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They walked the short path to the stables discussing the types of horses, and other animals, in the underworld. She seemed curious about animal shades and how they existed here. He loved that she was genuinely curious about how things worked in his kingdom. Really, nobody else ever was. As they entered the stable area several horses trotted up to the gate. "You fence them in? Will they run away if you don't?" She asked as she was met by a dozen curious muzzles all vying for her attention. "I use to let them roam free but they would eat and trample the gardens...and the occasional daemon groundskeeper, so now I keep them fenced in." She laughed and somehow his heart lifted even more. 

He called two of his calmest horses over and watched with delight as she fearlessly took one and swung her leg over. He hadn't ridden his horses in a few days and could tell they were restless. "Want to run them along the beach?" He called over to her. She had been petting her horse since she got on and her smile grew mischievous at his question. "Absolutely!" As if knowing, both horses took off towards the direction of the Styx. The horses were restless indeed and once their hooves touched the sand and foam of the beach they delighted in the run. "This is the river Styx. It's the biggest river of the underworld and encircles it seven times. It's also the safest river here." He yelled to her over the slapping of hooves against the wet sands below them. 

"It's beautiful!" She shouted back. She's beautiful he thought. He had let her horse take a small lead so he could watch her in a less obvious manner. She smiled brightly as her hair flowed behind her. The dull light of the underworld somehow making her glow. He always prided himself on being able to control his more primal urges better than his two philandering brothers, but the way the dark green silk clung to her body in the wind shook him. Her tunic had hitched up her thighs exposing her long muscular legs and olive skin. He needed to get control of himself so he brought his horse alongside hers to avoid further visual inspections. She proved to be ever bit the horseman he suspected her to be. After a long run the horses tired and they slowed to a walk. 

"What did you mean that the Styx is the safest river?" She asked of his earlier comment. He wanted to warn her of the dangers of the Underworld without scaring her of it. Although he was starting to wonder if anything scared this goddess. "Well there's the Acheron. That's the one you came in on and how Charon transports the shades to the Underworld. It's called the river of pain because usually when shades are on it they are in terrible emotional pain having just passed from their mortal bodies. The reason it's dangerous is that sometimes distraught shades will jump off Charon's boat in an attempt to leave the underworld. When that happens they become trapped in the water. If you get too close they can pull you under. It's often also referred to as the Styx because it flows into the Acheron, but the two are indeed different." She nodded her head, deep in thought, but did not seemed disturbed so he continued. "The river Leathe is the river of forgetfulness. After shades have cleared their souls, they may drink from the Leathe and be reborn again. Hypnos also uses the Leathe to create some sleeping potions." He thought back to Minthe's attempt to give Kore the poisoned wine at dinner. Still angry at himself for allowing her to be put in danger but tried not to let the thought sour his mood. "Then there's the Phlegethon, that's the river of fire that flows in Tartarus". 

She looked at him puzzled. "Wait so the river water is on fire, or it's an actual river of fire?" A sharp laugh escaped him, of all the things he was showing her, that was what caught her attention. "You know, I don't really know. It's existed long before I came here. If I had to guess I think it's a river of lava but there's no way of getting close enough to know for sure." She hummed to herself in thought. "Finally, there's the Cocytus, the river of wailing. It's actually more like a stream but it runs through the Fields of Mourning."

"Wait, what about Oceanus?" She asked him inquisitively. "Ahhh." He smiled. "Oceanus is not an Underworld river. While it's the Eastern boundary of the underworld it is actually part of Poseidon's Kingdom. Not mine." She was clever and her thirst for knowledge thrilled him. Clearly she had been reading much in the library. He led the horses to the top of a steep hill. As they crested the top he heard her take a sharp inhale as she took in the entire horizon of the underworld. "From here, you can see the main areas of the underworld." He stopped his horse next to hers and pointed. "Below us are the Asphodel Meadows where the shades of most people end up. People who lived either unremarkable lives or who only did small bad deeds but also did some good deeds which balanced them out to even." He moved to point further up the horizon. "Those are the fields of mourning, where the shades of people who cannot let go of the living or whom need to cleanse their soul go until they are ready to drink from the Lethe or enter the Asphodel Meadows. To the west..." He now pointed to the large dark jagged mountain, "is Tartarus. While you have freedom to go anywhere while you are here, you must never enter Tartarus without me. Only the most violent and unrepeatable creatures reside there." She looked at the looming mountain silently. "There are two more places of importance here, but I need to show them to you." He looked at her and winked. "Oh" She said grinning with interest. "Well, lead the way."

"Well then, how about a race to the bottom of the hill!" He said as he singled his horse to a gallop. He heard her laughing behind him as she yelled, "cheater!" It was the first time he had been called a cheater, but it couldn't have made him happier. 

They raced down the mountain and while he wished he could say he let her win, she was a skilled horseman and allowed her horse to gallop at full speed. They tied as they came to the grass valley below the hill. They slowed to a trot as both where consumed with laughter. It was the first time he laughed hard, truly laughed since...well he couldn't remember. As their laughter subsided and they headed back to the stables a familiar three-gated rumble made the horses jig anxiously. Oh no. "We should walk them by hand from here." He instructed as he slid off his horse. He watched her look at him quizzically before also sliding down. Once her feet touched the ground, she too felt the pounding rhythm. Before Hades could explain further six floppy ears appeared over the hill they had just descended. "It's okay!" Hades called over to her as she turned and froze in shock at the sight of a massive three headed black dog bounding down the hill at them. 

The two horses nickered and bolted to the stables before either rider could calm them. The mountain of a dog was about to chase the two geldings playfully when he saw Kore, then proceeded directly to her not slowing at all. "Down!" Hades yelled to the dog to no avail. Hades watched in horror as all three heads aimed their ferocious teeth at the small goodness standing in their path. Then he watched as Kore lifted her hand in a halt motion. All at once the hound of hell skidded to a stop, it's middle head only a few feet from Kore's hand. The two regarded creatures each other for a moment before Kore slowly flipped her hand over and allowed the hound to smell her palm. Hades watched in shock as a smile crept up the sides of her mouth before she started petting and scratching the massive black head that had just moments ago been snarling at her. 

"Oh and who is this handsome boy?" She cooed as now the two other heads vied for her attention. Some guardian of the underworld, Hades chuckled to himself. "This is Cerberus, guardian of the underworld." Hades announced proudly as the dog unceremoniously flopped to his back demanding belly rubs from the small goddess. "You named your dog, spot?" She asked with humor in her voice. "Well, to be fair when he was a puppy he had dapples on his haunches. And...well you try naming a three headed dog." He joked. Kore was now laughing as Cerberus' heads each fought for her attention. He had never seen the hound warm so quickly to someone. Even with Hades it took years before the dog would allow him to scratch his belly. Just another underworld god falling for this young goddess. 

"Ok Cerberus, give her a break why don't you." He lightly scolded the over excited hound. "He's delightful! I can't believe I am just meeting him!" She proclaimed. He smiled warmly as Cerberus adjusted his size down to be Kore's high. "And so talented!' She again cooed to the hound of hell who basked in her praise. "Cerberus guards the shores of the underworld. He protects the entrance from unwanted visitors or from shades trying to escape. Despite this...display." He motioned at Cerberus barking and wagging his tail as he trotted around Kore playfully. "He is a deadly and feared opponent." Cerberus look at him and seemed to huff at his remark before returning his focus on Kore. 

"A most fearsome protector indeed!" She said scratching behind his ears. "I will sleep better knowing this handsome fellow is keeping us safe" She purred. The hell hound almost looked, smug? This goddess is bewitching to god and animal alike. Hades smiled as he watched her pet and praise Cerberus. How incredible that she came into his life and blended in with such ease. He wondered if he could convince her to stay in the underworld. What she was hiding? Surely whatever it was, it wouldn't change his growing feelings for her. Although what could he offer her? She was not a creature of possessions or luxury. He doubted riches and a crown could woo her. She dusted her silk dress off and stood to face Hades. Still smiling from petting Cerberus who now stood protectively next to her. "Everything alright?" She asked noticing he hadn't spoken in several moments. 

"Most assuredly goddess." He nodded. He had to make a plan, and fast.

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