The Tour- Part 2

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Hades was just returning from a walk outside when he ran into Hecate leaving the kitchen clearly annoyed. "You!" she shouted. He raised his hands in surrender. "I know, I know." He shook his head. "No, you don't know!" She snarled. "First off, for the hundredth time you need to ban Minthe from the palace. She was throwing a fit about getting mortal food for Kore. Second, you know how insane Minthe is and if something happens to Kore I am pretty sure Hera will throw you in Tartarus herself! Finally, what is wrong with you! That poor girl was just torn away from everything and everyone she's ever known, by your idiot Brother no less, thrown in a kingdom she's never seen, with God's she knows nothing about, and your acting like a dick!" Hades froze at Hecate's onslaught. He was about to snap back at her but he knew she was right. He took a deep breath. "To address your issues in order: Minthe is just bitchy by nature. I am sure she will get the mortal food and I will talk to her about Kore. Also, I wasn't trying to be a "dick" and you so eloquently put it. I just...I can't find the words around her."

Hecate sighed calming a bit. "She thinks you hate her and don't want her here." He grimaced at that news. He knew he had been sharp but didn't realize it came off that badly. "No, that's not true at all..." His voice dropped and he looked at the floor. "I don't want her to be uncomfortable while she is here. I will stay out of her way." He grumbled. Self-doubt flooded him. "That's a stupid idea. Go talk to her and be nice. Dinner will be ready shortly so that will be your excuse to find her. And maybe think about what you'll say before you see her." Hecate added smiling at him. He frowned. "I think I have done enough damage for one day..." but before he could finish she pointed down the hall towards the library, "Go. Now!"

As he walked to the library he ran a hand through his hair trying it make it look presentable. It was shoulder length and while he usually did not care about his appearance, he suddenly did. He will get a haircut in the morning. He wondered how Spartan men usually wore their hair. Stop, he could barely say two words to this women without sounding like a pompous ass. A haircut alone will not fix this.

As he entered the library he saw her sitting on the long bench engrossed in a book. He was curious why Hecate left her here. He stepped in the room but she was so captivated by what she was reading she didn't notice. Awkwardly he shuffled his feet and cleared her throat. She jumped and the heavy book slipped from her lap. Quickly she snatched it back and looked at him, concern flickered over her face before her expression became unreadable again. He was off to a great start. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He spoke purposely keeping his voice soft, or at least trying to. "No, this is your home. Hecate said I could wait here while she took care of something." She started to stand adding, "I will get out of your way". He had to think fast, "Please stay" he said lowering himself to another bench on the side of the room. She paused for a minute before lowering herself back down, a hesitant smile on her face. Ok, small step.

Small talk. He ruled a Kingdom, defeated Titans, commanded respect from daemons, he could talk to this girl. "You can read?" Was the first thing that came out. "I mean, I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. I just don't know a lot of women who do." Her shoulders seemed to relax ever so slightly. He'll count that as a victory. "Yes. My Father taught me." She replied tucking the book she was reading possessively besides her. Beautiful and smart. He wanted to know everything about her. "This library is one of my favorite places. I get few visitors here but you are always welcome." He added quickly. She smiled but this time more freely. "What are you reading?" She paused before pulling the book out from her side and placing it on her lap. "About the Titanomachy". She answered sheepishly. Of all the books he owned why did that one interest her? "Ahh some dry ancient stuff there. Do you have history books in Sparta?" He probed more. 

She shifted herself towards him. "We have historic scrolls on Spartan history and warfare. I have borrowed a few readings on philosophy and governing from a couple of our Senators. But we have no books on world history or the immortals." The more she spoke the more she intrigued him. "Well you are welcome to read anything you would like here. And since I was actually around for the Titanomachy I would be happy to answer any questions you have." He smiled and she smiled in return. His heart sored seeing her happy. Or at least more comfortable around him. "Thank you. That's very generous." She replied as she possessively held the book. This was progress. Feeling bold he took a risk. "May I escort you to dinner?" He asked trying to seem confidently but friendly. She paused for a moment as if surprised. "Yes. Thank you". 

He stood and gestured her to proceed him out into the hallway when she stopped. "Please know that it was not my intention to burden you with my presence. As I told Hecate, Zeus threatened my Father if I didn't leave. Even so, I will try to stay out of everyone's way." For the moment she was back to being guarded and formal. He desperately wanted her to feel safe around him.

"I am sorry for my brother's actions. He can be rash and impulsive, as I am sure you know." He smiled but she looked confused. "Well, I suppose I know now. Today was the first time I had met him. Actually, the first day I had ever met another immortal." She looked up at him and while she was taller than most women, she still barely came to his shoulder. "Well, I am sorry he was the first you met. We aren't all like that...and I, I am sorry if I made you feel unwelcome here earlier. We don't get many visitors and my manners are rusty." He tried to sense her emotions but couldn't. Hecate once said he could be unreadable. If this is what it felt like, he now understood the feeling to be on the other side. "It ummm, actually is nice to have a visitor. Especially one who likes to read." At that she laughed. It was one of the most glorious sounds he had ever heard. He silently swore to himself he would do everything he could to hear it again. "Well considering you had a stranger dumped in your realm with no explanation, you are forgiven." She smiled coyly and tucked her chin to her shoulder at him. The movement was quick but it made his hear beat faster.

"Well, perhaps we could start over. Especially since we were never formally introduced." He mused garnering another smile from her. "A great idea. I am Kore, Daughter of Sparta." She extended her arm forward towards him firmly. He recognized the gesture as a greeting practiced by the Spartan shades in Elysium. "I am Hades, King of the Underworld." He met her arm and gently grasped her forearm as she did his. His skin flushed at the contact with her and as soon as they separated his body missed the contact and loneliness panged his heart. He wondered if she felt it to? If she did she did not show it.

He escorted her to the dinning hall which Hecate had helped prepare. Unsure of what she liked to eat he had several dishes prepared with mortal foods his shades told him were custom to her home. Chicken, lamb, cow, and various fruits and breads. Normally dinners were not this lavish but he wanted to make her feel welcome. To make up for his earlier behavior. And also to impress her. As they entered he heard her gasp quietly as she saw the feast. He may be able to save this day after all.

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