Chapter 14

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Erica's POV

Several large men had just walked in bringing several plates of food and a bottle of water for everyone. There was a mad dash for food when the men left, no one game enough to move while they were still here. I scurried over to the mountain of food, there were half eaten pies, apples, oranges, left over roast chicken; pretty much the scraps from dinner.

I grabbed enough for me and Liam. Liam was badly hurt when the guard discovered we had a phone. Liam had protected me so I wouldn’t be hurt, he said he would never forgive himself if I was hurt. There’s a large gash starting at the base of his neck and stops half way down his back, is wasn’t all that deep but deep enough to cause searing pain when he tries to stand.

I sat down beside the now sleeping Liam. The wound on his back was weeping, again. I tore a patch off the curtain behind me and soaked it with water from my bottle. I began to gently wash the gash. He groaned in his sleep and rolled onto his stomach, making it easier to work. It was starting to heal; the raw, red skin was slowly drying and weeping less often.

Once I was happy with my work, the fabric was now thick with blood and the white liquid seeping from his wound. I sat up and began to eat the now freezing cold Yorkshire pudding and the orange I took for myself. Luckily my pie had been cook but not eaten, so I was safe. I wish I could say the same about the things other people were eating.

Liam groaned and opened his eyes,

“Food here yet?” He mumbled voice still thick with sleep.

“Yep, I grabbed you a chicken pie and an apple. Your water is here next to your foot.” He mumbled something inaudible and groaned as he moved into a sitting position. He nibbled away at the crust of his pie, which thankfully wasn’t half eaten.

There was a loud commotion coming from outside the room. Liam and I looked at each other; it only meant one thing, more people were being brought in. I could hear panicked calls for help, meaning that they didn’t knock all the captives out this time. The door to our room was violently swung open; the bright light from the corridor beyond was harsh on our eyes making everyone groan.

“Shut up! All of you.” A deep voice growled from the doorway.

Several other men walked in with bodies strung carelessly over their shoulders. They then dropped the bodies onto the hard, cold floor. I cringed at the sound of the bodies hitting the floor. The men left, slamming the door behind them. The room was filled with an eerie silence. We were all staring at the bodies hoping to see if we recognised them. I was frantically searching for my favourite blonde Irishman. But I couldn’t see him, mind you there were people lying on top of other people.

I finished my food and took a swig of water. The people around me had gone back to whatever they were doing before. Liam finished his pie and started fiddling with my hair.

“It’s probably really gross Li. I haven’t been able to brush it for days.” He laughed, “It’s not to bad, just a few knots here and there.” I laughed,

“Well, it must be my lucky-ish day. What are you doing anyway?” I felt him shrug,

“I’m trying to braid but I can’t get it right.” I turned around,

“Want me to teach you?” He grinned,


I got Christina’s attention and got her come over to where I was. Somehow she managed to drag Harry along as well.

“Chrissy I’m using your hair as a canvas.” Harry gave me a somewhat confused look.

“I’m teaching Liam how to braid and I need your hair. Either that or Harry’s curls.” Harry’s eye widened,

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now