Chapter 20

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Erica's POV

I continued to sip on my bottle of water as we made our way back to the cabins. The boys were still laughing; I had managed to scream and almost cry while eating the chips. Chrissy was grinning like the Cheshire cat. She is gonna totally regret that! Niall snuck an arm around my waist, "Babe you look cute when you scream." He whispered. Someone clearly had had one too many corona's at the bar. I laughed, "Someone needs to go to bed." He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder, "Only if you agree to stay beside me." I giggled, "I suppose so."

Harry casually swung his arms around Chrissy's shoulders and pulled her closer. "Guys stop" Louis yelled. We all stopped and turned to face his amused expression. "What is it Lou?" Liam asked folding his arms. *cough* Daddy Direction *cough*. "There is no longer a single member of One Direction." Zayn sighed, "Yea there is." We all turned to look at him, the boys shocked. "What about Perrie?" Harry broke the awkward silence. Zayn sighed, "She broke up with me earlier, when I called her. She said that she didn't think it was working out for us." Liam wrapped his arms around his waist, "Come on mate. Let's get you back to the room."

The walk back to the cabin was silent. After Zayn's confession we didn't say anything, cautious of sending him past breaking point. Liam led Zayn to his room with Louis trailing behind. Harry and Christina left to go to her room. They said something about watching a movie then a sleepover, leaving me with a rather tipsy Niall. I opened the door and Niall stumbled into the brightly lit room. I stopped, my Dad was sitting on the bed with an unreadable expression on his face. "Uh hey Dad." I said with a smile. He jumped up and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." I smiled into his shoulder, "I missed you Daddy."

He pulled back and led me to sit on the bed. Niall had crashed on the sofa and was mumbling to himself, clearly have had too much to drink. Dad chuckled looking at Niall, "I see you two hit it off." I smiled, "Yea, he protected me the entire time. I will never be able to thank him for what he did for me." I heard Dad sigh as he pulled me into another hug. "I was so worried." I nestled my head against his chest. I heard him gasp and pull away, "What happened to your legs?" He looked at me with fear and anger in his eyes. "Did they do that to you?" I bit my lip and nodded. He shook his head and placed a gentle hand on my thigh.

"Do you know who Kendall is?" I shrugged, "Some messed up freak that has no other goals in life?" He laughed at my suggestion, "No but you've met him before, before your Mother died." I nodded, not knowing where he was going with this. He slowly exhaled and looked me in the eye, something didn't feel right. "He was your mother's fiancé." My eyes bulged, "Uh, uh what?" I felt so confused.

"Let me explain." He said turning to face me slightly on the bed, I nodded wanting to know more. "Well when I met your mum she was on a family holiday and I discovered she was in an arranged marriage with this man named Kendall. She couldn't stand him but he was desperately in love with her. She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her. I made an agreement with her father that I would marry her as long as I never broke her heart, never hurt her. The engagement was broken and she and I were married. But Kendall never forgave me for taking his Claire from him. He was desperately in love with her and wanted his revenge on me for taking her from him, for stealing her heart. So he came here to find me and take away one thing that meant everything to me, this ship. But he never knew that we had daughter. He thought that taking this ship from my power would destroy me, but what destroyed me was the fact that they took my little girl away from me. It killed me not knowing if you were safe." He broke down in tears.

I felt tears stream down my face, never in my life had I ever seen my dad in tears. His phone started vibrating with an incoming message, he groaned. After looking at is message he stood up, "I need to go. I'll see you later." I nodded and stood up, giving him a tight hug. "I love you daddy."

After Dad left, I lay on my bed as Niall slept off the alcohol. Everything dad just told me was spinning through my mind. Kendall was my mum's ex fiancé? I rolled onto my side and stared at the bare wall, sighing in the process. All I wanted at that moment was for Niall to wake up and tell me everything was going to be alright. But honestly that wouldn't be able to reassure me. After seeing what Kendall is capable of we couldn't be sure, we didn't know what to expect next. We had no contact with the outside world so if we were in danger nobody would know. I knew people would be looking for the boys and for the other VIP's, but I had no idea what Kendall would do if he knew people were coming for them.

A sudden snore made me jump bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Niall to see him sleeping peacefully on the couch. He shivered slightly and rolled over, somehow managing to not fall off the couch. I picked up a blanket and placed it over his shivering figure. He instantly smiled and cuddled into the soft blanket. I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and left the room.

I wandered down the hall towards Louis, Zayn and Harry's room knowing that Harry wouldn't be there and that Zayn would be fast asleep. I just needed to talk to Louis. When I reached the door I could hear the sounds of the TV, someone was awake. I opened the door and saw Louis watching re runs of the 2012 Olympics. "Hey Lou" The poor lad jumped 10 foot off the sofa. "For the love of Kevin my dear Ezzy! My poor heart can't handle your awesomeness." I rolled my eyes and sat beside him on the sofa.

"Ez its midnight, why aren't you asleep?" I sighed and slumped into the sofa, "My dad told me something, something that I never could have ever guessed." He muted the telly and turned to face me with confusion and curiosity in his eyes. "But you can't tell anyone." I pointed out; he pretended to zip his lips shut and threw away the imaginary key. So I told him, everything that Dad had told me. His expression was unreadable the entire time I was talking. By the time I finished I had tears sliding down my face. Not because I was upset, but because I was scared. I had no idea what could happen. For all I know Kendall could kill us all, even the boys.

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. Louis sighed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his body. "Calm down Ezzy. Do you want me to go wake Niall?" I nodded against his chest. Carefully he laid me down on the couch and jogged out of the room. I sat there a hugged my knees against my chest and pulled a pillow to my face, letting it absorb my tears.

Zayn walked out rubbing his eyes; he saw me but didn't say anything, simply smiled and walked into the bathroom. I really appreciated that he didn't ask me about it, I don't think I could handle trying to tell anyone else. The door opened and I could see a sleep ridden Niall and Louis stumble through. Louis whispered something in Niall's ear and disappeared back into the hallway, probably to crash Liam's place.

Niall made his way over to the sofa and knelt beside me staring at me with concern. "Babe what's wrong?" I hiccupped and sat up, immediately he sat beside me pulling me into a Horan hug. After several moments of just hugging, I pulled away. And I told him, everything. I didn't hold back, I told him everything Dad said and everything I was feeling inside, my fears and insecurities.

By the end he had tears in his eyes, "I'm so sorry, I so so sorry." He whispered and hugged me tighter. Then he leant in and kissed me. The kiss was filled with sorrow, sadness but a burst of love. He pulled away sooner than I would have like and pecked my forehead, "I love you Ezzy." I smiled and cuddled into his chest, "I love you too Nialler."

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