Fight for the underworld

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Hades stood in the trees watching Kore. Thanatos had told him that the Spartans had engaged Sisyphus in battle. Panic and fear had ate at him till he donned his helm of invisibility and shifted through the ether to the surface. When he arrived they were already in a heated battle. He hadn't known what he would do before leaving. But he couldn't just sit and do nothing. She would not be happy to see him but the thought of her dying tore at him. So he stood and watched from the trees. While he was invisible, if he got too close he risked her sensing him. From this distance it was hard to see her in the rumbled mass of fighting. Minutes went by as his eyes searched for her. Then he saw what he most dreaded, Kore being dragged back through the mass with a spear protruding from her gut. His heart dropped and he rushed forward from the tree line but before he could reach her, a presence surrounded her. Hades' slowed his advance, still wearing his helmet of invisibility. Only ancient deities like Gaia could manifest their spirit forms like the one he was witnessing. 

He had watched as the form, invisible to mortals, gently held Kore's head and whispered into her ear. He had stood in awe as he witnessed Kore get up, pull the spear from her body, and embrace her immortal powers. Even from a distance he felt the darkness swirl around her. Like a happy pup circling it's mother. She dispatched the wayward King with ease, her godly form on full display. He had seen part of it when she had the incident at his sparring ring, but now, he could see her full form. She was magnificent and he couldn't help but feel aroused by her. Even at this inopportune time. The way her power flowed around her. She moved so gracefully as the darkness ebbed and flowed. He felt exhilarated seeing her like this. And alive. The Fates were wrong. She had returned...and lived.

He then watched as the Spartans kneeled before chanting out in her favor. His heart sank as she embraced a tall man with dark features like hers. It must be her Father. Sadness and jealously coursed through him. Was he hoping they would fear and reject her so she would turn to him? No, that was a horrible and petty thought. One that his Brother would have. He had to let her go. She had embraced her birthright. Saved her people. And they still embraced her without question. He realized then what he did not before; the Spartans gave her stability and family. He watched as they crowded around her cheering. Understanding now why she referred to them as her brothers. He was envious as he watched their comradery. As her Father looked at her with pride. Loneliness overtook any jealously. He couldn't complete with this. He was a moody and misunderstood King. He couldn't give her a large family. A community of like-minding people with laughter and happiness. She was not wooed by title or riches, the extent of what he could offer her.

Hera was right in that she was better than him. Hera was wrong in that he could make himself good enough. "Goodbye Goddess of War" he spoke into the breeze as he used the ether to return to the Underworld.


Once again Hades found himself slumped on his throne. This time he was holding court when Thanatos barged in looking flustered. "Hades" he almost jogged to the throne "may I speak to you in private?" Hades couldn't muster an argument so he waived everyone out of he room. "What" he snipped out. "Something is wrong. I cannot find Sisyphus' shade", the God of Death continued as he paced. "What do you mean you cannot find him, keep looking. He will show up eventually. And aren't you are a psychopomp". Thanatos stopped and turned to Hades, "No, I had found him. I put him on Charon's boat but somehow during crossing he escaped. Charon doesn't know where he is either". Hades flicked his eyes from the floor to the god before him, "then he must of gotten off the boat and been dragged to the bottom of the Styx". Thanatos shook his head "but without Charon knowing? Something is off. It feels...distorted." 

Hades leaned back remembering his conversation with Hera. "Consult with Hecate. Hera mentioned Sisyphus kidnapping one of her priestesses to try to gain immortality. Clearly that didn't happen but maybe he is using some other magic to evade you." Thanatos nodded and retreated. Hades stood and descended the dais. This was unusual to say the least. Once on Charon's boat it was either to the other side, the depths of the Styx, or Cerberus' jaws. And Charon always knew which. However even if the shade escaped, it could cause little physical danger to the mortals. He summoned a daemon, "send for Hecate please. Tell her I will be in the library". The daemon was unfamiliar to him but he thought nothing of it as it bowed and scurried out of the room. 

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