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"You came back" Hades said as he took in the stunning Goddess standing before him. He prayed it was to give him good news. That she would rule the Underworld as his Queen. It had been only a few days since she had returned to Sparta and the wait tore at him. She had wanted to go home. To see her family and father. And maybe, as he suspected, it was also a test of his word to allow her to travel freely between the two realms. But being away from her gnawed at him. He knew it had been risky to go and speak with her Father but he also knew he needed to win over her Father to win her heart. And now she was here. After claiming her birthright as Queen of Tartarus and dispatching an impressive and clever punishment to her last mortal enemy. He had stood in awe as she condemned the false king and summons the depth of Tartarus to claim his soul. 

"I did. Tartarus cannot be left unattended after all" she replied smiling. His heart dipped a little at this. Did she mean she did not come back for him? He tried to stay positive. Just to revel in the light and beauty this goddess brought to his kingdom. "Of course" he said watching her expression. "I will leave you to it then" he wasn't sure how to proceed and was starting to feel insecure when he saw the confusion cloud her face. Fates be damned, he needed to know for sure. To either put himself out of this misery or to have the happiest day in his dreary life. "Goddess" he said stepping close to her. Enough so that he count her individual eyelashes as she looked up through them. 

"I am sorry to be so blunt. I know you have only just arrived but have you considered my offer?" He couldn't help the optimism that crept into his voice. "I have, my King. After great consideration I offer you a counter offer". What! Her voice was flat and unreadable. This was not the answer he was hoping for but it wasn't a straight refusal so he clung to strands of hope. He nodded for her to continue. "Your offer is tempting, King Hades. One might be considered a fool to question the offer you have bestowed upon me." She started and he felt a few more strings of hope break. "However, I am the Goddess of War and my duties remain torn between worlds. I don't fully understand my responsibility in that regard but it will require my presence in the mortal world at times to cause and guide battles. I also have my current responsibilities to Tartarus which requires my presence here. To add Queen of the Underworld on top of that, well such an undertaking should not be made rashly." 

Time seemed to slow as he listened to her thoughtful analysis. She clearly had rehearsed this speech and his heart hung on her every word. "But my decision rests, perhaps foolishly, on my next questions...As my Husband, will you always treat me with respect even when you are cross?" He started to respond but she held her hand up stopping him so she could continue. "Do you promise not to interfere with my duties as both Goddess of Tartarus and of War? That you will allow me continued unfettered access to both the mortal world and Sparta. And perhaps most of all, will be loyal to only me? That even if I have to leave your side to attend to these duties outside the Underworld, I can trust you. While I know he is your brother, I am not interested in a husband like Zeus."

Was this truly all she was asking? He was ready to give her his entire kingdom and yet all she was asking for was love and respect. He saw how serious her expression was and before answering too quickly with a simple 'yes' he wanted to show her how committed he truly was to her. "Goddess" he began as he took her small hands in his own. "I have waited thousands of years for you. And I would wait thousands more just to have a moment with you as my Queen. Of course I will love and cherish you and will worship and adore only you. You will have all the rites and privilege's that I do in this realm and I will not interfere in your godly responsibilities. I will strike down any who threaten or offend you. And I will worship you every night that I am blessed to have you in my bed. Yours is the only scent I will wear and I will honor you till you return to my realm from your mortal duties. This, I swear on the river Styx." He hardly spoke the words before  her lips crashed against his own. Relief and joy overtook him as he returned the kiss. Her taste, her scent, knowing that she was this was the best moment of his life thus far. 

He was surprised to feel her push the shoulder of his himation down leaving his chest bare. Immediately her hands started exploring his chest and back. Leaving trails of fire in their wake. She slowed as she caressed one of his deep back scars and he tensed momentarily. She must had sensed this as she playfully nipped at his bottom lip. Instantly any self doubt in his mind was erased and he wanted more of her. He slipped his hands under her hmnation and gripped her waist. He wanted to see her body as she did his but anyone could enter the great hall. The thought of someone seeing her in a state of undress sparked jealously. He broke their kiss but did not pull his face away from hers. Instead he looked into her eyes as he held her face in his hands. Then he felt her hands sliding down his hips. Damn this seductress.

In a flash of darkness he pull them through the ether to his chambers. He paused for a moment to ensure she was ok and was delightfully comforted by her leaving a trail of kisses from her ear, to his jaw, and down his neck. The action made the fabric covering his erect member uncomfortable. He scooped her up and carried her over to his bed gently depositing her on the soft furs that adorned it. This, was special. And he wanted to make sure she knew what she meant to him. Slowly her climbed next to her and resumed their passionate kiss. She giggled a beautiful sound as he nipped her ear. Her hands still roaming over his chest and back as if she were committed to touch every inch of him. He slid his hand up her side and over her ribs till his calm cupped right below her breast. On his side next to her he could still kiss her while allowing each to explore the other's body. 

The primal side of him want to burry himself in her, possessively claim her body, and fill his kingdoms with her cries of pleasure. But he knew better. She was unlike all the others and would be treated as such. Sensing no hesitance from her, he continued their kiss as he swiped his right thumb across her left breast. The brief contact with her nipple elicited a soft moan from her and a deep growl from him. It felt almost unreal. To be here with her, touching her in such an intimate way after everything that transpired between them.

He felt her hands flutter down his sides and rest softly on his hips. He smiled as this bold goddess continued her hand exploration over his rump as he positioned himself over her. She instantly wrapped her legs behind his knees, pulling him close enough that both their bodies touched. Even separated  between their clothes, the friction of his member on her sent waves of a soft pleasure through him. Almost too much pleasure. He had to slow down. He playfully nipped at her earlobe again and watched her smile. Her eyes sparkles and she giggled playfully and attempted to nip at his shoulder. 

"Goddess" he rasped out. She looked back at him. With a look like no other. Full and happiness. "God" she replied smiling as she rolled her hips underneath him. If he thought the sensation about enough before, it almost brought him to climax now. She must have sensed this, or maybe his expression gave it way, but she giggle and proceeded to kiss his neck  continued to roll her hips again. Seductress indeed. 

Once he regained thought he gently placed his hand on her hip and pulled slightly away from her. "I want you. I will take you as mine but only when you are my wife. Not sooner, it's too risky that you won't be able to control your powers. " He watched as disappointment flashed across her face before an understanding smile replaced it. This goddess. This women. She was incredible. She sat up and scooted over to him. Gently placing both hands on either side of his face before placing a gentle kiss upon his lips. He savored the feeling, the gentle promise of what is to come. She broke the kiss first and looked at him through her dark lashes. 

"Then we best go meet with Hera" she replied. 

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