The Daemon

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Kore woke to a small ribbon of sunshine spilling through the balcony curtains and into her room. It took her a minute to remember where she was. And another to process that it was not a dream. Had only one night passed? She started the day riding into battle with her father and ended it discussing books in the underworld with Hades. It all felt surreal. Included this bed. She had never seen anything like it but assume this was the type that rich Kings and Gods slept in. It was huge, the pillows were soft, and she had so many warm furs that she had to take some off during the night. She sat up and looked at the books besides her. The Titanomachy on top. She flipped it open to the page with her Mother. Determined to memorize the image less she never see it again w she was broken from her revere by a knock on the door.

"Come in?" She was unsure of their pleasantries here. In bustled a female daemon with a long black dress. "Good morning!" She piped as she dumped a stack of fabrics on a bench before turning to Kore, "I am Melarose, the palace seamstress." Kore swung her legs off the huge bed and padded over to her. "Hello, I'm Kore." The daemon looked her up and down. "Oh but he wasn't exaggerating." She said smiling. 

"I'm sorry?" Kore asked. Was speaking vaguely a common trait in the underworld. The daemon only chuckled and turned to the large stack of fabric. "My King said you were very beautiful and that I should only make you the finest clothes." She turned holding up a piece of red fabric. "But don't tell him I told you that." The daemon added quickly. Kore blushed and looked down at her hands. She had thought that certain moments last night in the library seemed like flirting but she was not sure. Courtship was much more clear in Sparta. Everything here is, murky.

"Ahhh, how about this one." Melarose purred as she held up a dark green silk material. Kore reached out her fingers to stroke the soft material. It was unworldly. "It's beautiful but much too decadent for me. I couldn't accept such expensive fabric." But before she could finish Melarose huffed and stopped her. "Non-sense! You are a guest of Hades and don't forget he is the god of wealth." She circled her finger to the air in reference to the palace surrounding them. "And if I send you out in a cotton or burlap I won't be doing your beauty justice. Now stand over here so I can cut it to your size." Kore normally did not follow such commands from strangers but she like Melarose and decided to humor her. She was warm but firm. She stepped over to Melarose and let her use a string to measure her. She had never had custom clothes before and she had to admit was rather excited to see the results.

After several minutes of measuring and prodding Melarose stepped back. "It will take a few minutes for me to whip this up. Why don't you get washed up while I work." Gesturing down the washroom. Adding "usually there are attendants to help bathe you but I am assuming you would rather do it yourself." she smiled. Kore froze. "Yes. I can bathe myself." Melarose smiled wider. "A self-sufficient girl you are. Oils are in shells. The white cream is for your hair." And with that Melarose set to work cutting and stitching fabric. 

Kore wandered into the washroom. She had used the room last night but in the daylight it was truly spectacular. Large quartz stones lined the floors and walls. And was the floor, warm? It felt soothing on her calloused feet. At the far back of the room was a wide stone pool. Water cascaded into it from the wall besides it. A small hole at the bottom drained the bath at the same speed as new water coming into it so that it remained full with fresh water. She dipped her hand into it, warm as well! Kore had only taken warm baths a couple times when they found some hot springs during her travels with the army. Excitedly she untied her tunic and stepped in. The water was heavenly and she sat for several minutes letting the stress melt away from her. The Underworld was certainly growing on her.

She spent more time than she probably should have bathing. But it was such a luxury and she had not had a good bath in a long time. The oils and creams were delightful and had wonderful smells that left her hair and skin feeling soft. When she emerged wrapped in a cotton cloth she heard Melarose talking to someone. She recognized the other voice as Hecate. She stepped out to see the goddess of witchcraft in a long black chiton sitting on a bench across from Melarose chatting away. In her lap was a small black cat who immediately looked up at Kore as she entered. "Good morning goddess." Hecate's voice was chipper despite her black ensemble. "Good morning." Kore replied smiling as she watched the black cat stretch before jumping off Hecate's lap and slowly sauntering over to her. Kore loved all animals, but especially cats. She knelt down to pet the cat who was now standing at her feet looking up at her expectantly.

"Good morning to you." She said as she started scratching under the cat's chin and cheeks. Hecate laughed. "That's Tash. Usually he is anti-social but he must sense you are an animal person." Kore grinned and she picked him up as he nuzzled her chin. "Oh yes. We have some cats in the palace. They are wonderful little hunters. They are the most efficient at keeping vermin out of grains and flower." After a few more pets she saw Melarose looking impatient, so she set down Tash and walked over to the seamstress. It was then that Kore noticed a large mirror leaning against the wall. Melarose also noticed her reaction. "I told Hecate you should have a mirror in your room. Beautiful, isn't it?" Kore was lost in gazing at the mirror and stepped towards it. She has seen her reflection in the water and in some flat metals. But glass was a rarity only found in Rome. It was expensive and did not travel well so this was the first time in her life she had really seen what she looked like. There were more features to her face she ever noticed in the water's reflection. Her hair and eyes were a lighter brown than she thought. Small freckles dotted the tops of her cheeks. She stood there captivated till Melarose placed her hand on Kore's shoulder. "Have you seen yourself in a mirror before?" She asked. "No." Was all Kore could respond with.

Melarose smiled. "Well this can stay in your room as long as you want it. Now, let's get you dressed." She clapped excitedly. While Kore was not embarrassed about her body it felt a little odd having someone dress her. Melarose was quick however and fluttered around pinning the beautiful dark green fabric against her body. All while chatting with Hecate. Kore watched the whole process from the mirror. "So what are your plans for today?" Melarose paused from her pinning and looked at her. "Oh, well Hades offered to show me around the Underworld." She replied noticing the smirk that crept across Melarose's face and she glanced at Hecate. "Oh how wonderful. I am glad to hear that the King is taking some time off from work. It is long overdue. Make sure to ask him to show you the waterfall." She winked at Kore.

"There." Melarose proclaimed stepping back and admiring her handiwork. Kore looked in the mirror and almost didn't recognize the women looking back at her. The dark green silk was beautiful and hugged her skin delicately. In the shade it almost looked black. A gold belt sat low on her hips keeping the fabric draped over her chest in place. "One last thing." Hecate added as she came over and waived her hand over Kore's head. Her hair instantly drying with a band of gold laurel leaves on the top of her head. "There, now you look like a true goddess." She added. Kore couldn't believe the difference in her appearance. Overwhelmed with gratitude she thanked both Hecate and Melarose profusely. Also asking if Hecate could teach her the hair drying trick which she agreed to do. "Well then." Hecate said with a devilish smirk. "Lets go find the king of the Underworld."

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