Alpha and Omega

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Persephone stood on the shores of the river Styx. She could now travel to the shores of the underworld from Sparta through the either. She wasn't sure how or when she gained the ability. Thanatos had brought her from the Underworld to Sparta but she wanted to try to travel herself. So after a few moments of trying to pull the dark energy around herself, she felt the flames of Tartarus surround her and like when she left with Hecate, she moved through the ether. This time, traveling to the shores of the Styx rather then into the Underworld through Tartarus. Ether or not, she would still respect Charon as the ferryman. She waited for a few minutes on the foggy shores and watched the still waters. At last she saw a soft glow of the ferryman's lamp and comfort enveloped her heart. 

As the old wooden ship pierced through the fog the ferryman himself came into view. She couldn't be sure from this distance, but he thought she saw a smile under his dark hood. As he approached she stepped to met the boat at the water's edge. "Ferryman of the Styx, may I trouble you for a ride into the Underworld?" she spoke warmly and nodded in respect. Charon let out a sharp laugh, "Aristi cthonia, even if I could I would never deny you entrance to your realm." She smiled at the gravity of his words and took his boney hand as he pulled her aboard. She regarded him fondly, "thank you, Charon. Without you I wouldn't even be standing here today". She tried to hand him gold coins for passage but he merely shook his head, "you know your coin is no good here". She knew he would say that but wanted to make the gesture out of respect. To a misunderstood man who has done so much for her. 

"You look well Praxidike." Charon spoke as his retrieved his giant oar and pushed them away from the shore of the mortal world. "Can I assume that your visit today is a surprise to our King?" he prodded. She stood next to him watching the opposite shore slowly come into view. "You are too kind, my friend. Yes, the King of the Underworld is unware of my return. I wanted to practice moving through the ether on my own. While he said I was free to return whenever, I hope he doesn't mind me arriving unannounced." She hadn't thought about that when she first arrived on the shores of the Styx but now saying it, she sincerely hoped Hades wouldn't mind her entering without telling him. Charon laughed hardily, "no, Goddess, he will not mind you arriving unannounced. Dare I say, your arrival will be somewhat of a relief to him." She smiled back at the skeletal figured hidden in dark robes. 

When the boat pushed up the shores of the Underworld Persephone noticed how grey the skies looked. Normally the artificial sun kept this light, albeit not sunny, in the underworld. Today it seemed dreary. Charon seemed to notice her looking at the underworld sky as she stepped from the boat onto the rocky beach. "I surmise it's been a bit gloomy here the past few days. Hopefully, it will brighten up soon" he said mischievously as he used his oar to push back from the shore and retreated into the fog. She waived at him and stood till the grey enveloped him once again. She wiped some sand from her sandals and started up the path to the castle. Immediately she noticed a massive pile of swords and shields on the beach. The stack must be twice her height high while hundreds of other swords stood vertically in the rocky sands of the shore. As if stabbed into the sand in surrender. This sight left her in awe for a moment. Were these the discarded arms of the Ephyran soldiers who attacked the underworld? No, there were far too many. And some looked to be Persian and even...Spartan? Was he disarming the realm after the war? She would have to ask Hades about this at some point but for now she headed up the path that had become all to familiar to her.

She wore a new himation of dark indigo with a gold rope around her waist. The dye color was a new import to Greece and she marveled at it's splendor. A new color for a new goddess she thought as she had dressed herself that morning. Her gold Spartan ivy leaves sat as a crown atop her head. She normally didn't wear her status regalia outside formal events but having a bit of home with her was a comfort. Because she was nervous. 

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