Chapter 46

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I sighed as we entered the airport once again, this time, arriving in Ireland. After a boring flight we were met with hundreds of Irish fans screaming for Niall.

A look of joy passed his face as he took in the mass of Irish fans. He waved and let go of my hand to allow him to meet some of the girls. Paul stood beside me smiling at Niall,

"He doesn't get to come home anywhere near enough for a boy his age." I sighed sadly,

"He misses his family so much, I hear him crying at night after he's Skyped Maura or Greg. It just breaks my heart." I leant against Paul as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"But at least he has parents to speak to. How are you holding up munchkin?" I rolled my eyes at his choice of nicknames.

"I'm ok, i'm still having nightmares about it but i'm getting better. The boys have been so good to me." He chuckled,

"Yea they're good lads."

That moment Niall bounded back over to us with a jaw splitting grin,

"Mum's here! Let's go!" I giggled at his enthusiasm but didn't protest when he proceeded to drag me through the terminal still waving at the fans.

Maura stood at the airport entrance waving madly as Niall and I walked into her sight. I let go of Niall's hand,

"Go to her," He shot me a grateful smile and dashed forwards tackling poor Maura into his infamous hug.


"Welcome to our small piece of a heaven," Maura stated proudly as we drove into the driveway of a small townhouse. It was painted with white paint that was weather by the rain but looked cute. The front garden was spotted with flower gardens and small trees, something that Maura must take great pride it.

"It looks adorable!" Maura beamed with pride,

"Its gives something to do while Niall is on tour." His smile stooped slightly, clearly affected by her words.

"Anyway, Niall Greg wanted to catch up with you today sometime. Something about secrets men's business." Niall's face lit up,

"Awesome! Might go round to his place later, go visit Theo and Denise as well. Ez would you be ok here with Ma?" I nodded,

"Of course!" He grinned and clambered out of the car. Maura linked arms with me as we walked to the front door,

"I think we should go out and get some lunch down in the town, how does that sound." I smiled with relief, not having eaten since breakfast.

"That sounds incredible, i'm so hungry." She glared at Niall,

"Don't you feed this girl? Look at her! She looks like she could snap at any moment."


After a quick unpack Niall changed and disappeared to go visit his brother and his nephew, who i had yet to meet.

I had changed out of my plane clothes into a pair of black skinny jeans and a terracotta turtle neck with a black jacket. The weather had decided to take a turn for the freezing since we had arrived at the wind was icy cold. Unlike anything i had ever experienced back home in Australia.

Maura was pottering around her kitchen rearranging pots and spices that were sat on various counters. She was now wearing black dress pants with a light purple knitted sweater, she looked adorable.

"I'm ready whenever you are Maura," She turned a smiled,

"Alrighty dear, let's go." We walked through the cold house and out into the front yard. Where it was snowing. I gasped and stared wide eyed at the road now lightly dusted with now.

Lost at Sea || Niall Horan (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now