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She had never felt tired like this. Normally she required little sleep and had endless energy. But the past two days she was exhausted. Maybe it was the emotional stress. Maybe it was the two battles almost back to back. Or maybe it was because life as she knew it would never be the same. She started to wake up but kept her eyes closed. Fighting the pull of consciousness that the morning brought. The couch in Hades' room was very conformable. She pulled the furs tighter around her as she heard Hecate speaking quietly. Probably to Thanatos. She wasn't ready to wake and see Hades' almost lifeless body still on his bed. Hecate was speaking in hushed tones. She willed herself back to sleep when she heard the Goddess of the Crossroad whisper "your fated one". Instantly adrenaline flooded her veins and she opened her eyes. Hades! He was awake! Still in bed but propped up on his elbow talking to Hecate. The witch mumbled something else before Hades seemed to sense her and look over. 

"Hi" was the first thing to pop out of her mount when their eyes met. Great. Goddess of words and seduction she was not. But in the moment it all she could muster. Hades smiled, "hi" he replied before he glanced at Hecate who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. "Well, I think you two have a lot of...catching up to do" she smirked as she stood and left the room. "I will make sure you aren't disturbed" she threw over her shoulder as she closed the door. Persephone blushed at that then looked back at Hades. He proceeded to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. When they had been wiping the poison off of him they had untied the shoulder of his himation. Now the dark grey fabric pooled around his waist exposing his massive chest. Himations expose a lot of skin but for some reason she felt like this was the first time she got a good look at him. He was stunning. His perfectly sculped muscles. His broad shoulders. His scars. She had never gotten a good look at them before. A series of light colors gashes marked his stomach. 

She felt a new sensation as her heart raced and the darkness started enveloping her. "My scars..." he spoke snapping her out of it. She forced herself to stop ogling him and met his eyes. His face was expressionless and his gaze was intense. As if he could see into her immortal soul. Did he think she was disturbed by them? She tried to think of something to say when he broke the silence again. "When my father consumed me I fought back. I grasped onto his tongue to stop him from swallowing me but he bit down on me with his teeth. I have had them ever since." She cringed at the thought. A young innocent boy suffering such torture and betrayal. Why was he telling her this now? It was horrible, and sad, yet he showed not emotion. Just continued to look at her. "I'm so sorry" was all she could think of to say. After all that had happened since he last saw each other, this was not how she envisioned the conversation going. 

"After Zeus freed us and the lots were divided, I spent years watching them rule.  Once the mortals were created and started worshiping the Olympians, my siblings changes. They became arrogant and selfish. Brother begot brother. Wife usurped husband. Husband discarded wife. The strong overtook the weak. I realized there was no justice for the gods. Your mother was the first good person I knew. She wasn't perfect but she genuinely cared for others. When she died..." he trailed off. She became nervous about where this conversation was going. Was this his way of accusing her of trying to take his kingdom? His green eyes bored into hers but she felt compelled to stay. "And I, despite this self-awareness of these faults, did the same thing to you. I tried to keep you here because I was so sure of myself. I thought I knew better. I was angry when you compared me to them but you were right. Because I was convinced I knew your fate. I told myself it was for your own good. In reality, it was me being selfish and scared. You made me have hope. With you I felt not just a like soul, but the very best of what an immortal god could be. And I wanted to keep you here with me even though doing so would change who you are as a person. For this, I am truly sorry."

She sat stunned. Not only did he confess his sins to her, he apologized. Bared his soul to her and awaited her judgement. His eyes never looked away from hers while speaking but after a moment of silence they dropped to the floor in front of him. His shoulders sagged either from a weight off of them or awaiting her harsh rebuke. She didn't think but just followed the darkness. 

She rose and in two strides stood before him, cupping his jaw in her hands and lifting his face to meet hers. In one motion she leaned down and crashed her lips against his. She wanted him to know he was forgiven...and loved. While neither was ready to speak the words, she wanted him to feel it. After a moment of pause he responded and opened his mouth to hers while placing his hands on her hips and pulling her closer. He tasted amazing and she quickly deepened the kiss. Running her fingers through his dark locks she heard a deep growl escape him as he pulled her onto his lap. 

This kiss was different from the other. While the other was tentative and soft this...this was passion and lust. She rolled her hips and was rewarded with another growl from him. She could feel his darkness coaxing hers as he slipped his hands under her himation and up her back. The added contact flared to life her other senses of him. She wanted more and was all too eager to fall with him as he laid down on his back. Gently pulling her with him. They hungrily kisses as she slid her hands over his chest. She could feel the raised scars across his ribs and he continued to explore her back and waist with his hands. There were rough and calloused but left a wake of fire in their trail. 

She had been with a man before. A few years prior. He was another solider in the Spartan army. Gorgeous and a fierce warrior. The experience was pleasant enough but nothing like this. The connection she felt to Hades was intoxicating. Judging from his now rapid breathing, the feeling was mutual. She felt his darkness still calling to her. Stronger this time. Beckoning hers. But for some reason his felt restrained. She allowed hers to answer. As she felt them start to mix he pulled away abruptly stopping the kiss. 

"Persephone" his voice was raspy and his chest still heaved from excitement. Her name from his mouth in such a moment was exhilarating. So much so that it took her a moment to realize he has broken their kiss. She sat up still straddling his hips and looked down at him. His hair a mess from her carding fringes and his pulps blown out in lust. When he didn't speak again a wave of self-consciousness flooded her. Oh fates, what had she done! She straightened out her himation and swung her other leg off of him. The loss of contact was cold but she felt her checks flush hot with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...I don't know where that came from!" she blurted out and she stood from the bed. Had she misread the situation? Of course she had. Because she was not one of the Kings and did not know how their...relationships worked. 

"No, wait" Hades started as he sat up from the bed. Still not bothering to cover his exposed chest. She paused her retreat into the wall, or maybe into thin air, and looked back at him. He started to open his mouth when an urgent banging came from the door. Hades looked at her with concern but did not respond when another round of banging commenced followed by Hecate's voice. "My King, apologies for the interruption but we have a situation in Crete that requires your immediate attention!". Hades' eyes never broke contact with hers. As if offering to send Hecate away to continue their conversation. A conversation she did not want to have. She shrugged towards the door at which point Hades responded to the Goddess of the Crossroads. "Enter" he called out softly. Immediately Hecate burst through the doors. It was the break she needed. She need physical distance from Hades. The heavy amount of lust now replaced with humiliation. 

"Hades, the volcano near Crete is starting to erupt!" Hecate blurted out. More concern crossed Hades' face. The implications did not need explaining to him. "Very well, we will travel there at once". He stood and started to follow Hecate out the room when he paused and looked at her. "Are you coming?" he asked with concern and confusion on his face. 

"What? I doubt I can be of help there, I don't know anything about volcanos" she squeaked out. Begging the fates to let his embarrassing encounter end. Desperate to get away from the dark King and to sulk of embarrassment in some dark corner.

To her dismay, a small smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "then you must learn".

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