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Hades found himself in his chambers looking between two himations. One grey, one black. The black seems too...hard. Too intimidating. The grey was softer but did it make his already pale skin look too pale? Never before had he contemplated such trivial things as his garments but never before had he been trying to win over a goddess like Persephone. The black it is. 

He promised her at the volcano they would discuss what had happened that morning. That morning...what a glorious time that was. He bared his soul to her. All his damage. And instead of rejecting him or pushing him away she embraced him. That kiss was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. So unlike... the others. They paled in comparison to her. Her touch set him ablaze. Her skin. The soft moans she made as she sat on his lap. He took a deep breath trying to clam the growing need mounting just from thinking of that brief encounter. It took all his strength to hold back his darkness and when she reached out for it. Well, he was almost a goner. A lesser man would have let it happen. But she didn't know the full ramifications of binding with another god. Or did she? 

It all happened so fast and then they were interrupted. Part of him was annoyed by Hecate barging in. He saw the flash of embarrassment across Persephone's face when he stopped her. It also didn't go unnoticed that she had avoided him ever since. The other part of him was thankful for it. He needed to think about this conversation. How he would explain things to her so as to not scare her off. And when she was sitting in his lap, her honeyed eyes full of lust, her hair messed from his hands, and her lips swollen from kissing...he was powerless to stop her. Fates she could command him to destroy the underworld and he would. The power she had over him scared him at one point, but now...she could have overtaken his kingdom. Or started a war with Poseidon. Or let him die. But she didn't. She protected the Underworld and him over herself. 

She still could reject him. To fulfill only her mandatory duties to Tartarus and remain in Sparta. It would break his heart but he would still be able to see her and that would have to be enough for him. He regarded himself in the mirror. Yes, the black was the best choice. He added a few drops of sandalwood oil to his chest, fixed his hair again, and sighed. He supposed his was handsome. Especially in his younger days but now time had aged him. Although nowhere near like how the mortals aged. Nevertheless the stress of the Titanomachy, his family, and the underworld had taken its toll on him. His once bright green eyes had dulled over time. Age appeared on his face. Especially his forehead. He was tall and still muscular, but his torso was marred by scars. He was gruff, misunderstood, and feared. She deserved better than him but he would spend the rest of his days giving her his everything...if she would take it. 

Satisfied with his appearances, or sullen there was nothing more he could do to enhance it, he left his chamber for Persephone's room. After they had returned from the volcano he had to attend court to address some souls who had waited judgement too long in his absence. It was now late day in the underworld and he was anxious to see the goddess that haunted his thoughts. 

As he approached the doors to her chambers he was hit with her scent. Every interaction, every touch, made his body hyper aware of her. Even now he felt intoxicated by her presence. He steeled himself and willed away his more primal urges. Knocking twice we was met with a soft "enter". As he entered her room he saw her sitting in front of the fireplace, a scroll in her lap and Cerberus curled at her feet sleeping. With anyone else he would be annoyed at the hound of hell for neglecting his post but he understood the warmth of just existing in her presence. "May I join you?" he asked motioning to the chair across from hers. She smiled, albeit reserved, and nodded. "Of course, this is your home" she replied settling back into her chair. Did he detect a hint of nervousness in her voice?  

"I want to explain my reaction earlier" he spoke as he sat in the chair across from her. At once he saw her stiffen and hints of red spread across her cheeks. "There is no need. I apologize for my actions. I don..." she started speaking before he stopped her with one word. "Please." She looked at him for a moment before casting her eyes down to Cerberus who remained curled at her feet but now with one eye cautiously watching him. He could sense her unease and wanted to fix it fast. "Goddess, I know you have not been raised among the immortals. So our...customs and standards are new to you." He was trying to be thoughtful of his wording. He didn't want to scare her off but she needed to know what it would mean for her to be with him. For him to claim her as an immortal King. 

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