The King of the Dead

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Hades sat on his thrown. Hecate had shown the young goddess to her room a while ago and he was anxious to ask the Goddess of Witchcraft questions about her. Unfortunately, while he was waiting several daemons and one of his judges, Rhadamanthus, found him. They were discussing a new sorting system but Hades' thoughts kept going to the new goddess in his realm. He wondered what her face looked like. He looked at his hand, remembering how soft her skin was. How touching her made his heart race. "My Lord, do you agree?" Rhadamanthus asked. "Hmmm?" Hades replied distracted. Flustered the Judge resumed his lecture. Where was Hecate? Suddenly he heard Hecate's voice and his heart leapt. 

"And this is the throne room." Hecate spoke as she stepped down the two stairs and entered the room. His heart almost stopped when the Goddess from Sparta, as Thanatos called her, entered behind her. Fates, she was the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. Her face, now uncovered, was framed in dark chocolate waves that fell down to her lower back. Her eyes, a slightly lighter color brown, scanned the room till they landed on him. His heart raced. She held his gaze, unafraid of him.

"Oh. Apologies my Lord, I didn't realize you would be here. I was just showing Kore around." Hecate smiled then looked at Rhadamanthus and the daemons. All now also staring at the beautiful goddess. A wave of jealously washed over him when he realized the nature of their silence as they too regarded her beauty. "It's fine." Hades finally barked sharper than he intended. Kore...that meant maiden. What an odd name for such a bewitching goddess.

"Thank you for your hospitality, King of the Underworld. I apologize for any inconvenience my being here has caused." The beautiful creature spoke to him in a honeyed but strong voice. Still holding his gaze. He was almost raptured by it. Say something you fool! "Yes." Was the only word to leave his mouth. He saw her frown at the corner of her mouth as Hecate glared at him with the fire of one thousand suns. He needed make up for his unintentional rudeness. "I hope that your room is satisfactory." He blurted out sharply. Bravo old man. This poor girl is trying be polite and he is blurting out snarky comments. She nodded, "Yes, it is more than I am used to. I apprici" but he interrupted her with words that flowed from his mouth before his brain could stop them. "If it does not please you, you may choose another." He said gesturing with his arm at the palace in general. He was being genuine but realized it came off as sarcastic and condescending when he saw her flinch then glance at Hecate. Someone stop him before he digs his grave deeper. "Well, apologies again for the interruption." Hecate ground out before escorting Kore out of the other side of the throne room and down the hall. Suddenly it was like the blood returned to his brain and he groaned at his awkward and sharp behavior. Hecate might hex him for that performance. 

"Weee can discuss the details of this new system later." Rhadamanthus spoke ushering the daemons out of the room with him. Leaving Hades with with thoughts and thinking of all the more charming things he could have said to her rather than coming off like an ass. 

No wondering he didn't have a Queen.

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