The Armory

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Several days had passed since Kore's arrival in the Underworld. Hades awoke everyday excited to spend time with her and they had almost settled into a routine. They would breakfast together in the morning, she would retreat to the library for a few hours while he held court, in the afternoons they would ride the horses or explore other parts of the kingdoms before returning to the palace for dinner. They often stayed at the table after dinner and talked. Cerberus napping at her feet. She asked Hades lots of questions about himself and the other Gods. However he could tell she still tensed when it came to questions about herself. As if she was still afraid. 

He wanted her to feel comfortable and safe here. Hera's comment about Kore not knowing how to control her powers came to the front of his mind. That afternoon he fetched her after he finished with court and brought her to a small training field behind the stables. He was unsure about brining her here the first few days, concerned what her reaction to training with him would be. But once she realized what the area was she smiled. "You have a sparring ring." She grinned and looked at him happily. "I do. I often come to train here." He explained as he led her inside the stone building he used as an armory. 

"Acrelous!" He called out for his armory guard. He watched as Kore slowed when the large cyclopes stepped out from around a corner. "My Lord, apologies. I didn't know you were visiti..." The cyclopes froze when he saw Kore. "No worries Acrelous. This is a surprise visit. I would like to introduce you to Kore, Daughter of Sparta. She is staying in the Underworld for a bit." He watched as a delightful smile crossed Acrelous' broad face. "A Spartan you say. It is my pleasure." The cyclops bowed towards Kore who was now wide-eyed taking in the giant before her. "Acrelous cares for the Armory and is my sparring partner. I figured you might grow restless in the library and might like to come here." Hades searched her face for a reaction. 

"Are're a cyclope." She finally got out. He wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement. Acrelous smiled again. "I am indeed. While you have obviously never met a cyclopes, I have never met a living Spartan. So it is a new experience for us both." He chuckled loudly. "Kore is actually a member of the Spartan army." Hades added. He watched as the cyclopes smiled broadly. "Amazing! May I give you a tour?" Acrelous looked at Kore with even more excitement. Kore smiled and nodded. Hades let the two of them walk ahead as Acrelous proudly showed her the armory. After a few minutes the two seemed comfortable and the cyclopes was engrossed in showing her various weapons. Explaining with mind numbing detail the origins and styles of each. All the while Kore listened quietly. Either politely or with genuine interest, Hades couldn't tell. 

They were there till dinner time and as they were saying their goodbyes Hades added, "Perhaps you would like to spar with Acrelous tomorrow?" She instantly became a little reserved. Shit. Had he pushed too far? But before he could backtrack the cyclopes chimed it, "Yes! That would be wonderous! I haven't trained with a Spartan before and I can show you how to use some of the newer weapons!" At his excitement Kore seemed to ease and agreed to meet him after breakfast rather than going to the library while Hades was at court. 

They returned to the palace just as dinner was being laid out and by that time she seemed back to her normal self. Dinner was uneventful as Hecate complained about an attack on some of her priestesses that had occurred earlier that day. The followers of Hecate were often regarded with suspicion since witchcraft was often misunderstood by mortals as the ability to kill or horribly curse. Attacks were rare but not uncommon. However Hades noticed Hecate seemed usually concerned about it. He would have to speak to her about it in private later. 

After dinner and their normal conversations Hades escorted Kore to her bedroom. "You don't have to spar with Acrelous tomorrow if you don't want to. But I promise you he will not harm you if you do." Hades added as they approached her door. She smiled at him. "I think he would be very disappointed if I didn't." He chuckled, relived that she was no longer showing concern about it. "Yes, he would be." He added nodding his head. "He doesn't get many people to spar with and he grew bored with me decades ago." She smiled broadly and the two stood silently regarding each other. He wanted so desperately to touch her. To pull her close. To feel her skin against him. However she smiled shyly and wished him goodnight before slipping into her room. He stood there for a few moments taking in her scent before he left for the armory. He needed to speak to Acrelous before the morning. 

As he entered the sparring ring he saw the cyclops pulling out straw targets. No doubt in preparation for tomorrow. "My King!" Acrelous called out as he saw Hades. "What an exciting visitor! I promise I will take care of her tomorrow." Hades laughed. "I had no doubt you two would hit it off. But just so you know, she is a goddess. I don't know of who, but she is here because she lost control of her powers in the mortal realm. I want her to feel safe to explore them here but she has hidden them away in order to live among the Spartans as a mortal. That's as much as I have gathered." Acrelous nodded thoughtfully. Interesting. Well I won't push her but she is bounded to lose control of them again unless she learns how to focus it." Hades nodded. "Agreed. Well I will leave you to it. Thank you old friend." He clapped his hand against the cyclops's shoulder and headed back to the palace. He wished Kore trusted him enough to share her secrets. He would continue to try to earn her trust, he just hoped he had enough time. 

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