Fight for Love

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Persephone stood watching as the Spartan army either killed or chased off the reaming men of Sisyphus' army. They had returned to the port city of Patrae. Along the way wiping out any trace of the tyrant King. By now the survivors who witnesses Sisyphus' death had told the story along their retreat. All mortals along the way now knew the story of Persephone, Goddess of Sparta, and they feared her. The Spartan's reveled in the increased terror of them by their enemies. The flash of a crimson cape sent the bravest of men running less they incur her wrath. While she was glad to give her brothers the added confidence of a ruthless immortal in their midst, she also noticed the fear the civilians now had of her. No longer could she walk among them without them either bowing or looking away in fear. She was the only female spartan with the army. Everyone knew who she was. What she was. There was no hiding anymore and she hated it. Hated that the innocent feared her. 

After they cleared the port area Persephone and her father walked back towards the city. The townspeople already in the streets cleaning and repairing the damage caused by Sisyphus' army. None of them daring to look in her directly as she passed, many falling to their knees. "Things will never be the same Little Roar" her father spoke. He too had noticed the change in people's reaction to her. "They have nothing to fear from me" she spoke with sadness in her voice. He sighed. "Our lives, all of our lives, are dividing into chapters. There is a start, a middle, and an end. Then the start of a new chapter in one's life begins. A great warrior has many chapters. For example, when I was given you, that was a chapter in my life. When you joined the army and fought in your first battle, that was a chapter. And now you embracing your immortal aspects...that is a chapter". He spoke keeping his eyes in front of them as they walked. She understood what he was saying but the connotation of an ending depressed her further. 

"The end of my life with you...and the Spartans?" she couldn't stop the tear from escaping her eyes and rolling down her cheek. Her Father stopped and turned to face her. He wiped the tear from her face with his thumb, "I guess I can't call you Little Roar or Lion anymore, huh" he said chuckling. Sadness flowed from her as more tears came. "Just because you have ended one chapter of your life does not mean you must say goodbye. Sparta will always be your home and I will always be your Father". She finally smiled and met his eyes, relief calming her. "I promise that I will not put Sparta in danger if Zeus comes for me" she stood tall. Her Father smiled as he regarded her closely. As if for the first time, "you are one of us. An attack on you is an attack on all of us. But we will cross that bridge when it comes" he clapped his hand on her shoulder and they continued walking. A small bit of peace now in her mind. 

As they approached the center of town Persephone sensed another immoral. Panic engulfed her until she saw a hooded figure in an alleyway. "Thanatos?" she called out. The figured stepped forward from the shadows and approached her and her Father. "Kore, apologies for seeking you out in front of others but it couldn't wait". She could sense the fear in him even with his hood and cape covering his face and wings. "What is it" she asked, afraid of the answer. "Something is wrong in the underworld. Hades and Hecate are missing and..." he trailed off. "And what" she prompted as dread filled her gut. "Sisyphus has claimed the Underworld as his own. He has a small army of mortals with him and the help of some Underworld dissenters." He glanced around nervously. 

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What do you mean Hades and Hecate are missing. How? And how is Sisyphus alive. I killed him myself" she glanced at her Father. His face mirroring her own in concern. "I don't know. I think Sisyphus used some dark magic to evade death. I can't find Hades or Hecate but Charon thinks they are locked in Tartarus. However that is just a guess. Our access to the realm has been limited." Her mind reeled. "Did you go to Zeus or Poseidon? Surely they must act to protect their own realms!" Thanatos frowned. "I sent a message to Poseidon but have not heard back. I asked for an audience with Zeus but I was not allowed entry past the gates of Olympus. Even if they came, their powers are drawn from the upperworld and are weakened in the underworld. They can't pull from the darkness. I am sorry to put this burden on you, Praxidike, but you are the Underworld's best chance." 

She stood there in silence. Taking in the enormous burden now upon her. Defeating a mortal King in the mortal realm was one thing But aided by dark powers the likes of which Hades and Hecate could not defeat him, how could she? She looked at her Father and he nodded. She turned back to Thanatos who was now looking at a small group of Spartans who were standing by, apparently having overheard the conversation. Thankfully, they did not seem to care the God of Death was among them. Rather, they shared his look of concern. She turned back to Thanatos, "take me to the Underworld". He smiled, "thank you. I am sorry I couldn't find more allies, I fear we will be greatly out numbered" he spoke with hesitance. "No, you won't" said one of the Spartans who had been watching. "We stand as one, we fight as one, we die as one" another shouted from the back. She she smiled as one by one a group of Spartans volunteered to go with her. She looked back at her Father and saw him grinning, "well, we'd better make a plan" he said before handing Thanatos a piece of parchment. 

"Can you draw us a map of the Underworld?"

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