Chapter 19

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Niall’s POV

After Erica walked out I lost it, I just sat there and sobbed. There tears streamed down my face and flooded into my hands that were covering my face. I felt someone wrap their arm around me and pull me into a hug. I didn’t fight them; just let myself melt into their grip.

After 10 minutes of me sobbing, I looked up to meet Louis’ eyes. I smiled weakly, “I’m so sorry Louis. I guess I just snapped, seeing the two of you all snuggled together made me jealous. I wanted that to be me holding her. I...” He placed a finger over my mouth making me shut up.

“It’s ok Nialler.” He gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug. “You should go find her.” I heard Christina whisper from somewhere to my right. I nodded and pulled away from Louis. “Thanks guys, I’m sorry for being such a jerk.”  Liam slapped me, “shut up and go find her.” I saluted, “I’ll be off now.”

When I left our room, I ran to the one place she could be, the bow of the ship. I got the bow and skidded to a stop, she wasn’t there. I spun around on the spot until I noticed Patricia talking with a group of elderly women. Interrupting the conversation, I pulled Patricia off to the side, “Do you know where Erica is?” She gave me a confused look, “She was at the stern about 5 minutes ago. But I would leave her alone, she seemed rather upset.” I groaned, “Thanks Patricia.”

I sprinted towards the stern, pushing my way through crowds of people who were interested by something overboard. I could now see the back of her head. She was just standing there looking down towards the water. She was going to jump! I broke through the last part of the crowd and straight towards her, “ERICA!” I screamed. She spun around, her face somewhat shocked to see me running straight towards her. “Erica please don’t jump.” I panted as I reached her, placing my hands on her arms. She looked at me as if I was from another planet.

“I wasn’t going to jump.” She whispered as tears slide down her cheeks. “Oh thank you Jesus.” I cried pulling her into a hug, blocking out all thoughts about her being angry. I felt her stiffen in my arms, my heart shattered. “Erica I’m so sorry. I was jealous of Louis. I wanted to be the one holding you when you were scared, I wanted to comfort you. I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry.” I whispered into her ear as hot tears dropped from my eyes onto her shoulders.

I felt her push me away, she looked me dead in the eyes. “Niall please just stop talking, I forgive you.” My heart burst with joy, her eyes were filled with a peaceful happiness. I picked her up and spun her around. Her laughter broke through the noise of the occupied crowd. I placed her on the ground and stared into her eyes, “I love you Erica Jane.”

Erica’s POV

He placed me on the ground and stared into my eyes as I regained my breath. “I love you Erica Jane.” My heart skipped a beat, he loves me? I smiled and leant forward, pressing my lips to his. I broke away quicker than he would have liked, “I love you too Niall James.” He grinned and kissed me again. The sound of cheering and yelling caused us to break the kiss. I turned to see the boys, Indy and Chrissy standing there jumping and hugging each other. Louis ran over, “I love you guys.” He screamed and tackled us in a massive hug. I heard Liam laughing, “Hate to break it to ya Louis but he didn’t propose to her.” Louis pulled away and pouted, “Jeez Niall. Hurry up already.” Niall rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

The sun had set and we had all retreated to Harry, Louis and Zayn’s room. It thankfully hadn’t been trashed seeing they weren’t in here when they were taken. I was sitting on the bed between Niall’s legs with my head resting against his chest. Louis, Liam and Zayn were all on the balcony telling the girls they were safe and that they weren’t able to talk to them for a while. I could tell Louis was crying from here, I wanted to go see if he was ok but I didn’t want another argument flaring up. Harry and Chrissy were sitting on the couch watching how I met your mother. “I request the highest of fives.” I yelled just as Barney was saying it, doing my best to imitate his voice.

Niall burst out laughing as did Harry. Chrissy just grinned, she was used to my obsession with Barney Stinson. Liam walked in a stopped, I guess the sight of Harry and Niall laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe was strange. “What I miss?” He asked as he sat beside Chrissy. “Chrissy I request the highest of fives.” She leant back and slapped my hand. “oh for the love of desperation day that hurt.” I cried cradling my reddening hand. Chrissy burst out laughing leaving a rather confused Liam to figure out what was so funny. “Barney Stinson is amazing!!” Zayn yelled diving onto the bed. “Self five!” I yelled high fiving myself. Liam just shook his head, “You lot are impossible.” Zayn sat up and looked at me, “Erica?” I waggled my eyebrows, “Yes Zayn?” “Suit up!” We cried in unison sending Niall into a fit of hysterics. Louis walked in a slumped beside Liam, “I don’t even wanna know what’s going on.” He mumbled.

After we managed to gain control of our laughter there was a knock at the door. Liam walked over and opened the door to reveal Kendall. His face held no emotion, “I want all phones, laptops and anything that that grants you access to the internet.” A large man walked in carrying a box with our room number printed on the front. Reluctantly the boys handed over their phones and laptops.

Kendall looked at me, “What about you Miss Mitchell?” I shook my head, “My ipod doesn’t have internet neither does my laptop.” He nodded and left with his friend following close behind. We all sat down and didn’t say anything. The sound of Niall’s stomach growling broke the silence making us all laugh. “Come on let’s go get some Nandos.” Liam said standing up. Niall cheered and picked me up off the bed. “I dare Erica to eat large, spicy chips.” He said smirking. My eyes widened and I looked at Chrissy who was trying not to laugh.

Last time I had spicy chips from Nandos I screamed in the middle of the restaurant. Chrissy had purposely ordered them hot because I wouldn’t expect it. I had cried and couldn’t eat anything for the next two days because it burned my throat. Chrissy thought it was the best thing in the world.

Soon Chrissy couldn’t contain herself anymore and burst out laughing making all the boys jump. “Jeez Chrissy, loud enough?” Louis pouted clutching his chest. I just stood there and glared at her. “You little Iron Man it wasn’t funny.” Niall just shook his head, “I don’t wanna know.”

I walked over to my cupboard and grabbed a pair of high-waisted denim shorts and black singlet. I got changed and walked out to see Chrissy grinning like a maniac. This wasn’t going to end well. “She suited up!” Zayn yelled causing us to all laugh, way to lift the mood. 


Sorry this is short. I have really bad writers block!!

ANYWAY not much to say for this chapter except.... DANIELLE AND LIAM BROKE UP!! O_o Not happy! I legit cried when I heard, Mr. Styles informed me on tumblr and I was like... WHAT THE HECK? NO THIS ISN’T ALLOWED!

Haha watched 21 Jump Street yesterday... OMG I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in my LIFE. Coffee Mocha ice cream and Channing Tatum and I’m set n_n THEY KILLED JOHNNY DEPP *le cries* Not allowed -.-

Song for da chapter: Another One – Conor Maynard

Sayonara kiddos --- You are all my kiddos now! Just cause I’m bored and being spammed by Harry on tumblr -.- Jerk

Bree xx

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now