No problem. Can I get you anything?" The one with black hair and soft facial hair looked up smiling,

"Maybe a name to put to the face for now thanks,"

"Oh, I'm Erica." He smiled,

"I'm Zayn, this is Liam, Harry, Louis and, oh, where's Niall!?"

Liam looked around confused. Harry and Zayn joined Liam with looking with this Niall friend of theirs. Louis was now in a crouching position looking rather winded. He gave me a slight smile.

"Damn Niall! He must be outside somewhere." Liam sighed, collapsing dramatically onto my couch.

"Well we can't go out there to look for him." Zayn said folding his arms.

"Why not?" I said. They all looked at me like it was the most obvious thing.

"We can't cause all those girls are going to swarm us, they won't leave us alone." Louis said as he managed to stand up, using the wall as a support as he regained his breath.

"Yea about that, what exactly was going on?" Harry gave me an odd look,

"It's not everyday we meet someone who doesn't recognise us, I think I like it!"

"We're part of a band named One Direction, we're Britain." Liam said with a grin.

"Oh, of course." I said blushing, "I just didn't know what you looked like off the top of my head." So Niall is the blonde one.

"I can find him if you want." I said with a smile. They each smiled appreciably,

"It would be very much appreciated if you could." Zayn said with a smile as he joined Liam and now Harry in Bettie couch.

"I'll help you." Louis said standing up wincing a bit.

"No Lou, you'll get mobbed."

"I wanna find Niall. Plus Erica here can show me around since I missed the tour." Zayn glared at Louis.

"Only cause you were hiding from me." I the realised Zayn and Louis were the two I saw outside the ship. Not that it struck much importance but in my midge that was pretty cool.

"Come on Erica, let's go find Nialler." Louis said with a smile. I grabbed my converse and opened the door,

"We'll be back soon." I called to the boys.

"Feel free to chill here while, just don't make a mess." They called out their thanks as I closed the door.

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