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He didn't know how long they stood there. Frankly, he didn't care. All he knew was that he was holding a goddess after he has inadvertently revealed his feelings for her. And she had not been scared. He hadn't shared his thoughts in a long time but knew it was the only way she would trust him. He originally intended to just show her his reaction to her door being locked. But when her soft hand touched his face he lost control. He flooded her with thoughts and feelings back to when he first saw her. Thankfully pulling over the part where the fates called her his mate. He was still unsure what she thought of him and he wasn't ready for that rejection. Then she stepped into his arms and the world went quiet. He felt her sigh and relax. He would stand there holding her as long as she let him. Breathing in her scent. Regardless what happened to them, he would cherish this moment. 

Finally, she pulled away. "Thank you" she muttered quietly looking up at him with her beautiful eyes. He felt weak around her. Her chocolate eyes looking at him with, happiness? He couldn't remember the last time anyone looked at him with happiness before this beautiful goddess. At that moment he realized he was powerless against her. Part of him feared the power she had over him, over his hopeful heart. Did she know she could crush him merely with words? "You have nothing to thank me for" he said trying to restrain the desire to pull her back against him. "Of course I do, you let me stay here. You opened your home to me. And are you not worried about what the fates said about me...about what I am?" 

In truth Hades was excited about the fates revelation of his fated mate. The fact that she was the God Slayer was surprising and he was unsure exactly what it meant but he equated it as being a Cthonic god. She was dark. She was a instrument of death. She belonged in his Kingdom. She belonged with him. He just had to convince her of this fact. 

"Well I can't say that your thoughts about the immortals are incorrect" he smiled and saw her cringe. "I didn't mean you. I didn't mean the underworld, I meant the Olympians" she quickly interjected. He had assumed as much but was still relived to hear her say it. "Actually, your Mother was one of the few Olympians that I liked" he smiled again watching her reaction carefully. Hopefully. A small smile at the corner of her mouth appeared, "what was she like?" He beamed and motioned for her to sit on one of the many large pillows scattered on the balcony. 

"She was very smart. Some called her the goddess of wisdom, but don't ever tell Themis that if you meet her" he chuckled to himself. He sat next to her on his own pillow, letting her lead with proximity. He was relieved when she sat close to him. "Deme, I mean Demeter fought with us to defeat Kronos. She never craved power, just peace. While Zeus, Poseidon, and myself drew lots, your Mother seemed to prefer living  in the upperworld. Especially when Zeus created the mortals to give us more power through their worship. She kept to herself after the great war. Your Mother was the reason that the mortals had a never ending spring. That was her favorite season and she enjoyed making their lives easier." Kore smiled at him with rapt attention.

"She was often the voice of reason at council meetings on Olympus. Especially with Aries" he saw her smile dim slightly at the mention of him. He paused unsure if he should continue. She spoke with her eyes cast to the pillow under her, "do you know what happened? When I was born?" her voice quiet. "I'm not sure. I did not leave the underworld often, especially then. I heard rumors that your Mother had gotten pregnant by Aries. And that panicked, or in a rage, Aries had killed your Mom before you were born. Zeus then pulled Aries' immortal soul from his body and cast it to Tartarus for eternity as punishment. We lost a lot of mortals that year because without your mother winter came and they were ill prepared for it." He watched her process his words. "How did you know Charon, when you were on the ferry?" It was a question that linger in his mind since she arrived. Afterwards he had asked the ferryman who just replied that 'it was not his story to tell'. 

"All I know is the story that my Father was told when I was given to him" she finally looked back up at him. "By Charon" she added. Hades attempted to hide his shocked reaction, to his knowledge the ferryman never left the underworld. "My Father's wife had died a few days prior in childbirth. He was distraught by the loss. Then a hooded skeletal figure showed up one night. I was only a few hours old from what my Father tells me. He said the skeleton figure had told him that I was the daughter or Aries and Demeter. That I was a god-slayer to restore balance among the deathless ones. That my mother, after learning she was with child, went to the Oracles of Delphi. They warned her that Aries would use me to overthrow Olympus. To kill Zeus and usher in a world of never-ending war and chaos. She knew she couldn't let that happen. So immediately after I was born she gave me to Charon to hide among the Spartans. My Father told everyone that by some miracle his child had survived and that I was that child." She paused. Hades was reeling from these revelations but trying to remain with a passive expression. 

"Charon told my Father that after he took me Aries found my Mother. When I was not with her he went into a rage. Demanding to know where I was. she refused to say. It was in this rage that he killed her. That if Zeus or the other immortals found out who I was, or what I was capable of, that they would kill me as well" her voice trailed off. He could hear the sadness in her tone. It all made sense now. Her fear. Her paranoia. She was not wrong. His brother could be irrational and rash. Another God capable of killing him would be unacceptable to Zeus. "How did your Mother contact Charon in the underworld" he asked. She shrugged, "I don't know. I thought you might. I have been meaning to ask Charon but he's always so busy and I didn't want to bother him". She now cast her gaze out into the dark horizon of the underworld. 

She seemed relived and he reveled in her new found openness with him. He wanted to help her. He could sense the undercurrents of loneliness in her words. He thought of his own past. It was awful when he was cast down here. But at least he knew his role and had other gods, like Hecate, to help him. He couldn't imagine hiding his entire identity while living in fear. "Your Father, the Spartan I mean, sounds like a great man" he finally spoke. She smiled brightly, "he is. Even though we are not blood, I have never questioned that he is my father. That's why I must return soon. I cannot leave them at the precipice of war". His heart sank. He had to tread carefully here. Not to damage her new found trust in him. "Well" he said optimistically, "you know that you are always welcome here. You will always be safe in the Underworld". 

She smiled again and looked at him with sincere gratitude, "Thank you Hades. I appreciate all that you have done for me". He grew bold and cupped her jaw in his hand. Her eyes were so beautiful. Brown with flecks of gold that glinted in the moonlight. He felt her nuzzle into his palm and without thinking he leaned closer to her. He paused and searched her eyes for a reaction. Unsure of her limits. The next thing he knew she closed the gap between them and their lips met. Warmth flooded through him at the feeling of her soft lips against his. Cautiously he parted his and was delighted by her welcoming response. After they explored this new form of intimacy for a moment, she moaned happily. Instantly heat pooled in his goin and primal thoughts flooded his mind. He slowly pulled away, trying to hide the lust that was now racking his mind. He had never felt desire overwhelm him like this and it scared him. He had to slow this down but cringed at the thought of leaving or confusing her. She felt like an innocent lamb baring it's throat to a starved lion. 

Before she could say anything he rolled onto his back and pulled her with him to his side. Cradling her in the crook of his shoulder with his arm wrapped under her. He focused on his breathing to calm himself and finally felt his urges subsiding. He nuzzled his nose against the top of her head. Taking in her sweet scent "My life will never be the same after meeting you" he spoke quietly. She giggled, "hopefully that's a good thing". He smiled, "it is". He would cherish these moments with her. Everything about this felt fragile. Like it all could be swept away in a moment and he would be left with only a dream of what was. What could have been. 

He had to keep perspective. She was young and attached to the mortals that raised her. But he knew she belonged with him in the Underworld. The fates had told him as much. He just needed to figure out how to keep her here. She might be angry with him in the sort time, but eventually she would forgive him. She would come to see his side. She had to. He had much to plan but for the moment he pushed those fears out of his head and just lay with this beautiful goddess in his arms. Content for the first time. 

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