Chapter 47

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The bed was cold and empty when I woke up, snow drifted past the open window casting a soft shadow across the room. Niall's side off the bed was cool indicating he had been up for a while. Yawning I pulled the duvet over my face and cutting myself within the warmth one again.

When I was almost asleep a heavy body landed on top of mine,

"Come on Ezzy!!!!! It's snowing and I wanna show you something amazing!" Niall's playful voice caught me off guard, he was never a morning person.

"Let me sleep," I mumbled burying my face further away from the intrusion. He laughed and suddenly the duvet was being ripped from my grip. I squealed in shock at the sudden cold surrounding my body.

"Niall James Horan I will kill you!" I yelled as he took off out of the room. I grabbed a sweater and bolted after him. 

The house was quiet, too quiet. Maura had left early to visit a friend so we had the house to ourselves. The perfect chance for Niall to hide without his mother dobbing on him. 

I stood silently hoping that he would crack and make a sound, but I heard nothing. Slowly I crept into the kitchen, nothing. Tree wasn't anywhere for him to hide there. As I walked into the living room a crash sounded from the laundry.

Grinning I tiptoed towards the slightly ajar door. Peering inside I saw Niall cursing silently at the open window. Not making a sound I stepped through the door watching him continue to swear at the door for giving away his position. He turned and yelped as he caught sight of me.

"Jesus Ez!" I giggled and picked up a coat hanger,

"Niall, you really will pay for what you did this morning." He audibly swallowed and stepped back in fear, only to back against the back door. I threw the coat hangar at his face and sprinted from the room. I heard footsteps behind me as he began to follow me. Giggling I ran into the living room and picked up a large cushion.

He skidded to a halt grinning at the door,

"That pillow won't save you Ez." I threw him a you-wanna-try-me look and raised the pillow as a weapon. He rolled his eyes and jumped onto the sofa.

"Nah, I couldn't hit a girl. Liam would kill me." I whacked him in the face before proceeding to walk into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Two eggs sunny side up please babe!" He yelled over the static of the television. Groaning I pulled out a frying pan,

"Yes you royal heinous, anything else? A head on a platter?" I listened as he laughed,

"Bring me Tomlinson's head on a silver platter, and I expect him to have an apple in his gob."

"See Niall this is why we have no friends."

"I reckon, but I still want food."


Maura came home at around 2 making us a beautiful lunch of roast kitchen and potato salad, even though Niall ate most of it.

"Ni sweetie are you going to take her and show her..." I looked up eyeing the pair who seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes.

"Show me what?" Niall cracked an uneasy smile,

"If you go get dressed into something warmer I'll show you." I sensed his nerves as I nodded picking up my plate and placing it in the sink. I walked back into the dinning room only to stop suddenly hearing Niall and Maura talking in hushed tones,

"Don't worry sweetie, she is going to love it!"

"But Ma what if its too much for her and she leaves? I don't know what I would do if she left me there."

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