The Reckoning

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Kore walked quickly back to her room. Her heart still pounding. Waiting for the inevitable stampede of footsteps behind her that never came. When she reached her room she slipped in the door, wedged a chair against the handle and scanned the room. Part of her was relieved. The truth was out there. There was no need to hide and pretend. The fates had just tore her soul open for all to see, like it was as easy as tearing a piece of parchment. However those thoughts were soon replaced by the very real, very new danger she was in. She was exposed. Trapped in a kingdom she could not escape. Or could she? She scanned the room for exits and stepped out onto the balcony. It was three stories up but the only way out of her room besides the door. Perhaps she should have just fled the palace after dinner instead of returning here. In those moments after she left the dining hall, she wanted a minute to breathe and her room had been her sanctuary. This and the library.

Hades promised she had nothing to fear from him. But that was before he knew she was the God Slayer. Before he knew her distain for the deathless ones. She hadn't meant him when she made that comment to the fates but the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. As if driven from her by an invisible force. There was only one thing she had been raised knowing as a child, if the immortals knew her power, they would kill her. Maybe Charon would ferry her back to the upperworld? He had helped her once before. That was her best chance. Doubt pained her when she remembered how sincere Hades looked when he had rushed over to her in the sparring ring. She also remembered him flinching away in horror when he touched her. Felt her power. His look of revulsion as he quickly pulled away. It was too risky. 

She grabbed some blankets, a few pieces of fruit and headed to the balcony when she saw the Titanomachy book sitting on the table. She jogged over, opened it to the picture of her Mother and tore the page out. Carefully folding it into her tunic. She heard a knock at the door. Shit! She ran to the balcony as she heard the chair break which was holding the door closed. "Kore, wait!" She heard Hades yell. She swung her leg over the balcony railing and as she was about to pull her other leg over, she saw Hades appear in the doorway. His face stricken with worry. She slowed as he fell to his knees and put his arms up in surrender. "Please stay...I promise this changes nothing." His voice pleading. She paused. This was the second time she had seen this king on his knees before her. 

"I promise I won't hurt you. I am not angry at you." His eyes bore into hers. She swallowed choosing her words carefully. "Even if that's true. How can I be safe here? I am exposed. What if one of your people come after me. What if they tell Zeus who I am?" She shifted her weight further off the railing. "They won't tell Zeus. I swear. And they know you are not a threat to us so they will not attack you. Also, I have given you protections as my guest. I know you don't have reason to...but please trust me." Notes of despair were laced in his voice. She wanted to trust him, badly. She was alone and scared. She sat up and studied his face. "How do they know I won't attack them?" She asked. noticing his jaw clench at the question. "Well, the fates told them as much after you left. If you don't believe me, I can show you I am being sincere. But you will need to come in from the balcony." His voice was soft and calm. As if it was speaking directly to the darkness inside her. 

She narrowed her eyes. This could be a trap but what choice did she have. She couldn't outrun him here. And something urged her to trust him. Slowly she brought her leg back over the balcony. He stood and took a tentative couple steps towards her so she was within arms reach. "Here." He said holding his hand out. What was this? She remained in place wanting a better explanation from him before getting too close. "I can allow you to sense my thoughts. But I can only do that through physical contact." He again moved his outstretched hand. Tentatively she laid her hand in his and he gently brought her palm to his temple. He felt warm and strong with the power of an ancient god. Suddenly she was flooded with emotions mixed with flickers of memories from his perspective. Him holding her on the boat when she first arrived. Confusion. Him seeing her face for the first time in the throne room. Lust. Them riding horses on the beach. Joy. Him looking at her while on his knees in the sparring ring. Wonder. Not repulsion like she thought. Flickers of the fates at dinner. As if he was skipping over that part? Then him breaking the door and seeing her fleeing on the balcony. Fear, not of her but for her. Sadness. Then...rejection? Suddenly he pulled away. Maybe she wasn't supposed to feel that last one. 

It took her a minute to process all the emotions that flooded her from him. It was a peculiar sensation to see through another's eyes. But one thing was clear, he harbored no anger or ill-will towards her. If anything, his feelings for her were stronger and more personal than she thought. Something else to unpack at a later time. For now, she let out a sigh she didn't realize she was holding. Her shoulders sagged. He stood quietly, watching her. She knew he was waiting for her to make the first move. She looked at his eyes. They were so blue she felt she could look into his soul. Maybe she just had. Tears welled in hers. Not out of sadness, but out of relief. He opened his mouth to say something, obviously concerned about her tears, but before he could utter a word she stepped forward and he immediately wrapped his arms around her. 

She felt safe. She felt warm. Her Father hugged her as a child and a few times as an adult. But overall Spartan's did not express a lot of soft emotions. It was not something she ever thought she missed till she was standing in Hades' arms. Several tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt him sigh as he rested his chin on the top of her head. At that moment, she was at peace. She worried that he would pull away but he didn't. The feared and dreaded King of the Underworld just stood there and held her while she relaxed for the first time in what felt like years. She realized then that Hades might be the only person that accepted her for who she was. Despite her powers. Despite her real parents. Despite the prophecy. 

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