Chapter 44

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Erica's POV

I was more than relieved to take a seat in the noisy airport. The backs of my ballet flats were rubbing my heels and slowly turning into a blister. Gently I rubbed the irritated skin slipping the irritating shoes off leaving my toes hooked beneath the tongue.

An arm slung across my shoulder and a head was placed on my shoulder,

"Did you know you have a really comfortable shoulder?" I rolled my eyes,

"I'm sure Eleanor does too, go sleep on her shoulder." Louis pouted flicking my temple before walking off towards the Airport Starbucks. Rolling my eyes I pulled out my phone and plugged in my ear phones in hopes that the boys would leave me alone for a while.

But since when do One Direction ever behave.

A tall security guard walked towards me dragging a guilty looking Zayn and Harry,

"Miss I believe these two belong to you." I sighed pulling out my earphones,

"What did they do?" He smirked,

"I'll let them explain," I nodded as he pushed the guilty pair towards me. I glared at them as they took a seat,

"Honestly , I don't even want to know what you did. Just sit there and don't talk." They both sighed at my angered tone and sat silently.

I was able to listen to one song before Niall made an appearance, frowning at Harry and Zayn.

"She's upset with us, careful," I watched Harry mouth as Niall took a seat,

"I'm not upset with you, i'm just tired." They all jumped as I spoke. Harry paled as Zayn smirked at the poor lad. Harry jumped up and sprinted towards Starbucks where Louis was. I grinned as Zayn and Niall chuckled. Zayn opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the intercom,

Flight K198 to Heathrow, London now boarding

Niall picked up my carry on and took my hand in his as we walked towards the boarding gate. We were finally leaving America!

Not much sleep was had by anyone in 1st class, Louis and Harry were filled with caffeine and were practically bouncing off the cabin walls.

"God Louis would you please sit still! I want to sleep." Eleanor growled pushing him from her lap. He pouted and slinked off to the spare seat beside Liam to pester him. Harry had placed himself beside me and was tapping inaccessibly to a beat in his head. I had my head rested on Niall's shoulder as he slept peacefully.

"Harry have you ever considered becoming a percussionist?" He gave me an odd look,

"Uh no, why?"

"Well judging by that beat you've tapping out for the past 3 hours it seems like you're destined to be a drummer." He poked his tongue out and folded his arms with a pout.

Finally the cabin was quiet, until we landed.

The fans screams echoed through the filling terminal. Hundreds of fans had come to greet us as we arrived at Heathrow. Clutching desperately to Niall's hand I followed Paul through the airport towards the exit where our car would be waiting.

I could finally fall asleep in my own bed again. You never really realise how much you love your bed until you have to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks with beds that were far to firm for my back. I would only be in my own bed for 2 days before heading to Ireland with Niall to spend Christmas with his family. The boys would all be heading home to sped Christmas with their families.

Niall pulled me onto his lap as Liam and Paul disappeared, most likely to locate our luggage. Zayn was still in New York with Perrie while they finished the Little Mix tour, joining us later in London.

My eyes fluttered as Niall pressed a soft kiss against my temple,

"What are you thinking about?" a small smile across his face. I smiled in return,

"Christmas, I'm really nervous." He pressed a kiss against my lips,

"Don't be, they already love you."

The moment was one as a body collided with mine knocking both Niall and I too the ground. Looking up I saw an unfamiliar face grinning madly,

"Oh my God hi!" Niall groaned,

"Hi there, you sure have a strong tackle." The girl giggled,

"I play football." I squinted as my vision blurred and the room began to spin. I was still laying on the cold ground so I presumed I had hit my head. The girl looked down at my giggling at something Niall had said,

"Hi Erica!" I cringed at her high pitched voice,

"Uh hi." She frowned,

"Are you alright?" I closed my eyes,

"Hit my head, hurts." I felt my body being lifted from the ground and was soon surrounded by the familiar scent of Niall's aftershave,

"Ez keep your eyes open alright babe," I part my eyes slowly to meet Niall's concerned face.

"I'm ok, just hit my head." He kissed my forehead,

"Well she's gone now, she broke through security and hid." I nodded instantly regretting it.

"Come on, Paul's here. I'll carry you to the car." He placed his arms under my knees and around my shoulder's lifting me with ease carrying me through the crowds. My face was pressed against his shoulder as I tried to shield my ears from in excessive screaming.

"I'll protect you," He whispered kissing my hair. Slowly I fell sleep in his arms listening to his heartbeat and soft breathing.


This isn't as long as I hoped it would be, sorry

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