Cthonic Goddess

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Persephone felt alive. More than that...she felt invincible. She screamed as she charged towards the group of Ephyan soldiers who had encircled Hades and Sisyphus. She saw the fear in their eyes as her sword swung precisely and mercilessly. The darkness a never ending source of power and...death. Her father fought next to her. After so many years of fighting next to him she knew his technique. But now, she could sense his next two moves before he even thought them. They fought in tandem as if they were dancing. She ducked to allow his sword to swing over her head and into an enemy helmet as she cleaved her own through the calf of another. It was as graceful as it was gruesome but it was not getting them closer to the tyrant king as more Ephyan soldiers came between them. 

"Daughter!" Her Father called out. She looked over to see him holding his shield flat, parallel to the ground. She bolted towards him covering the short distance in only two strides and launched herself up onto the shield. At the same time her father pushed the shield up with all his might sending her up and over the remaining soldiers that had stood between them and Hades. Time slowed as she flew through the air. From this height she could see Sisyphus standing next to Hades, now looking up at her in disbelief. As she started descending she reversed the grip on her sword and pointed it down. Both hands locked onto it's grip. She felt her crimson cape floating in the air behind her. She willed the darkness to hold the tyrant king in place. She wasn't sure if it worked or if he had just been to slow to respond, but as she landed her blade pierced the top of his fat shoulder and sunk down to the hilt. 

Sisyphus roared in pain and staggered back. Persephone held her grip and watched as he backed away, effectively pulling the sword from him. The blade stained with his blood. However his blood was not a normal color. It was a light pink with a goldish shine. Almost as if it was half blood, half icor. "You stupid Spartan bitch!" He screamed at her as he summoned two soldiers between them. "I am immortal now! You are too late. This kingdom, this power, it's mine!" He sneered at her as he continued to back away. 

"Then why are you retreating?" She smiled at him. Rage clouded his face, "kill him!" He shouted to the two soldiers. It was a moment before she knew which "him" he meant. She then saw two soldiers run towards Hades while Sisyphus turned and fled. She could deal with him later. She threw her arm out and watched as the darkness collided with the two men and sent them flying. She ran over to Hades. 

He was in a bad condition. There was so much icor she could not tell where it was all coming from. "Hades!" she pleaded over the roar of battle. His eyes flickered open for a moment, glassy and unfocused, before shutting again. Panic overtook her and she grabbed at the tight chains binding him. She rolled him over looking for the lock but there was nothing. No break in the chains. They were tightly wrapped around him with no means to remove obvious. But how. She shook him again, "Hades! How do I remove the chains!?" but he remained motionless. "Please, please hang on" she cried as she leaned down and kissed his lips. They were cool, but not cold. She could feel a shallow heartbeat in his chest and a brief flicker of happiness from him. Did he know she was there?

She broke their kiss and looked around. She had to find Sisyphus and make him break the chains. She saw a Ephyan solider running towards her, his sword drawn, screaming in rage. She rose to her feet and drew her own but before she could make contact a giant club impacted the man's side and sent him flying through the air. "Acrelous!" she cried out in joy as the large cyclops came into view. With ease he swung the large club over his shoulder and bowed to her, "Goddess, while it is always a pleasure to see you, none so much as today!" he exclaimed. "I feel the same! Can you remove the chains" she switched from joy back to concern as the cyclopes looked at Hades. "I cannot, Goddess. Only another weapon of the gods can break them" he replied with a look of despair. "Do you know where Hecate is, does she have one?" Again the cyclops shook his head, "I believe she is trapped in Tartarus but even if we did reach her, she does not posses one." She sunk to her knees beside Hades and placed her hand under his himation and over his heart. It felt week and his skin was sticky with a mix of old and fresh icor. "Doesn't Hades have one, his bident! He told me about it" she remembered excitedly. Acrelous smiled sadly, "he's shared much with you. And yes that is a weapon of the gods but Hades usually keeps it in the ether for safe keeping and only he can summon it back". Tears of disappointment and frustration welled in the corners of her eyes but she fought to keep them from falling. Now was not the time. 

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