Adelfí psychí

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They traveled together through the ether back to the Underworld. More specifically, Hades'  bedchambers. The last time she was here she was a skeptical guest. Now, she is his wife. This beautiful goddess was Queen of the Underworld, his partner. The last one struck him hard. For so long he had wanted another soul bonded to his. To experience existence together. A confidant. A lover eternal. And for so long he thought it would never happen for him. That real love, not just Aphrodite's affect or Eros' arrows of lust, would be something he would experience. 

She's stunning. Still wearing the soft grey tunic, she looked back at him. The enormity of their new reality still running through her mind as well. "Queen" he murmured as he leaned down to kiss her. Cupping her jaw softly with one hand and pulling her against him with the other on the small of her back. She seemed to purr against him and he deepened the kiss. This was the moment he had dreamt about for so long. She was his wife. His Queen. 

He skimmed his fingers down her back, just brushing under her himation. He was met with a soft moan but before he could repeat it she broke their kiss. The sudden absence of her was jarring until he saw her expression. She walked to his bed, their bed, her gaze over her shoulder at him. A coy smile on her lips as she beckoned him from beneath her long lashes. He was amazed at how she could go from hardened warrior, to a caring women, to seductress. He followed her blindly. Rapt with attention towards her every movement. The way she was looking at him. No goddess had ever looked at him like that. It was seduction but also, warmth. Desire and love. 

His mouth went dry as she pulled the pin from her right shoulder, letting the cowl drop to the floor. As she approached the bed she turned to face him. He had been stalking her like a predator for the length of the room. Unable to look away. Filled with desire. But he was also enjoying this playful authoritative side of her. It was not until she seemed to pause with uncertainty, or maybe shyness, at the side of the bed that he pounced. In two large strides he scooped up his Queen and delivered her onto the bed. She laughed and playfully nipped at his neck. He paused after positioning himself over her. "Wife" he said looking into her eyes. Without hesitation she replied "Husband". The simple word for him was powerful. He was done for. 

He dipped down and resumed their kiss. The heat from his groin was overwhelming.  Persephone seemed just as excited. Without breaking their kiss she deftly unfastened the pins at his shoulders and began unwinding his tunic. He wanted her bare as well but allowed her to lead. She was able to push down his tunic to his hips but before he could lift then up to allow her to push them down further, she took his member in her hand. Despite it being through the fabric, the sensation was euphoric. He froze, ready to allow her to do anything to him as long as it meant she kept touching him. She slid her hand further down the length of his shaft. Unable to go down to his base due to her position under him before pausing. 

He opened his eyes and saw her looking down at his goin before her eyes darted back to meet his. A blush swept across her cheeks before she tried pulling him back towards her in a kiss. "Goddess, what's wrong" he asked bracing his arms so she could not move him. Insecurity flooded him.  Was she having second thoughts? She had seen his scars already, that couldn't be it. Did she think him disfigured?

"Nothing, it's nothing, don't worry. I didn't mean to concern you" she smiled and again tried to resume their kiss. Self doubt would not allow him to continue and he remained frozen above her. Searching her eyes for an answer. 

She looked back up at him, "It's're...big. That's all".

"What?" he replied in shock. She merely blushed and tried to kiss him again. This time he could not resist her pulling him back on top of her. Maybe it was the shock of her admission or the surge of confidence he felt. Then he remembered her comment from the other day, about never having been with another god before. Not that he had ever inspected, but mortal men were much small in size than the immortals. In all the ways that mattered to him, he would be her first. 

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