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"The market vendors are rising their prices on grain and if we do not release the reserves, the price will go up ten-fold by harvest's end!" one of the Senators proclaimed. Kore shifted her formal tunic to cover her knee. She found the Senate hearings tedious, but her Father insisted she attend as his representation. Sparta had formed a new way of rule known as a Republic. In a break with previous dictatorships, power was separated between the King and the Senate. As the King's Daughter, Kore represented her Father when the Senate met. She would rather be on the battlefield or riding her horse, but her Father insisted she put her negotiation skills and diplomacy to use. Another Senator, Lycurgus, was now arguing that the grain reserves should only be released in times of famine which he argued they are not. Kore listened on before finally rising her hand to silence the two arguing men, both at least three times her senior in age. "Brothers, The King recognizes the price of grain is increasing. But releasing the reserves is only a temporary fix. We must speak of the real issue behind this. The growing conflict with the Ephyrians" she interjected.

"Urmph" grumbled one of the men. "Of course the King seeks war. He is a military man and that is his answer for everything. When you are a hammer, all you see are nails" the other Senator spat. Kore felt her blood boil. The only thing that could raise her temper was someone disrespecting her Father. She stepped away from the two men and turned to face the majority of the senate seated in the white marble auditorium. She raised her arms to get their attention, "and what would you call the sinking of trade vessels and the conquest of innocent cities, my Brothers? An olive branch?" Her voice echoed in the great hall. Though young, her past few years as representative in the Senate had finally earned her some respect. But it doesn't always mean agreement. The two Senator's returned to their seats to give her the floor alone. With the full assembly's attention, she continued, "I understand the Senate is reluctant to go to war. However, King Sisyphus' actions cannot be ignored. He is demanding the conquest of peaceful kingdoms. Likens himself to a God. And now, is demanding Sparta declare allegiance with him! We must act now, before he gains more power, and stop him before his army is standing on our doorstep demanding not just our allegiance, but our lives". She looked at the sea of men. Some looking dismissive, others paying polite attention, and only a couple nodding in agreement.

Finally, a voice broke, "Thank you, Prinkípissa, for your words. We will adjourn for today and contemplate further actions". It was Senator Routkin, only of the few young Senators and a friend of Kore's from the childhood. She nodded and turned to leave. As she stepped into the daylight of the city she heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning she saw Routkin jogging up to her. "Great words of the floor today. They needed to hear that" he smiled as he slowed his jog to walk next to her. "Thank you for your kind words, friend. But I doubt it will change their minds" she sighed. Unable to hide the annoyance in her voice. Routkin chuckled, "asking the Senate to change it's mind is like teaching a donkey to write". At that, she couldn't help but laugh. He always lifted her mood. Even when they were children in army training, Routkin had a way of lightening any mood. He raised morale until one day in practice a shield collided with his knee severely injuring him. It took months to heal and never enough to train again. He walked with a limp which on cold days got worse. But he was bright and well-read, so Kore's Father named him to the Senate. Since then, he has been one of the King's strongest supporters in the Senate. A debt to the King often brought up by other Senator's when Routkin was first appointed.

"Is it true that Sisyphus killed his Brother Salmoneus over a petty feud?" Routkin's question broke her thoughts. She frowned, "That's what we have heard. Salmoneus seems to have been the only voice of reason in his court. Now that he's gone, we believe it's only a matter of time before Sisuphus starts invading other lands. There are even rumors of him violating xenia but I don't know how true they are". She looked at Routkin's face as he walked. Looking forward, his brow furrowed, "Killing foreign guests in his palace would draw the ire of Zeus himself. Surely we would have known if that happened" while he spoke his voice seemed to lose confidence. 

Kore stopped walking and turned to face her friend, "Sisyphus has also compared himself to the Gods and suffered no consequence. Zeus' non-action does not mean it has not occurred. Please, I know I ask much of you, but we must be ready to declare war if need be. This is a danger we cannot ignore. The other senators think that we are too far away for Sisyphus to care about us. This is fallacy, dangerous and short-sighted. We are the only other great army that could defeat his. He also fears our Republic and our free state. He will use our unwillingness to pledge allegiance as an excuse to declare us the enemy...and he will come for us. You must try to persuade the others to see this danger". She pled as she looked up at Routkin. His dark features taking in her words. Then softening. "Of course I will try but I can promise nothing". He continued looking at her before adding "remember, like a donkey" he winked as he proceeded to turn and head back to the Senate. She smiled and resumed her walk to the palace.

She knew Routkin had feelings for her beyond friendship and she returned them to a certain extent. But neither acted on it. Hers were more like that of a close friend. Routkin was handsome, tall with dark features. He never struggled with attention from women but somehow Kore knew it wasn't the right fit long term and that any action could damage their friendship. So for years it's only been harmless flirting. As she climbed the steps to the palace she heard her father's voice from the courtyard. As she entered she saw he was meeting with two of his advisors, Nabis and Menelaus. Both nodded in acknowledgement when she entered the room. "Ah, Daughter. How did it go with the Senate" he asked with a warm smile, already knowing the answer. "They remain stubborn. Unwilling to consider war, they would rather deplete our grain reserves to ensure low market prices for a few months than acknowledge the issues with Ephyra" she rolled her eyes in annoyance as she sat next to her Father. He barked out a sharp laugh, "well Daughter, you have more patience than I to try to reason with those old men. Thank you for trying" he patted her shoulder in approval. "This is ridiculous" Nabis huffed out, "will the Senate declare war on Sisyphus when his army is marching through our gates and raping our women or will they just hand him over the keys and thank him!" Kore respected Nabis. He was a great warrior and on the battlefield he was the one you wanted to fight next to. However, he lacked any patience or refinement. Often blurting out whatever he was thinking. Hence why he never appeared at the Senate. 

She looked to her Father again. He looked tired. She knew the huge weight on his shoulders as he sighed, rising from his seat, "Agreed. We must continue to monitor this situation in Ephyra but without the Senate's approval we cannot put the army on notice". It was then an idea struck her, "Father, perhaps if the Senators saw the threat Sisyphus creates first hand, that will change their minds" she spoke as the plan was coming to her. 

"How" Nabis asked. "What if we send some of the Senators as ambassadors to Ephyra as a peacekeeping voyage", she looked at her Father who was deep in thought. "Hmmm, that could work. If they see the King's rule first-hand, that might do the trick" he stroked his short black beard as his spoke. "Yes, yes I think that's worth a try. Kore, tomorrow when the Senate reconvenes tell them I request they send four Senators to accompany a small group to Ephyra to speak to the King about the trade issues" he added smiling at her, "Fates willing they we see the wolf outside our door". 

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