Unwanted Attention

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Kore checked her cloak one more time. Adjusting the thick strap under her armpit which kept her cape and sword across her back. After the return of Senator Lycurgus the senate had agreed to send part of the Spartan army to confront the Tyrant King Sisyphus in the Northern city of Patrae. The most direct route between Sparta and Ephyra was separated by a wide channel. The main hub for trade, it consisted of two ports. To the North was the Ephyra port city of Naupaktos. On the southern Spartan side was Patrae. Recently Sisyphus had been embargoing trade ships from docking at the port of Naupaktos. This was one of the reasons for the grain shortages in Sparta. However within the past few days, reports of Sisyphus's men in the Patrae city surfaced. Not only could they confront Sisyphus's men at Patrae but it was also imperative that the Spartan's protect this port. Sisyphus had yet to cross the channel with his army to the southern lands and the Spartan King was determined to make sure he didn't.

As the small army traveled the long journey North, Kore had time to think. Waves of guilt washed over her. It was her idea to send the Senator's to Ephyra. She sent them to their deaths. She sent one of her closest friend's to his death. It gnawed at her. In the days after his death she had busied herself to distract her mind. But now, as they travel on horseback North, she had few distractions. "Ha, very true! Right Kore?" Her name spoken broke her unwanted thoughts. "Oh, yes. Surely Sisyphus has no more than 200 men in Patrae from what we have heard" she replied to two soldiers riding next to her. Now only the distraction of battle could ease the guilt rotting her stomach.

They camped several times along the way. Spartans live minimalist lives so sleeping on the ground did not bother Kore. The few times she found solace it was during their campfire chats. Her brothers would regale each other with stories of war or playful ribbing. The comradery made her feel at home. It lessened but never fully relived the guilt. 

Two days into the trip Kore felt a presence. As if someone was watching them. It didn't feel threatening but it put her on alert. That night as they made camp she volunteered for several watch shifts. As an immortal she did not require sleep as often as mortals. She often volunteers for watch shifts during battle to allow her brother's the sleep they needed much more than she. 

There, she felt it. That presence. She stood and stepped over some sleeping soldiers towards the edge of their camp. They had settled in a grove of cypress trees. Seeking as much cover as they could find. She paused and listened. No sound. No movement. Yet she still felt someone there. After several minutes she decided to be bold and stepped fully out of the cypress grove and onto the dirt road. If someone was there, perhaps she could draw them out this way. But still nothing. No Sound and no movement. "Cowards" she snarled in annoyance as she turned and proceeded back towards camp. Perhaps a spy. Unless, there was a god who felt her access her powers on the road outside Sparta. But why lurk in the shadows for several days? No, a god wouldn't have the patience or interest for that. They would have confronted her by now. This, perhaps a tail. Or perhaps she was losing my mind. 


Thanatos sat at the foot of a large cypress tree watching this peculiar goddess. After his conversation with the Ferryman, curiosity got the best of him and he went in search of the god that has created the tremors in the Underworld. Typically, only gods born to a realm can influence it. New life was rarely created in the underworld and when it was everyone knew about it. So who was this being that they sensed? Must have been a demi-god with a moral parent, but to have that much power so as to influence the underworld from above? The Ferryman was frustratingly vague but Thanatos suspected he knew more than he would admit.

He was a psychopomp, a god who helps guide the dead shades to the underworld. Shortly after the tremors he was guiding the shades of several recently murdered Spartan Senators from the city of Ephyra. Suspecting a violation of xenia, he asked them how they died. His suspicions were confirmed when the Senators told the story of their meeting with King Sisyphus. Rumor abounded that Sisyphus had the favor of Zeus but to be allowed to break xenia without punishment? An interesting development indeed. However, the Olympians were lazy and gluttonous. He wasn't too shocked to hear Zeus was slacking on his duties. What did surprise him was one of the Senator's comments to the others. A young fellow, tall and handsome by all standards. He chastised the two older ones, "Kore was right. You failed her, you failed yourselves, and worst yet you failed all of Sparta for not taking this threat seriously". The other two looked at the ground as they walked, still following Thanatos. "Even though you are undeserving, I have no doubt that she will avenge your deaths." The young man added sadly. 

Thanatos stopped and turned to face the three broken Spartan men. He never minded the Spartans for they did not fear death. Death on the battlefield was a glorious honor for them and while other mortals ran from him, begged for their lives, or threatened him to be returned to the living, the Spartans usually just followed him without issue. Perhaps it was this tolerance for their kind, or maybe just a sense, but the psychopomp looked at the youngest man. "Tell me about this fair maiden who both negotiates with politicians and wages war in vengeance." The young man froze and looked at him not out of shock or fear, but out of skepticism. It was obvious this shade had great affection for this women. "I mean her no harm. I don't interfere in the lives of living mortals, but I admit, I am curious about such a talented creature." He added trying to assuage the young man's suspicions. Finally the young shade spoke, "She is the daughter of the King of Sparta."

Interesting, he thought. He could tell the Spartans would not give him much more so he let it be and guided them to the courts of the underworld for judgement. All seemed to be of good moral character, but deciding their final destination was not his job so he returned to the mortal world.

As a psychopomp Thanatos could come and go between realms at will. He preferred collecting the shades of newly dead at night so he could travel under darkness undetected. On this night, for some reason, his thoughts kept drifting back to the girl from Sparta. Subconsciously he made his way south to the city of warriors. It was on his way that he noticed a procession of Spartans headed north. Their crimson capes the tell tail sign of their origin even in the dark. Perhaps this group is responding to the death of the murdered Senators? He decided to watch them from a distance. Determined to overhear some campfire gossip about Sisyphus or this interesting girl. As an underworld God, he could hide in the shadows so mortals could not see him. However, he could not get too close or move or else they would notice his movement. He waited in a cypress grove on the other side of the road from theirs. From here he could make out their conversations without being detected. No helpful chatter was heard. Just war stories and useless mortal banter. 

He was getting ready to leave to collect shades when he saw a woman walking through the camp. She was tall with dark hair. She also wore the crimson red cape of a warrior. How odd, was this her? He watched as she weaved her way through the cypress trees, scanning the perimeter. He was too well hidden in the shadows to be seen but as her eyes scanned the area, they stopped on him. Impossible! He froze. Could she sense him? Finally, she moved on and continued scanning the rest of the road. He knew she had not seen or heard him. That only leaves on option, if she was a demi-god she might be able to sense his presence. He waited but instead of leaving, he saw the girl take several determined steps out of their tree line and onto the open road. Ahhh, this one was brave or foolish he thought. Outside the coverage of the cypress and in the light of the full moon he could see her better. She was tall and had the gold armbands of a seasoned warrior. However, she looked young, perhaps twenty. Her thick dark hair hung to her lower back. She had almond shaped eyes and full lips. She wore a short white tunic under her crimson cape. Her sword strapped to her back. While she was skinny, perhaps malnourished, she was beautiful. Too beautiful to be mortal, she must be a demi-god. He was sure this was the Kore the Senator spoke of. 

Again her gaze zeroed in on him for a moment. She could definitely sense him. Who was she? Why was she living among these mortals? Did they know what she was? He was about to present himself to her when she muttered something before turning and walk back to her camp. A smile formed on his face. Ha! He thought, in all his years nobody had every called him a coward. He liked this girl from Sparta. 

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