Crimson Sky

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Warmth. That was the first sensation he felt as he left Morpheus' domain to wake to his realm. He slowly opened his eyes to see Persephone's sleep form next to him. Last was exquisite. There were no other words to describe it and that one barely could. He made love her  three times. Each time better than the last. It was euphoric. And here she was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Deeply inhaling the smell of rose water and well, him, on her. The smell alone aroused him but there would be time for later later. Right now he just wanted to bask in this moment. The comfort of laying beside her. 

He didn't know how long he laid here. Drifting in and out of sleep while just enjoying her sleeping presence. It must have been late morning before she finally awoke. He didn't care. He would lay there with her forever. 

"Good morning" she mumbled happily as she rubbed her eyes. He couldn't help but swoop in for a kiss. His love for this goddess was immeasurable. "Good morning" he finally replied breaking their kiss. "Well my Queen, how would you like to spend the day" he asked seriously. She knew most of the Kingdom already. Maybe redecorating the palace to her liking? Moving things from her bedroom into theirs for sure. Or maybe she would want to build a new bedroom. A flood of ideas ran through his mind. 

"Hmmmm, breakfast?" she replied. He couldn't help but laugh. "Of course, I am sure Melarose has a feast prepared for us". They slowly got out of bed and made their way to the dining hall. Laughing and teasing each other along the way. He had never been so happy. So...content. Things were perfect. 

As she tried to slap his ass playfully, he deftly scooped her up and put her over his shoulder. Both laughing as he casually continued strolling to the large dining room. It was then that he noticed Hecate and Thanatos standing down the hall. Worry etched across their faces.

He considered just using the Ether to leave before they could bear the bad news which he knew would end their blissful state. Run away with Persephone somewhere. If even for just a few days to keep this fantasy going. But he knew it would not solve anything and lying to Persephone wouldn't be good. Especially on their first full day as a married couple. He paused and gently placed her back on the ground. She was still giggling until she saw his face and followed his gaze to their two friends down the hall. 

"What is it?" she asked them with concern evident in her voice. He noted Hecate swallowing before glancing at Thanatos. "Well, out with it. Your Queen asked you a question" Hades added impatiently. 

"My Lord, it's your brother. Zeus" Hecate finally replied. Hades felt himself tense. He knew what she was about to say but had hoped it wouldn't come to this. Hoped that his Brother would be rational. He felt Persephone straighten next to him. Steeling herself for what was about to come. She was an iron Queen. The Dread Queen. And they would battle this together he thought. Or at least, tried to reassure himself.

He heard Hecate take a deep breath and prepared himself for the impact of her words. The words that would change their lives and the realms forever.

The Goddess of Witchcraft level him with her stare. "Zeus has decaled war on the Underworld."

Thank you for reading! This story will continue as Aidoneus Part II.

And a huge huge special thanks to @NatashaIli for the amazing  encouragement! If you haven't read Spring in Hades and From a Whisper to a Scream, you must!!! *Chef's kiss*

Since this is my first time writing a story like this, I will be editing and making small revisions to previous chapters for continuity purposes. Please bear with me while I do this as well if there are any grammatical errors. 

Otherwise, thanks again and I hope you continue reading :) 

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