Chapter 23

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2 weeks later

Erica’s POV

It’s been 2 weeks and no one has found us. Some of the younger kids found a fresh water spring nearby where we were able to collect drinking water and lean ourselves, downstream of course. We’ve been living of fruits and small animals that people have caught. I feel like a character out of The Hunger Games, except we aren’t trying to kill each other and my Peeta is on a ship hundreds of kilometres away.

“Louis please put the rock down! Louis, please. You’re going to hurt someone... LOUIS!” Liam’s angered voice echoed across the now empty beach. Only our group stayed on the dunes, everyone else stayed near the spring. We stayed here in the rare case a helicopter or ship happens to pass, which I doubt will happen.

“You know Haz, if we don’t get off this island, we’re going to have to repopulate.” Zayn and I chuckled while Harry and Chrissy shot daggers at him. “I hate to break it to you Lou but guys can’t make children. So sorry but Harry can’t have kids.” Now Chrissy, Zayn, Liam and I burst out laughing at Louis and Harry’s shocked faces.

“3 seconds to run Payne!” Harry yelled with a less than amused look on his face. Liam pretended to look scared then sprinted towards the water. It was about mid morning and the water was near crystal clear. Harry jumped up and chased Liam cascading us in a shower of sand.

I groaned and lay back against the warm sand. “Its been two weeks, how much longer are we gonna be stuck here?” Chrissy groaned as she stood up, brushing the loose sand off her clothes. “I don’t know Chrissy, it could be hours in could be months.” I sighed shielding my eyes from the harsh sunlight. “Anyone else feel like going for a swim?” Zayn asked taking his shirt off.

I shook my head, “No but I’ll come stand in the water.” He nodded and together we walked down to the water where Liam and Harry were tackling each other in the water. Louis was sitting off near the trees, he was scared and missed Eleanor so we just left him be when he walked off.

“Do you think that maybe a helicopter will fly over head once they realise the ship has been taken hostage?” Zayn asked as he stood beside me in the knee deep, cold water.

I sighed, “Honestly I doubt know. They would have realised something has happened because we were supposed to dock in London almost 2 weeks ago and they won’t have had any messages come through from Dad so they’ll suspect something has happened. I just don’t know how long it’ll take them to find us, I bet Kendall will say we jumped overboard or he killed us and threw us overboard so they won’t have any hopes of us being alive.”

Zayn sighed and dove under and incoming wave. He came up with his hair sticking to the side of his face, not looking anything like the usual quiff. His blonde highlight had faded and was almost its natural black. I rolled up the sleeves of Zayn’s shirt which I was still wearing. My skinny’s weren’t white anymore, they were a gross brown from the sand and sea water.

I missed Niall, but more than that I was scared. I didn’t know if he was alive and safe or half dead lying in an abandoned room bleeding and suffering. I shuddered at the thought, I wanted to be with him, hold him and just hear his voice. “He’ll be alright Lottie. Niall’s a strong lad; he won’t go down without a fight, especially when it comes to the people he loves and his food.” Zayn said from beside me making me jump.

He chuckled, “You can keep that shirt by the way, I think it’s wrecked anyway.” I smiled, “Thanks Zayny.”He slung his arm over my shoulders and I did the same, ogether we walked back up to the dune where the others were seated.

A few younger children had entured out onto the beach and started playing tag with Louis and Harry, it was quiet adorable. The sun was sitting in the middle of the sky telling me it was around midday. “I miss my bed.” Chrissy grumbled as she rolled onto her side shielding her eyes from the bright sun. The boys chorused in agreements.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now