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Persephone looked around but did not see the hound of hell. "Cerberus?" she called out. At once two large black paws materialized in front of her, followed by the rest of the guardian of the underworld. His three heads with their tongues out happily licking her. "Thank you my friend. Can you take us back to Hades?" Cerberus happily flopped down to his belly to allow her to climb aboard. Once on, she looked to Hecate who again had a stunned look on her face. "Oh no, I think I will pass on this furry chariot". Persephone gigged, "I will admit, he does have an unconventional gait." Hecate let out a sharp laugh before her face returned to it's usual somber expression. "What is your plan?" the witch asked. Persephone paused for a moment before answering truthfully, "I don't know. First, find Hades and get him to safety. Then, kill Sisyphus. After that..." she shrugged. Hecate looked at her thoughtfully, "as good a plan as any. I can look for Minthe", but before the name could leave her mouth a spear pierced through her thigh. "No!" Persephone screamed as she watched Hecate stumbled backwards and fall. Agony painted across her face. 

She looked to the direction the spear came from to see Sisyphus atop a horse holding the gold leather amentum with another spear loaded. Before she could act Cerberus took off towards the tyrant King. Persephone was helpless to stop the hell hound as she clung to his neck. She watched in horror as Sisyphus let loose a spear directly towards them. She summoned a wave of dark power and shoved it at the approaching spear, knocking it off it's course and causing it to clang to the ground next to them as they passed. She looked back to see another spear flying towards them. She summoned another wave of power and while it did knock the spear off it's original course it still landed. She watched in horror as the spear originally aimed for her sank into Cerberus' shoulder. The hound howled in pain but tried to keep running. "Cerberus, stop!" she yelled sliding off his back. She rolled to the ground several times before finally stopping. Cerberus slowed and limped to a halt as well. In the distance she could see Sisyphus wildly kicked his horse in retreat. 

"Cerberus!" she screamed and ran towards her friend who was slumped on his uninjured side. The spear was deep. Embedded between his ribs and shoulder blade. "I'm so sorry my friend, but I have to pull this out or the poison will keep spreading", unable to hide fear in her voice as she placed both hands on the wooden shaft. She looked into one of Cerberus' eyes and somehow knew he understood what she had to do. She took a deep breath and quickly pulled the spear as hard as she could. It came about half way, the hound howling in pain. Tears were now streaming down her face. "I am so sorry, one more pull" and she again yanked with all her might. The spear finally retreating. The loss of resistance causing her to stumble backwards. Maybe she had been wrong about this plan. Sisyphus had a long range weapon, she only had a sword. Everyone she knew was getting hurt. Maybe she couldn't do this. 

"I'll take care of him, go!" a voice called out. She looked up from Cerberus to see Hecate limping towards them. "What if I can't, I don't" was all she got out before the Goddess of Witchcraft held up her hand. "I have seen you wield the darkness of the underworld, the ferryman give you blessing in perpetuity, the ancient creatures of  Tartarus bow to you, you ride the dreaded hound of hell, and you defying two of the three realm Kings to do what you knew was right. If anyone should have doubts about their actions in this moment, it's those who have trespassed against you." Instantly confidence and clarity entered Persephone's mind. Maybe Hecate use a spell or maybe it was just a comforting voice she needed, but her tears dried and her resolution returned. She nodded at Hecate, patted Cerberus in thanks and took off towards the palace. 

She had always loved to run. As a child she was always faster than the boys. Her long legs allowed her to take enormous strides. She used to hate running with her cape and cowl on. The heavy wool slowing her down.  But now, now she didn't even notice it's weight. As she came into view of the fighting she saw that the number of Ephyran soldiers had dwindled considerably. She saw her Father, still leading the charge and now fighting along side Acrelous but she no longer saw Hades. She slowed her approach. Scanning the area she last saw him at till she noticed drag marks from the rock where he was. She followed them along the path that led to the stable and...the armory. Of course. What better fortress to make a last stand in than one already fortified with weapons. She broke right, away from the fighting and followed the path. The last time she was on this path was when she escaped the Underworld. Ironic that now she was once again on it, this time to save the Underworld. As she approached she slowed and tried to take cover behind some trees. The armory looked...well normal. Quiet. Aside from the drag marks in the sand leading inside, it looked abandoned. She listened for a moment for any sounds. Nothing. Either this was a trap or Sisyphus had already moved on. 

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