Chapter 38

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Erica's POV

I sat patiently at the airport with Stella and Zach waiting for my flight to board. It was time for me to head back to London and join the 1D girlfriend's. It had been a month and a half since Beth's funeral and since the boys left for America.

It had been really hard for me after Niall left, I didn't have anyone to console me as I went to sleep, to comfort me when I woke from a nightmare, just someone to unload everything onto and not having to worry about them judging me.

Sure Stella and Zach were people I could talk to but they were going through the same thing as I was and were searching for comfort from someone who wasn't grieving. Niall hadn't known Beth very well but still upset when she died, but I think he was more upset for me not himself.

Stella wrapped and arm around me shoulders,

"Promise you'll still talk to us even though you now live in London?" Her eyes were sad and empty, no emotion lay behind her normally beautiful green eyes. I smiled and nodded leaning against her shoulder,

"Of course I will." Zach cam and sat on my other side and wrapped his arms around us both.

"I'm going to miss you two. Nathan as well, but we are the awesome threesome." They chuckled and sighed in unison making us all laugh, earning strange looks from passing passengers.

"Now boarding, Flight K321 to London at gate 12." The nasally voice broke through the sound system making us all jump. It was 3am and we were dead tired. My flight had been delayed due to bad weather at Heathrow leaving us sitting in the airport for 8 hours in these awful chairs.

"Come on then, let's get you back to London." Stella said with a small smile. That flight had to be the most uncomfortable flight of my life.

10 hours later I walked through the arrivals gate at Heathrow amongst the several other passengers who were unlucky enough to be stuck on the same flight as me.

"Erica!" Danielle's familiar voice rang through the airport. I watched as Dani and Eleanor sprinted through the airport with mad grins on their faces. Both bodies made impact with mine at the same time almost knocking me over.

I laughed and help them to their feet hugging them individually,

"Hey girls, you that happy to see me?" They both nodded with crazy grins, "Come on, we have something in the car to show you." I chuckled as they tried to drag me away,

"Girls I need my luggage." They grinned sheepishly and walked by my side as we walked towards the luggage terminal.

Soon enough they were back to dragging me to the car. An easily recognizable head of hair jumped out of the passenger seat grinning like the mad hatter. My jaw dropped,

"Chrissy!" I squealed and tackled her into a massive hug. I felt two more sets of arms signaling the two squealing girls had joined.

"It's a One Direction girlfriend get together!" Eleanor squealed clapping her hands together with excitement.

Together we somehow managed to get ourselves back to the apartment WITHOUT killing ourselves or anyone else for that matter. We clambered into the apartment giggling like mad hatters.

"Welcome back to the mad house babe!" Dani cheered before slumping onto the couch beside a grinning Christina.

"We all need sleep! We're pulling an all-nighter girlies" Eleanor yelled from Dani's bedroom.

"Dibs bunking with Erica," Chrissy yelled before legging it into my room.

Dani waltzed over towards me and pulled me into a hug,

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